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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
True Grasses
Seed Plants
True Grasses
Gummy Lovegrass
Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Checklist of Selected Plant Families in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Eragrostis curtipedicellata
Species recognized by
wikipedia VI
Mexico Species List
, and
United States Species List
Eragrostis curtipedicellata
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Eragrostis brevipedicellata
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Eragrostis curtipedicellata
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Global Biotic Interactions
iNaturalist data coverage
, and
TRY database summary
Eragrostis curtipedicellata
Recognized by
Plant Forms, Habitat and Distribution
Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
USDA Plants data
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
GBIF data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
Recognized by
NMNH type specimens
Alternative Names
Eragrostis brevipedicellata A. Gray
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Checklist of Selected Plant Families in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Eragrostis brevipedicellata A. Gray
Not accepted according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Eragrostis brevipedicellata A. Gray
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Eragrostis viscosa Scribn.
Ambiguous synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Eragrostis viscosa Scribn.
Not accepted according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Common Names
gummy lovegrass
Recognized by
Curated hierarchies for Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
(this page)
Eragrostis aegyptiaca (Willd.) Delile
Eragrostis aethiopica Chiov.
Eragrostis alopecuroides Balansa
Eragrostis amanda Clayton
Eragrostis ambositrensis A. Camus
Eragrostis andicola R. E. Fr.
Eragrostis annulata Rendle ex Scott Elliot
Eragrostis apiculata Döll
Eragrostis autumnalis Keng
Eragrostis barbinodis Hack.
Eragrostis barrelieri Daveau
Eragrostis bergiana (Kunth) Trin.
Eragrostis berteroniana (Schult.) Steud.
Eragrostis biflora Hack.
Eragrostis botryodes Clayton
Eragrostis brizantha Nees
Eragrostis camerunensis Clayton
Eragrostis caniflora Rendle
Eragrostis capillaris (L.) Nees
Eragrostis capitula Lazarides
Eragrostis chabouisii Bosser
Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch.
Eragrostis ciliaris (L.) R. Br.
Eragrostis collina Trin.
Eragrostis comptonii De Winter
Eragrostis condensata (J. Presl) Steud.
Eragrostis contrerasii R. W. Pohl
Eragrostis dentifera Launert
Eragrostis desertorum Domin
Eragrostis dielsii Pilg.
Eragrostis elliottii (Elliott) S. Watson
Eragrostis elongata (Willd.) J. Jacq.
Eragrostis erosa Scribn. ex Beal
Eragrostis fauriei Ohwi
Eragrostis fosbergii Whitney
Eragrostis georgii A. Chev.
Eragrostis gloeophylla S. M. Phillips
Eragrostis guatemalensis Withersp.
Eragrostis gummiflua Nees
Eragrostis habrantha Rendle
Eragrostis hirticaulis Lazarides
Eragrostis homblei De Wild.
Eragrostis hondurensis R. W. Pohl
Eragrostis humidicola Napper
Eragrostis humifusa C. Cordem.
Eragrostis invalida Pilg.
Eragrostis jerichoensis B. K. Simon
Eragrostis latifolia Cope
Eragrostis leersiiformis Launert
Eragrostis lepidobasis Cope
Eragrostis leucosticta Nees ex Döll
Eragrostis longipedicellata B. K. Simon
Eragrostis macilenta (A. Rich.) Steud.
Eragrostis macrothyrsa Hack.
Eragrostis magna Hitchc.
Eragrostis mahrana Schweinf.
Eragrostis milnei Launert ex Cope
Eragrostis mokensis Pilg.
Eragrostis montana Balansa
Eragrostis nilgiriensis Vivek, G. V. S. Murthy & V. J. Nair
Eragrostis obtusa Munro ex Ficalho & Hiern
Eragrostis olida Lazarides
Eragrostis oligostachya Cope
Eragrostis palustris Zon
Eragrostis patentipilosa Hack.
Eragrostis pergracilis S. T. Blake
Eragrostis petrensis Renvoize & Longhi-Wagner
Eragrostis phyllacantha Cope
Eragrostis plana Nees
Eragrostis pobeguinii C. E. Hubb.
Eragrostis poculiformis Cope
Eragrostis pringlei Mattei
Eragrostis propinqua Steud.
