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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Spurge Family
Cellular Organisms
Green Plants
Seed Plants
Spurge Family
Croton splendidus Mart.
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Croton splendidus Mart.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Checklist of Selected Plant Families in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Croton splendidus
Species recognized by
wikipedia VI
Brazil Species List
South Atlantic Species List
, and
Sabath et al 2016
Croton splendidus
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Croton splendidus
Mart. ex Colla
Species recognized by
GBIF national node type records France
GBIF national node type records Brazil
, and
GBIF national node type records Germany
Croton splendidus
Species recognized by
iNaturalist data coverage
Croton splendidus
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
TRY database summary
Croton splendidus Mart.
Species recognized by
Flora do Brasil
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Croton splendidus Mart. ex Colla
Species recognized by
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Croton splendidus Martius ex Colla 1836
Species recognized by
Alternative Names
Croton migrans Casar.
Not accepted according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Croton migrans Casar.
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Croton splendidus Baill.
Not accepted according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Croton splendidus Mart. ex Baill.
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Oxydectes migrans (Casar.) Kuntze
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Croton splendidus Mart.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Croton splendidus Mart.
(this page)
Croton acapulcensis M. J. Martinez Gordillo & J. Jiménez Ram.
Croton ameliae Lundell
Croton amentiformis Riina
Croton aripoensis Philcox
Croton avulsus Croizat
Croton betaceus Baill.
Croton betulinus Vahl
Croton boavitanus Croizat
Croton buxifolius (Baill.) Müll. Arg.
Croton carrii Airy Shaw
Croton chittagongensis Chakrab. & N. P. Balakr.
Croton chodatii (Croizat) P. E. Berry
Croton cinerellus Müll. Arg.
Croton comatus Vell.
Croton coriaceus Kunth
Croton cubiensis Gagnep.
Croton curranii S. F. Blake
Croton dockrillii Airy Shaw
Croton dybowskii Hutch.
Croton echinatus Radcl.-Sm.
Croton ekmanii Urb.
Croton farinosus Lam.
Croton ferrugineus Kunth
Croton fianarantsoae Leandri
Croton flavens L.
Croton flavispicatus Rusby
Croton fragilis Kunth
Croton francoanus Müll. Arg.
Croton fuscus (Didr.) Müll. Arg.
Croton gardnerianus Baill.
Croton geraesensis (Baill.) G. L. Webster
Croton glaziovii Müll. Arg.
Croton grewioides Baill.
Croton grisebachianus Müll. Arg.
Croton guildingii Griseb.
Croton habrophyllus Airy Shaw
Croton hasslerianus Chodat
Croton hovarum Leandri
Croton howii Merr. & Chun ex Y. T. Chang
Croton humbertii Leandri
Croton hypoleucus Schltdl.
Croton incisus Baill.
Croton insularis Baill.
Croton itacolumii Müll. Arg.
Croton jatrophoides Pax
Croton julopsidium Baill.
Croton junceus Baill.
Croton kongensis Gagnep.
Croton laureltyanus Ahumada
Croton limae A. P. S. Gomes, M. F. Sales & P. E. Berry
Croton macrobuxus Baill.
Croton martinianus V. W. Steinmann
Croton medusae Müll. Arg.
Croton meeusei Leandri
Croton menthodorus Benth.
Croton mentiens (S. Moore) Pax
Croton menyharthii Pax
Croton montevidensis Spreng.
Croton multicaulis P. I. Forst.
Croton multicostatus Müll. Arg.
Croton myriaster Baker
Croton myriodontus Müll. Arg.
Croton neblinae Jabl.
Croton novi-friburgi Müll. Arg.
Croton ophiticola Borhidi
Croton ortholobus Müll. Arg.
Croton palmeri S. Watson
Croton panduriformis Müll. Arg.
Croton pardinus Müll. Arg.
Croton pellitus Kunth
Croton phebalioides F. Muell. ex Müll. Arg.
Croton potabilis Croizat
Croton pottsii (Klotzsch) Müll. Arg.
Croton pradensis D. Medeiros, L. Senna & R. J. V. Alves
Croton priscus Croizat
Croton quercetorum Croizat
Croton robustior (L. B. Sm. & Downs) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton rosarianus Mart. Gord. & Cruz Durán
Croton sacaquinha Croizat
Croton sanctae-crucis S. Moore
Croton schultesii Müll. Arg.
Croton serratus Müll. Arg.
