provided by Rotifers of the World
Australis, Segers (1995) probably cosmopolitan
Palaearctis, Segers (1995) probably cosmopolitan
Afrotropis, Segers (1995) probably cosmopolitan
Orientalis, Segers (1995) probably cosmopolitan
Collection specimen
provided by Rotifers of the World
Non-type voucher specimen for Lecane pumila (Rousselet, 1906)
Catalog number: 0823
Collection: Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA
Prepared by: Carlin, B
Sex/stage/structure: female
Preparation: Slide Preparation; Formalin-Glycerine, paraffin sealant (?), ringed with nail polish varnish?
Specimen Count: 1
Collection specimen
provided by Rotifers of the World
Non-type voucher specimen for Lecane pumila (Rousselet, 1906)
Catalog number: 0566
Collection: Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA
Prepared by: Myers, F J
Sex/stage/structure: females
Preparation: Slide Preparation
Specimen Count: 2