Eragrostis pycnantha (Phil.) Parodi ex Nicora
Eragrostis pygmaea De Winter
Eragrostis rejuvenescens Rendle
Eragrostis remotiflora De Winter
Eragrostis reptans (Michx.) Nees
Eragrostis rufescens Schult.
Eragrostis sabulosa (Steud.) Schweick.
Eragrostis sarmentosa (Thunb.) Trin.
Eragrostis sclerantha Nees
Eragrostis scotelliana Rendle
Eragrostis sericata Cope
Eragrostis setulifera Pilg.
Eragrostis spartinoides Steud.
Eragrostis squamata (Lam.) Steud.
Eragrostis stenostachya (R. Br.) Steud.
Eragrostis subglandulosa Cope
Eragrostis subsecunda (Lam.) E. Fourn.
Eragrostis surreyana K. A. Sheph. & Trudgen
Eragrostis tenellula (Kunth) Steud.
Eragrostis tenuifolia (A. Rich.) Hochst. ex Steud.
Eragrostis trimucronata Napper
Eragrostis truncata Hack.
Eragrostis usambarensis Napper
Eragrostis uvida Lazarides
Eragrostis vatovae (Chiov.) S. M. Phillips
Eragrostis virescens J. Presl
Eragrostis vulcanica Jedwabn.
312 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Eragrostis Wolf
Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
(this page)
Eragrostis acutiflora (Kunth) Nees
Eragrostis acutiglumis Parodi
Eragrostis aegyptiaca (Willd.) Delile
Eragrostis aethiopica Chiov.
Eragrostis alopecuroides Balansa
Eragrostis alta Keng
Eragrostis amanda Clayton
Eragrostis ambleia Clayton
Eragrostis ambositrensis A. Camus
Eragrostis amurensis Prob.
Eragrostis anacranthoides Cope
Eragrostis apiculata Döll
Eragrostis aquatica Honda
Eragrostis arenicola C. E. Hubb.
Eragrostis aristiglumis Kabuye
Eragrostis articulata (Schrank) Nees
Eragrostis aspera (Jacq.) Nees
Eragrostis astreptoclada Cope
Eragrostis atrovirens (Desf.) Trin. ex Steud.
Eragrostis attenuata Hitchc.
Eragrostis bahiensis Schult.
Eragrostis balgooyi Veldkamp
Eragrostis barbinodis Hack.
Eragrostis barrelieri Daveau
Eragrostis barteri C. E. Hubb.
Eragrostis bemarivensis A. Camus
Eragrostis bergiana (Kunth) Trin.
Eragrostis berteroniana (Schult.) Steud.
Eragrostis betsileensis A. Camus
Eragrostis bicolor Nees
Eragrostis boinensis A. Camus
Eragrostis boivinii Steud.
Eragrostis boriana Launert
Eragrostis brainii (Stent) Launert
Eragrostis braunii Schweinf.
Eragrostis brizantha Nees
Eragrostis brownii (Kunth) Nees
Eragrostis burmanica Bor
Eragrostis caesia Stapf
Eragrostis caespitosa Chiov.
Eragrostis canescens C. E. Hubb.
Eragrostis capensis (Thunb.) Trin.
Eragrostis capillaris (L.) Nees
Eragrostis capitulifera Chiov.
Eragrostis capuronii A. Camus
Eragrostis carolinensis Jedwabn.
Eragrostis cassa Lazarides
Eragrostis castellaneana Buscal. & Muschl.
Eragrostis cenolepis Clayton
Eragrostis chalarothyrsos C. E. Hubb.
Eragrostis chapelieri (Kunth) Nees
Eragrostis chiquitaniensis Killeen
Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Vignolo ex Janch.
Eragrostis cimicina Launert
Eragrostis coarctata Stapf
Eragrostis collinensis Vivek, G. V. S. Murthy & V. J. Nair
Eragrostis comptonii De Winter
Eragrostis concinna (R. Br.) Steud.
Eragrostis confertiflora J. M. Black
Eragrostis congesta Oliv.
Eragrostis crateriformis Lazarides
Eragrostis cumingii Steud.
Eragrostis cylindriflora Hochst.
