Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Manettia barbata Oerst. Vidensk. Meddel. 1852: 47. 1852
Lygistum barbatum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 287. 1891. Manettia stenophylla Donn. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 56: 58. 1913.
Stems suffrutescent, slender, terete, striate, glabrous, the internodes elongate; stipulesheath short, the lobes deltoid, often bidentate, glandular-ciliate; petioles 0.5-1 cm. long; leaf-blades lance-linear, 3-4.5 cm. long, 5-6 mm. wide, acute at the base, acuminate at the apex, thin, glabrous, the lateral veins mostly obsolete, the margin revolute; flowers cymose or solitary in the axils, the cymes few-flowered, the peduncles 2-3 mm. long, the pedicels 1-2 mm. long; hypanthium obovoid, 2 mm. long, the 4 calyx-lobes short-connate above the ovary, oblong-ovate, 2 mm. long; corolla white, subsalverform, 5-6 mm. long, glabrous outside, the tube glabrate within, the lobes oblong-ovate, barbate within; stamens inserted near the top of the corolla-tube, the anthers linear, 1 mm. long; style equaling or shorter than the corolla; capsule thin, obovoid, 4.5 mm. long.
Type locality: Monte Aguacate, Costa Rica, altitude 600 meters. Distribution: Mountains of Costa Rica.
- bibliographic citation
- Paul Carpenter Standley. 1921. RUBIALES; RUBIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 32(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY