Comprehensive Description
provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Lophometopum leptum new species (Plate IV, figures i to 6.)
This is a really beautiful insect, due to the high polish of its dorsal surface, its delicate structure and pale brown coloration with
" It is clear that, thouj^h this armament is "type B", the decided and rapid reduction in length of the proximal heavy spines and the unusually wide spacing of the more distal chaetiform spines show some convergence toward "type A." a broad band of darker brown crossing the tegmina, when at rest, in their meso-distal portion. We know of no other species of similar coloration.
Type. — cf ; Gatun, Canal Zone, Panama. (A. H. Jennings.) [United States National Museum.]
Supplementing the generic features here given, we would note the following for this species. Interocular space approximately two-fifths as wide as that between the antennal sockets. Maxillar' palpi with third and fourth joints subequal in length, each about twice as long as interocular width, fifth joint small, enlarged, slightly over half as long as fourth joint.
Pronotum broad oval, with cephalic margin moderately flattened and caudal margin broadly flattened, showing a very feeble convexity. Tegmina very elongate, the median third with margins parallel, the sutural margin showing the greater convergence distad, the rather sharply rounded apex slightly nearer the costal margin; discoidal sectors (seven) regular. Wings moderately broad; the moderately elongate costal veins with distal half moderately enlarged, the clubs (seven) resultantly very elongate; ulnar vein with (four) complete branches, these and the discoidal and median veins connected by weak transverse veinlets; intercalated triangle over half as broad as long.
Supra-anal plate with length approximately two-fifths ]:)roximal width, triangularly produced, rectangulate emarginate distad, the apices thus formed broadly rounded and supplied with a few long hairs, as is the distal portion of the abdomen and the cerci. Cerci with (eleven) distinct joints, each with lateral margins convex, this convexity sharp proximad and distad beyond the proximal segments except in the apical segment which is slender and cylindrical; dorsal surface of cercus feebly convex, ventral surface with segments moderately convex and strongly cingulate laterad.
Concealed genitalia: the paired plate beneath the supra-anal plate is reduced, very delicate, the caudal face of each half convex; the remaining organs within the anal chamber are withdrawn and can not be seen in the type.
- bibliographic citation
- Hebard, M. 1919. The Blattidae of Panama. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 4. Philadelphia, USA