Eragrostis deccanensis Bor
Eragrostis desertorum Domin
Eragrostis desolata Launert
Eragrostis dielsii Pilg.
Eragrostis dinteri Stapf
Eragrostis ecarinata Lazarides
Eragrostis echinochloidea Stapf
Eragrostis elatior Stapf
Eragrostis elegantissima Chiov.
Eragrostis elliottii (Elliott) S. Watson
Eragrostis elongata (Willd.) J. Jacq.
Eragrostis episcopulus Lambdon, Darlow, Clubbe & Cope
Eragrostis exigua Lazarides
Eragrostis fallax Lazarides
Eragrostis fauriei Ohwi
Eragrostis fenshamii B. K. Simon
Eragrostis filicaulis Lazarides
Eragrostis frankii Steud.
Eragrostis georgii A. Chev.
Eragrostis glischra Launert
Eragrostis gloeodes Ekman
Eragrostis glutinosa (Sw.) Trin.
Eragrostis grandis Hildebr.
Eragrostis gummiflua Nees
Eragrostis habrantha Rendle
Eragrostis henryi Vivek, G. V. S. Murthy & V. J. Nair
Eragrostis heteromera Stapf
Eragrostis hildebrandtii Jedwabn.
Eragrostis hirticaulis Lazarides
Eragrostis homblei De Wild.
Eragrostis homomalla Nees
Eragrostis hugoniana Rendle
Eragrostis humidicola Napper
Eragrostis incrassata Cope
Eragrostis interrupta P. Beauv.
Eragrostis jacobsiana B. K. Simon
Eragrostis kingesii De Winter
322 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
(this page)
Eragrostis aegyptiaca (Willd.) Delile
Eragrostis aethiopica Chiov.
Eragrostis alopecuroides Balansa
Eragrostis amanda Clayton
Eragrostis ambositrensis A. Camus
Eragrostis andicola R. E. Fr.
Eragrostis annulata Rendle ex Scott Elliot
Eragrostis apiculata Döll
Eragrostis autumnalis Keng
Eragrostis barbinodis Hack.
Eragrostis barrelieri Daveau
Eragrostis bergiana (Kunth) Trin.
Eragrostis berteroniana (Schult.) Steud.
Eragrostis biflora Hack.
Eragrostis botryodes Clayton
Eragrostis brizantha Nees
Eragrostis camerunensis Clayton
Eragrostis caniflora Rendle
Eragrostis capillaris (L.) Nees
Eragrostis capitula Lazarides
Eragrostis chabouisii Bosser
Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch.
Eragrostis ciliaris (L.) R. Br.
Eragrostis collina Trin.
Eragrostis comptonii De Winter
Eragrostis condensata (J. Presl) Steud.
Eragrostis contrerasii R. W. Pohl
Eragrostis dentifera Launert
Eragrostis desertorum Domin
Eragrostis dielsii Pilg.
Eragrostis elliottii (Elliott) S. Watson
Eragrostis elongata (Willd.) J. Jacq.
Eragrostis erosa Scribn. ex Beal
Eragrostis fauriei Ohwi
Eragrostis fosbergii Whitney
Eragrostis georgii A. Chev.
Eragrostis gloeophylla S. M. Phillips
Eragrostis guatemalensis Withersp.
Eragrostis gummiflua Nees
Eragrostis habrantha Rendle
Eragrostis hirticaulis Lazarides
Eragrostis homblei De Wild.
Eragrostis hondurensis R. W. Pohl
Eragrostis humidicola Napper
Eragrostis humifusa C. Cordem.
Eragrostis invalida Pilg.
Eragrostis jerichoensis B. K. Simon
Eragrostis latifolia Cope
Eragrostis leersiiformis Launert
Eragrostis lepidobasis Cope
Eragrostis leucosticta Nees ex Döll
Eragrostis longipedicellata B. K. Simon
Eragrostis macilenta (A. Rich.) Steud.
Eragrostis macrothyrsa Hack.
Eragrostis magna Hitchc.
Eragrostis mahrana Schweinf.
Eragrostis milnei Launert ex Cope
Eragrostis mokensis Pilg.
Eragrostis montana Balansa
Eragrostis nilgiriensis Vivek, G. V. S. Murthy & V. J. Nair
Eragrostis obtusa Munro ex Ficalho & Hiern
Eragrostis olida Lazarides
Eragrostis oligostachya Cope
Eragrostis palustris Zon
Eragrostis patentipilosa Hack.
Eragrostis pergracilis S. T. Blake
Eragrostis petrensis Renvoize & Longhi-Wagner
Eragrostis phyllacantha Cope
Eragrostis plana Nees
Eragrostis pobeguinii C. E. Hubb.
Eragrostis poculiformis Cope
Eragrostis pringlei Mattei
Eragrostis propinqua Steud.
Eragrostis pycnantha (Phil.) Parodi ex Nicora
Eragrostis pygmaea De Winter
Eragrostis rejuvenescens Rendle
Eragrostis remotiflora De Winter
Eragrostis reptans (Michx.) Nees
Eragrostis rufescens Schult.
Eragrostis sabulosa (Steud.) Schweick.
Eragrostis sarmentosa (Thunb.) Trin.
Eragrostis sclerantha Nees
Eragrostis scotelliana Rendle
Eragrostis sericata Cope
Eragrostis setulifera Pilg.
Eragrostis spartinoides Steud.
Eragrostis squamata (Lam.) Steud.
Eragrostis stenostachya (R. Br.) Steud.
Eragrostis subglandulosa Cope
Eragrostis subsecunda (Lam.) E. Fourn.
Eragrostis surreyana K. A. Sheph. & Trudgen
Eragrostis tenellula (Kunth) Steud.
Eragrostis tenuifolia (A. Rich.) Hochst. ex Steud.
Eragrostis trimucronata Napper
Eragrostis truncata Hack.
Eragrostis usambarensis Napper
Eragrostis uvida Lazarides
Eragrostis vatovae (Chiov.) S. M. Phillips
Eragrostis virescens J. Presl
Eragrostis vulcanica Jedwabn.
312 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
(this page)
Eragrostis aegyptiaca (Willd.) Delile
Eragrostis aethiopica Chiov.
Eragrostis alopecuroides Balansa
Eragrostis amanda Clayton
Eragrostis ambositrensis A. Camus
Eragrostis andicola R. E. Fr.
Eragrostis annulata Rendle ex Scott Elliot
Eragrostis apiculata Döll
Eragrostis autumnalis Keng
Eragrostis barbinodis Hack.
Eragrostis barrelieri Daveau
Eragrostis bergiana (Kunth) Trin.
Eragrostis berteroniana (Schult.) Steud.
Eragrostis biflora Hack.
Eragrostis botryodes Clayton
Eragrostis brizantha Nees
Eragrostis camerunensis Clayton
Eragrostis caniflora Rendle
Eragrostis capillaris (L.) Nees
Eragrostis capitula Lazarides
Eragrostis chabouisii Bosser
Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch.
Eragrostis ciliaris (L.) R. Br.
Eragrostis collina Trin.
Eragrostis comptonii De Winter
Eragrostis condensata (J. Presl) Steud.
Eragrostis contrerasii R. W. Pohl
Eragrostis dentifera Launert
Eragrostis desertorum Domin
Eragrostis dielsii Pilg.
Eragrostis elliottii (Elliott) S. Watson
Eragrostis elongata (Willd.) J. Jacq.
Eragrostis erosa Scribn. ex Beal
Eragrostis fauriei Ohwi
Eragrostis fosbergii Whitney
Eragrostis georgii A. Chev.
Eragrostis gloeophylla S. M. Phillips
Eragrostis guatemalensis Withersp.
Eragrostis gummiflua Nees
Eragrostis habrantha Rendle
Eragrostis hirticaulis Lazarides
Eragrostis homblei De Wild.
Eragrostis hondurensis R. W. Pohl
Eragrostis humidicola Napper
Eragrostis humifusa C. Cordem.
Eragrostis invalida Pilg.
Eragrostis jerichoensis B. K. Simon
Eragrostis latifolia Cope
Eragrostis leersiiformis Launert
Eragrostis lepidobasis Cope
Eragrostis leucosticta Nees ex Döll
Eragrostis longipedicellata B. K. Simon
Eragrostis macilenta (A. Rich.) Steud.
Eragrostis macrothyrsa Hack.
