Fig 1: Tontonia gracillima Line drawings of protargol stained cells, showing kineties, oral structures and nuclei: a. Ventral view, indicating complex course of the girdle kinety; b. Left lateral view; c. Ventral left view, with ejected trichites (Tr) and tail
Fig 2: Tontonia gracillima Lugol's fixed cell, ventral left view
Fig 3: Tontonia gracillima Lugol's fixed cell, dorsal left view
Fig 4: Tontonia gracillima Lugol's fixed cell, ventral view, tail is lost during fixation (indentation)
Fig 5: Tontonia gracillima Lugol?s fixed and DAPI stained cell, illustrating nuclear shape
Fig 6: Tontonia gracillima Protargol stain, showing fragmented macronucleus and polykinetids. Left lateral side
Fig 7: Tontonia gracillima Protargol stain, showing fragmented macronucleus and polykinetids. Left lateral side
Fig 8: Tontonia gracillima protargol stain, ventral view
Fig 9: Tontonia gracillima Lugol's fixed cell, ventrolateral view, the tail is lost due to fixation, only the indentation is visible
Fig 10: Tontonia gracillima Lugol's fixed cell, ventrolateral view, the tail is lost due to fixation, only the indentation is visible