provided by Plants of Tibet
Flowering from May to October.
Diagnostic Description
provided by Plants of Tibet
Ottelia acuminata var. acuminata is close relative of Ottelia acuminate var. crispa, but differs from the latter in its fruit triangular-conical (vs. slightly curved, fusiform), leaves not ligulate (vs. ligulate).
provided by Plants of Tibet
Ottelia acuminata is occurring in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Sichuan, Yunnan of China.
General Description
provided by Plants of Tibet
Leaves wholly submerged; petioles varying greatly in length according to depth of water; leaf blades linear to broadly cordate, base usually cordate, margin entire or minutely serrulate, apex obtuse. Flowers unisexual. Spathe with 2-6 longitudinal ribs. Male spathe with 40-50 male flowers. Sepals green. Petals white with yellow base, obcordate or obovate, 1-3.5 cm; stamens 9-12; filaments hairy; anthers ovoid-elliptic; staminodes 3. Female spathe with 2 or 3 female flowers; perianth similar to male ones; ovary triangular-cylindric with 3 carpels; styles 3, deeply bifid; staminodes 3. Fruit triangular-conical, ca. 8 cm. Seeds narowly elliptical, without hairs.
provided by Plants of Tibet
The chromosomal number of Ottelia acuminata is 2n = 22 (Wang, 1986).
provided by Plants of Tibet
Growing in lakes, ponds, channels, paddy fields.
provided by Plants of Tibet
Ottelia acuminata is used as a food.