Eragrostis magna Hitchc.
Eragrostis mahrana Schweinf.
Eragrostis milnei Launert ex Cope
Eragrostis mokensis Pilg.
Eragrostis montana Balansa
Eragrostis nilgiriensis Vivek, G. V. S. Murthy & V. J. Nair
Eragrostis obtusa Munro ex Ficalho & Hiern
Eragrostis olida Lazarides
Eragrostis oligostachya Cope
Eragrostis palustris Zon
Eragrostis patentipilosa Hack.
Eragrostis pergracilis S. T. Blake
Eragrostis petrensis Renvoize & Longhi-Wagner
Eragrostis phyllacantha Cope
Eragrostis plana Nees
Eragrostis pobeguinii C. E. Hubb.
Eragrostis poculiformis Cope
Eragrostis pringlei Mattei
Eragrostis propinqua Steud.
Eragrostis pycnantha (Phil.) Parodi ex Nicora
Eragrostis pygmaea De Winter
Eragrostis rejuvenescens Rendle
Eragrostis remotiflora De Winter
Eragrostis reptans (Michx.) Nees
Eragrostis rufescens Schult.
Eragrostis sabulosa (Steud.) Schweick.
Eragrostis sarmentosa (Thunb.) Trin.
Eragrostis sclerantha Nees
Eragrostis scotelliana Rendle
Eragrostis sericata Cope
Eragrostis setulifera Pilg.
Eragrostis spartinoides Steud.
Eragrostis squamata (Lam.) Steud.
Eragrostis stenostachya (R. Br.) Steud.
Eragrostis subglandulosa Cope
Eragrostis subsecunda (Lam.) E. Fourn.
Eragrostis surreyana K. A. Sheph. & Trudgen
Eragrostis tenellula (Kunth) Steud.
Eragrostis tenuifolia (A. Rich.) Hochst. ex Steud.
Eragrostis trimucronata Napper
Eragrostis truncata Hack.
Eragrostis usambarensis Napper
Eragrostis uvida Lazarides
Eragrostis vatovae (Chiov.) S. M. Phillips
Eragrostis virescens J. Presl
Eragrostis vulcanica Jedwabn.
312 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Eragrostis Wolf
Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
(this page)
Eragrostis acamptoclada Cope
Eragrostis acraea De Winter
Eragrostis airoides Nees
Eragrostis amabilis (L.) Wight & Arn.
Eragrostis ambrensis A. Camus
Eragrostis atropioides Hildebr.
Eragrostis atrovirens (Desf.) Trin. ex Steud.
Eragrostis attenuata Hitchc.
Eragrostis bahiensis Roem. & Schult.
Eragrostis barrelieri Daveau
Eragrostis bicolor Nees
Eragrostis burmanica Bor
Eragrostis caesia Stapf
Eragrostis caespitosa Chiov.
Eragrostis chabouisii Bosser
Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Vignolo ex Janch.
Eragrostis ciliaris (L.) R. Br.
Eragrostis conertii Lobin
Eragrostis cumingii Steud.
Eragrostis curvula Nees
Eragrostis cylindriflora Hochst.
Eragrostis deflexa Hitchcock
Eragrostis dielsii Pilg.
Eragrostis divaricata Cope
Eragrostis echinochloidea Stapf
Eragrostis elliottii S. Watson
Eragrostis elongata (Willd.) Jacq.
Eragrostis erosa Scribn. ex Beal
Eragrostis exelliana Launert
Eragrostis exigua Lazarides
Eragrostis falcata (Gaudich.) Steud.
Eragrostis fosbergii Whitney
Eragrostis frankii Steud.
Eragrostis gangetica Steud.
Eragrostis glutinosa Trin.
Eragrostis grandis Hildebr.
Eragrostis heteromera Stapf
Eragrostis hierniana Rendle
Eragrostis hirsuta Nees
Eragrostis hypnoides Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Eragrostis intermedia Hitchc.
Eragrostis japonica (Thunb.) Trin.
Eragrostis kennedyae F. Turner
Eragrostis kingesii De Winter
Eragrostis latifolia Cope
Eragrostis leptophylla Hitchcock
Eragrostis leptostachya Steud.
Eragrostis lugens Nees
Eragrostis lutescens Scribn.
