Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harmaclona natalensis Bradley
Harmaclona natalensis Bradley, 1953b:767.—Janse, 1968:95.—Viette, 1990:25.
Harmaclona notalensis [sic] Bradley, 1956:132.
MALE.—Forewing length 10–14 mm.
Head: Mostly white, irrorated with subapically dark brown to fuscous-banded scales; scales mostly with 3 or 4 dentate apices. Antenna 50–59-segmented, 0.33–0.39 the length of forewing; vestiture and structure as described for H. hilethera; flagellum without spherical sensory cavities. Labial palpus as in H. hilethera but more heavily irrorated with dark brown to fuscous.
Thorax: Similar to H. hilethera but with darker irroration. Forewing generally light to dark gray, lightly irrorated with brownish fuscous, often with faint, longitudinal bands of alternating predominantly white or pale golden brown between major veins; the latter usually associated with thin lines of mostly fuscous scales following most of the length of the subcostal, medial, and anal veins, with the former two often faintly forked and fading before the termen; subterminal area mostly white lightly irrorated with brown, with an irregular, partially interrupted, dark brown band from apex to tornus; most scales of band faintly irrorated with white apices; termen with a predominantly brownish fuscous border from mostly white apex to mostly white tornus; outer scales of termen generally paler, with equal mixture of grayish white to brownish fuscous scales. Hindwing mostly pale golden brown, slightly transparent, with a narrow band of darker brown scales bordering entire outer margin; outermost fringe pale buff to nearly white. Legs as described for subfamily; tarsi mostly brownish fuscous, lightly irrorated with light brown to white.
Abdomen: As described for H. cossidella.
FEMALE (Figure 150).—Forewing length 12.6–18 mm.
Head: Similar to male in color. Antenna 58–65-segmented, similar to male except flagellum filiform and with much shorter sensilla that are less than the diameter of flagellomere in length.
Thorax: Similar to male in pattern; frenulum consisting of two slender bristles.
Abdomen: Similar to male in color except with long pale brownish scales over A7.
MALE GENITALIA (Figures 271–276).—Anterior margin slightly concave on either side of relatively short saccus, the latter ~0.25 the length of valva. Apotheca well developed, nearly 0.8 the length of valva. Valva (Figure 273) similar to that of H. hilethera but with dorsal lobe broader and not tapered until rounded apex; ventral lobe with broadly tapered apex, ~1.2× the width at base and 0.85× as long as dorsal lobe. Anellus a relatively broad, short cone, without caudal arms. Aedoeagus with reduced basal keel ~0.15 the length of entire aedoeagus; apex broad, with a short pair of slender, lateral processes (Figure 276); lateral subapical margins of phallotreme with a row of 3 or 4 minute spines.
FEMALE GENITALIA (Figures 339–341).—Caudal margin of ostium slightly convex with a minute median indentation. Antrum composed of two distinct sections, a broader, nearly quadrate portion caudally that abruptly narrows slightly to a more elongate section that gradually tapers anteriorly. Ductus bursae slender, elongate, ~0.7 the length of anterior apophyses; spicules absent. Corpus bursae elliptical, with an elongate, spicate signum bearing 8–14 variable, stout spines.
HOLOTYPE.—; SOUTH AFRICA: Umkomaas, Natal, (BMNH).
FLIGHT PERIOD.—Adults have been collected over much of the year from November through May, with a notable absence from June to October.
DISTRIBUTION (Map 7).—This species ranges widely through west Africa south through Angola and Tanzania to South Africa. It also occurs along the eastern escarpment of Madagascar.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—ANGOLA: 7 mi [11.3 km] W of Gabela: 1, 16–18 Mar 1972, (BMNH). CAMEROON: Fernando Poo: 1, Dec 1926–Jan 1927, J. Nicholls, (BMNH). Johann-Albrechts Höhe: 3, 1898, L. Conradt, slides BM 2217, 18647, 19326, (BMNH). Lölodorf: 1, 24 May 1995, (BMNH). GHANA: Ashanti (West Africa): 1, Jan 1910, slide BM 27887, (BMNH). GUINEA: Beyla: 1, Jul 1928, CLC, (BMNH). IVORY COAST: Bingerville: 1, 1915, G. Melou, (BMNH). MADAGASCAR: Toamasina: Route d'Anosibe [? Andasibe], km 57: 1, 16 Feb 1955, P. Viette, slide 4288, (MNHP). Station Perinet, 149 km E of Tananarivo: 1, 1, Dec 1932, N. d'Olsoufieff, slide 2722, (BMNH). Near Perinet, 910 m, Analamazoatra Forest: 1, 1, 17 Jan 1955, P. Viette, slides DRD 3725, USNM 29867, (MNHP, USNM). MOZAMBIQUE: Delagoa Bay [Lourenço Marques]: 1, Monteiro, slide BM 2218, (BMNH). PRINCIPE ISLAND: 1, 12 Dec 1932, W. Tams, slide BM 5386, (BMNH). SOUTH AFRICA: Natal: 1, (BMNH); Umkomass: 1 (holotype), 18 Jan 1914, A. Janse, slide BM 2983; 1, 12 Jan 1914, A. Janse, slide DRD 3713, (CNC); 1 (paratype), 22 Jan 1914, A. Janse, (TMP). Transkei: Port St. John: 1, 1–17 Mar 1924, R. Turner, (BMNH). TANZANIA: Amani (Mal Inst. Amani): 1, Jan, 1, 1, Apr 1965, slide BM 27888, 1, Nov, (BMNH).
- bibliographic citation
- Davis, Donald R. 1998. "A World Classification of the Harmacloninae, a New Subfamily of Tineidae (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-81.