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Description. Male (holotype from Kurkulab, abdomen and most of legs are missing): Carapace 2.12 long, 2.25 wide, femur I 5.0 long, leg I/carapace length ratio 2.36. Palp as in Figs 3.3, 4.5, 5.5, 6.8, bulbus globular, basal portion of seminal duct thick; embolus very massive, fl at and short, twice shorter than the apical portion of the cymbium, opening large and clearly visible, tegular apophysis claw-like, large, located on the apical part of tegulum, extends parallel to cymbial axis, its terminal part much thinner than embolus.
Female: epigyne as in Figs 8.6, 11.1-4, lacks windows and distinct openings; median plate twice as wide as high; translucent spermathecae round, separated from median plate by more than one diameter; lateral sides of epigynal plates with “arches” clearly visible on dissected epigyne; vulva with two round spermathecae separated by one diameter and large lateral wings. Lateral arches lead to small pockets, and large wings correspond to large and deep pocket that seems to correspond to copulatory opening. It is not clear which structures of the vulva correspond to fertilization ducts, and also not clear whether the fertilization duct has accessory glands.
bibliographic citation
A survey of East Palaearctic Hersiliola Thorell, 1870 (Araneae, Hersiliidae), with a description of three new genera.
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provided by Zookeys
Distribution. Turkmenistan (Bolshoi Balkhan, Central Kopetdagh, Badghyz).
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