Eragrostis mandrarensis A. Camus
Eragrostis mauiensis Hitchcock
Eragrostis mexicana Link
Eragrostis minor Host
Eragrostis monticola (Gaudich.) Hildebr.
Eragrostis multicaulis Steud.
Eragrostis nutans Nees ex Steud.
Eragrostis obtusiflora Scribn.
Eragrostis palmeri S. Watson
Eragrostis parviflora Trin.
Eragrostis pastoensis Trin.
Eragrostis paupera Jedwabn.
Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees
Eragrostis perplexa L. H. Harvey
Eragrostis perrieri A. Camus
Eragrostis peruviana Trin.
Eragrostis pilosa P. Beauv.
Eragrostis plana Nees
Eragrostis polytricha Nees
Eragrostis prolifera (Sw.) Steud.
Eragrostis refracta Scribn.
Eragrostis reptans (Michx.) Nees
Eragrostis rotifer Rendle
Eragrostis rottleri Stapf
Eragrostis sabulicola Pilg. ex Jedw.
Eragrostis scabriflora Swallen
Eragrostis scaligera Salzm. ex Steud.
Eragrostis secundiflora J. Presl
Eragrostis sennii Chiov.
Eragrostis sericata Cope
Eragrostis sessilispica Buckley
Eragrostis setifolia Nees
Eragrostis silveana Swallen
Eragrostis spectabilis Steud.
Eragrostis spicata Vasey
Eragrostis spicigera Cope
Eragrostis superba Peyr.
Eragrostis swallenii Hitchcock
Eragrostis tef Trotter
Eragrostis tenuifolia (A. Rich.) Steud.
Eragrostis trichocolea Arechav.
Eragrostis trichodes Wood
Eragrostis triquetra Lazarides
Eragrostis unioloides Nees ex Steud.
Eragrostis urbaniana Hitchc.
Eragrostis variabilis (Gaudich.) Steud.
Eragrostis viscosa Trin.
Eragrostis weberbaueri Pilg.
Eragrostis welwitschii Rendle
Eragrostis xerophila Domin
Eragrostis zeylanica Nees & Meyen
331 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Eragrostis Wolf
Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley
(this page)
Eragrostis acutiflora (Kunth) Nees
Eragrostis acutiglumis Parodi
Eragrostis airoides Nees
Eragrostis andicola R. E. Fr.
Eragrostis apiculata Döll
Eragrostis articulata (Schrank) Nees
Eragrostis atropioides Hillebr.
Eragrostis atrovirens (Desf.) Trin. ex Steud.
Eragrostis attenuata Hitchc.
Eragrostis bahamensis Hitchc.
Eragrostis bahiensis Schrad. ex Schult.
Eragrostis barrelieri Daveau
Eragrostis berteroniana (Schult.) Steud.
Eragrostis capillaris (L.) Nees
Eragrostis cataclasta Nicora
Eragrostis chiquitaniensis Killeen
Eragrostis cilianensis (Bellardi) Vignolo ex Janch.
Eragrostis ciliaris (L.) R. Br.
Eragrostis condensata (J. Presl) Steud.
Eragrostis contrerasii R. W. Pohl
Eragrostis cubensis Hitchc.
Eragrostis cumingii Steud.
Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees
Eragrostis cylindriflora Hochst.
Eragrostis deflexa Hitchc.
Eragrostis echinochloidea Stapf
Eragrostis elliottii S. Watson
Eragrostis elongata (Willd.) J. Jacq.
Eragrostis erosa Scribn. ex Beal
Eragrostis excelsa Griseb.
Eragrostis fosbergii Whitney
Eragrostis frankii C. A. Mey. ex Steud.
Eragrostis gangetica (Roxb.) Steud.
Eragrostis glandulosa L. H. Harv.
Eragrostis gloeodes Ekman
Eragrostis glutinosa (Sw.) Trin.
Eragrostis grandis Hillebr.
Eragrostis guatemalensis Witherspoon
Eragrostis guianensis Hitchc.
Eragrostis hackelii Hassl.
Eragrostis hirsuta (Michx.) Nees
Eragrostis hirta E. Fourn.
Eragrostis hondurensis R. W. Pohl
Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Eragrostis intermedia Hitchc.
