Laura C. Sarzetti, Jorge F. Genise, M. Victoria Sánchez, Juan L. Farina, M. Alejandra Molina
Journal of Hymenoptera Research
Figures 30–37.Cadeguala albopilosa (Spinola, 1851). 30 General view of the nest site at Bahia Mansa, Parque Nacional Los Alerces (Chubut province) 31 tumulusof unconsolidated soil32 two main tunnels and longitudinal view of the soil containing a thin ash layer 33 a pair of cells with provisions, necks and lateral tunnels, scale line: 1 cm 34 remains of cells of other nest, scale line: 1 cm 35–36 tomography images of one block of soil containing Cadeguala albopilosa nests, arrows indicate cells 37 3D-reconstruction of one nest and isolate cells.
Laura C. Sarzetti, Jorge F. Genise, M. Victoria Sánchez, Juan L. Farina, M. Alejandra Molina
Journal of Hymenoptera Research
Figures 19–23.19 Nest architecture of Ptiloglossa tarsata (Friese, 1900). 20 Cell with provisions and egg, cell neck, spiral closure, and entrance tunnel of Ptiloglossa tarsata 21 Nest architecture of Ptiloglossa matutina (Schrottky, 1904) 22 Nest architecture of Cadeguala albopilosa (Spinola, 1851) 23 Cell with provisions and egg, cell neck, location of the cell closure and entrance tunnel of Cadeguala albopilosa.