Description: English: An Epitome of the Natural History of the insects of India and the islands in the Indian Seas Plate 1 MANTIS VIRIDIS [lapsus Mantis viridana Olivier, 1792 = Platycrana viridana (Olivier, 1792)] SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Green, thorax round, glabrous: wing-cases very short: wings pale testaceous with a green costal rib: legs simple. MANTIS VIRIDIS: thorace tereti glabro, elytris brevissimis, alis pallido-testaceis costa viridi pedibus simplicibus. PHASMA EDULE, fem. Lichtenstein in Linn. Trans. vol. 6. p. 13? Perhaps more scarce than the preceding insect. This we also received from Amboyna. Date: 23 November 2013, 19:34:46. Source: Author: Edward Donovan.