Eragrostis japonica (Thunb.) Trin.
Eragrostis kuschelii Skottsb.
Eragrostis lasseri Luces
Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees
Eragrostis leptophylla Hitchc.
Eragrostis leptostachya (R. Br.) Steud.
Eragrostis leucosticta Nees ex Döll
Eragrostis lugens Nees
Eragrostis lurida J. Presl
Eragrostis lutescens Scribn.
Eragrostis macrothyrsa Hack.
Eragrostis magna Hitchc.
Eragrostis mauiensis Hitchc.
Eragrostis maypurensis (Kunth) Steud.
Eragrostis mexicana (Hornem.) Link
Eragrostis minor Host
Eragrostis mokensis Pilg.
Eragrostis monticola (Gaudich.) Hillebr.
Eragrostis neesii Trin.
Eragrostis nigricans (Kunth) Steud.
Eragrostis obtusiflora (E. Fourn.) Scribn.
Eragrostis orthoclada Hack.
Eragrostis palmeri S. Watson
Eragrostis paniciformis (A. Braun) Steud.
Eragrostis parviflora (R. Br.) Trin.
Eragrostis pastoensis (Kunth) Trin.
Eragrostis paupera Jedwabn.
Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees
Eragrostis perennis Döll
Eragrostis peruviana (Jacq.) Trin.
Eragrostis petrensis Renvoize & Longhi-Wagner
Eragrostis pilosa (L.) P. Beauv.
Eragrostis plana Nees
Eragrostis prolifera (Sw.) Steud.
Eragrostis refracta (Muhl. ex Elliott) Scribn.
Eragrostis reptans (Michx.) Nees
Eragrostis scaligera Salzm. ex Steud.
Eragrostis secundiflora J. Presl
Eragrostis sessilispica Buckley
Eragrostis setifolia Nees
Eragrostis silveana Swallen
Eragrostis spectabilis (Pursh) Steud.
Eragrostis spicata Vasey
Eragrostis suaveolens A. K. Becker ex Claus
Eragrostis superba Peyr.
Eragrostis swallenii Hitchc.
Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter
Eragrostis tenella (L.) P. Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult.
Eragrostis tenuifolia (A. Rich.) Hochst. ex Steud.
Eragrostis trichodes (Nutt.) Alph. Wood
Eragrostis trichophora Coss. & Durieu
Eragrostis unioloides (Retz.) Nees ex Steud.
Eragrostis urbaniana Hitchc.
Eragrostis variabilis (Gaudich.) Steud.
Eragrostis viscosa (Retz.) Trin.
22 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
cellular organisms
PACMAD clade
Eragrostis curtipedicellata
(this page)
Eragrostis aethiopica
Eragrostis airoides
Eragrostis aspera
Eragrostis australasica
Eragrostis bahiensis
Eragrostis barrelieri
Eragrostis betsileensis
Eragrostis bicolor
Eragrostis biflora
Eragrostis boinensis
Eragrostis botryodes
Eragrostis braunii
Eragrostis canescens
Eragrostis capensis
Eragrostis capillaris
Eragrostis capuronii
Eragrostis chabouisii
Eragrostis chapelieri
Eragrostis chloromelas
Eragrostis ciliaris
Eragrostis crateriformis
Eragrostis cumingii
Eragrostis curvula
Eragrostis cylindrica
Eragrostis cylindriflora
Eragrostis dentifera
Eragrostis echinochloidea
Eragrostis elegantissima
Eragrostis elliottii
Eragrostis elongata
Eragrostis falcata
Eragrostis frankii
Eragrostis gangetica
Eragrostis grandis
Eragrostis gummiflua
Eragrostis heteromera
Eragrostis hildebrandtii
Eragrostis hirsuta
Eragrostis hispida
Eragrostis humbertii
Eragrostis hypnoides
Eragrostis intermedia
Eragrostis kiwuensis
Eragrostis laniflora
Eragrostis lateritica
Eragrostis lehmanniana
Eragrostis leptocarpa
Eragrostis lugens
Eragrostis macilenta
Eragrostis mexicana
Eragrostis minor
Eragrostis namaquensis
Eragrostis neesii
Eragrostis nigra
