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Vellozia punctulata Seub.

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Vellozia punctulata Seubert

Vellozia punctulata Seubert in Martius, Fl. Bras., 3(1):82, 1847.—L. B. Smith, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 35:264, 1962.— Ayensu, Smithsonian Contr. Bot., 15:37, fig. 4a, pl. 44c, 1974.

TYPE.—“Mediterraneis” (probably the vicinity of São Salvador), Bahia, Brazil, Blanchet 2561 (G, holotype(?); F, photo 25079).

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type-collection.

25. Vellozia hatschbachii L. B. Smith & Ayensu, new species

A V. punctulata Seubert, cui affinis, ovario tereti, tubo epigyno magno differt.

Caudex simple, erect, 1.2 m high, ca. 15 mm in diameter (without the leaf-sheaths). Leaves many-ranked, very glutinous; sheaths very densely imbricate with almost no apical exposure; blades soon reflexed, long-persistent, very narrowly triangular, evenly long-attenuate, to 28 cm long (above the leaf-sheaths), 8 mm wide, flat, laxly serrulate, otherwise even and glabrous.

Scapes terminal, 1–3, erect, 3 cm long (above the leaf-sheaths), 1.2 mm in diameter, sulcate, glabrous.

Ovary broadly ellipsoid, 17 mm long, laxly scabrous, yellow; epigynous tube broadly subcylindric flaring at base, 8 mm long. Tepals spatulate, 6 cm long, white. Stamens ca. 36, 4 cm long including the narrow unappendaged 25 mm long phalange. Style exceeding the stamens; stigmas terminal, orbicular, reflexed.

LEAF ANATOMY.—Ayensu, Smithsonian Contr. Bot., 15:26, pls. 10a–b, 37a, 1974.

TYPE.—On rock dome, 33 km northeast of Diamantina, Mendanha, Mun. Cunha Magalhães, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 20 January 1972, L. B. Smith, Ayensu & Hatschbach (separate no. 29009) 16002 (US, holotype; MBM, isotype).

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type-collection.
bibliographic citation
Smith, Lyman B. and Ayensu, Edward S. 1976. "A Revision of American Velloziaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-172. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.30