Eragrostis nindensis
Eragrostis nutans
Eragrostis obtusa
Eragrostis obtusiflora
Eragrostis orcuttiana
Eragrostis paniciformis
Eragrostis papposa
Eragrostis patens
Eragrostis patentipilosa
Eragrostis pectinacea
Eragrostis perennans
Eragrostis pilosa
Eragrostis plana
Eragrostis polytricha
Eragrostis porosa
Eragrostis racemosa
Eragrostis reptans
Eragrostis rigidior
Eragrostis rotifer
Eragrostis rufescens
Eragrostis schweinfurthii
Eragrostis secundiflora
Eragrostis sessilispica
Eragrostis setifolia
Eragrostis squamata
Eragrostis stapfii
Eragrostis stolonifera
Eragrostis subsecunda
Eragrostis superba
Eragrostis tef
Eragrostis tenella
Eragrostis tenellula
Eragrostis tenuiflora
Eragrostis tenuifolia
Eragrostis tremula
Eragrostis trichocolea
Eragrostis trichodes
Eragrostis trichophora
Eragrostis truncata
Eragrostis unioloides
Eragrostis variabilis
Eragrostis walteri
Eragrostis weberbaueri
Eragrostis xerophila
Eragrostis × pseudo-obtusa
unclassified Eragrostis
20 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Eragrostis curtipedicellata
(this page)
Eragrostis acamptoclada
Eragrostis acraea
Eragrostis acuta
Eragrostis acutiflora
Eragrostis acutiglumis
Eragrostis advena
Eragrostis aegyptiaca
Eragrostis aethiopica
Eragrostis agrostoides
Eragrostis airoides
Eragrostis albensis
Eragrostis alopecuroides
Eragrostis alta
Eragrostis alveiformis
Eragrostis amanda
Eragrostis ambleia
Eragrostis ambohibengensis
Eragrostis ambositrensis
Eragrostis ambrensis
Eragrostis anacrantha
Eragrostis anacranthoides
Eragrostis ancashensis
Eragrostis andicola
Eragrostis annulata
Eragrostis anomala
Eragrostis apiculata
Eragrostis appressa
Eragrostis aquatica
Eragrostis aristiglumis
Eragrostis articulata
Eragrostis aspera
Eragrostis astrepta
Eragrostis astreptoclada
Eragrostis atropioides
Eragrostis atrovirens
Eragrostis atrovirense
Eragrostis attenuata
Eragrostis aurorae
Eragrostis australasica
Eragrostis autumnalis
Eragrostis bahamensis
Eragrostis bahiensis
Eragrostis balgooyi
Eragrostis barbinodis
Eragrostis barbulaia
Eragrostis barbulata
Eragrostis barrelieri
Eragrostis barteri
Eragrostis basedowii
Eragrostis bemarivensis
Eragrostis bergiana
Eragrostis berteroniana
Eragrostis betsileensis
Eragrostis bicolor
Eragrostis biflora
Eragrostis blakei
Eragrostis blepharostachya
Eragrostis boinensis
Eragrostis boivinii
Eragrostis brainii
Eragrostis braunii
Eragrostis brizantha
Eragrostis bulbillifera
Eragrostis castellaneana
Eragrostis ciliaris
Eragrostis ciliata
Eragrostis confusa
Eragrostis cylindrica
Eragrostis danesii
Eragrostis dentifera
Eragrostis divergens
Eragrostis fauriei
Eragrostis fractus
Eragrostis guangxiensis
Eragrostis gulliveri
Eragrostis hainanensis
Eragrostis japonica
Eragrostis leporina
Eragrostis lilliputiana
Eragrostis longispicula
Eragrostis mairei
Eragrostis nervilemma
Eragrostis nevinii
Eragrostis nightingaleae
Eragrostis nigra
Eragrostis nutans
Eragrostis ovata
Eragrostis perennans
Eragrostis perlaxa
Eragrostis pilosissima
Eragrostis pilosiuscula
Eragrostis pobeguinii
Eragrostis pulchra
Eragrostis reflexa
Eragrostis rufineria
Eragrostis scabrida
Eragrostis tenuifolia
Eragrostis unioloides
Eragrostis wiseana
Eragrostis zeylanica
566 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.