Croton soratensis Müll. Arg.
Croton sordidus Benth.
Croton sousae Mart. Gord. & Cruz Durán
Croton spica Baill.
Croton stipulatus Vell.
Croton stoechadis Baill.
Croton strobiliformis Secco
Croton subcinerellus Croizat
Croton subglaber K. Schum.
Croton thoii Thin
Croton turnerifolius S. Moore
Croton vermoesenii De Wild.
Croton vulnerarius Baill.
Croton wagneri Müll. Arg.
Croton waterhouseae P. I. Forst.
Croton wigginsii L. C. Wheeler
Croton wittianus Ule
Croton yerbalium Chodat & Hassl.
1087 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Croton L.
Croton splendidus Mart.
(this page)
Croton acapulcensis M. J. Martinez Gordillo & J. Jiménez Ram.
Croton acutifolius Esser
Croton adenocalyx Baill.
Croton agrestis (Pax & K. Hoffm.) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton alienus Pax
Croton amentiformis Riina
Croton anomalus Pittier
Croton arboreus Millsp.
Croton argyranthemus Michx.
Croton ascendens Secco & N. A. Rosa
Croton atrostellatus V. W. Steinm.
Croton aubrevilecta Leandri
Croton bastardii Leandri
Croton billbergianus Müll. Arg.
Croton bracteatus Lam.
Croton buchii Urb.
Croton californicus Müll. Arg.
Croton campinarensis Secco, A. Rosário & P. E. Berry
Croton chaetophorus Müll. Arg.
Croton chamanus Steyerm.
Croton churumayensis Croizat
Croton ciliatoglandulifer Ortega
Croton cnidophyllus Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton colliguay Molina
Croton colubrinoides Merr.
Croton columnaris Airy Shaw
Croton comatus Vell.
Croton comayaguanus Standl. & L. O. Williams
Croton compressus Lam.
Croton condorensis Riina & Cerón
Croton conduplicatus Kunth
Croton confertus Baker
Croton confinis L. B. Sm. & Downs
Croton congensis De Wild.
Croton consanguineus Müll. Arg.
Croton conspurcatus Schltdl.
Croton constrictus Baill.
Croton cooperianus (Croizat) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton corallicola Borhidi
Croton corchoropsis Baill.
Croton cortesianus Kunth
Croton crassifolius Geiseler
Croton cuchillae-nigrae Croizat
Croton cycloideus Borhidi & O. Muñiz
Croton delpyi Gagnep.
Croton disjunctus V. W. Steinm.
Croton dusenii Croizat
Croton ericoides Baill.
Croton flavispicatus Rusby
Croton fragrantulus Croizat
Croton frieseanus Müll. Arg.
Croton grazielae Secco
Croton hadriani Baill.
Croton hancei Benth.
Croton heterochrous Müll. Arg.
Croton heteroneurus Müll. Arg.
Croton hircinus Vent.
Croton imbricatus L. R. Lima & Pirani
Croton impressus Urb.
Croton inaequilobus Steyerm.
Croton incanus Kunth
Croton incertus Müll. Arg.
Croton incisus Baill.
Croton indivisus Vell.
Croton inhambanensis Radcl.-Sm.
Croton inops Baill.
Croton insularis Baill.
Croton integrifolius Pax
Croton integrilobus Croizat
Croton intercedens Müll. Arg.
Croton isabellei Baill.
Croton isalensis (Leandri) Leandri
Croton jacobinensis Baill.
Croton jamaicensis B. W. van Ee & P. E. Berry
Croton jimenezii Standl. & Valerio
Croton pleytei Airy Shaw
Croton pullei Lanj.
Croton senescens Croizat
Croton seretii Vermoesen ex De Wild.
Croton speciosus Müll. Arg.
Croton spissirameus Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton spurcus Croizat
Croton stenopetalus G. L. Webster
Croton subdioecus K. Schum.
Croton thurifer Kunth
Croton tiglium L.
Croton tocantinsensis Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton tomentellus F. Muell.
Croton tonantinensis Jabl.
Croton tremulifolius Croizat
Croton vaughanii Croizat
Croton verbenifolius Müll. Arg.
Croton viridulus (Croizat) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton wagneri Müll. Arg.
Croton wallichii Müll. Arg.
Croton wassi-kussae Croizat
Croton websteri M. J. Martinez Gordillo & J. Jiménez Ram.
Croton widgrenianus Müll. Arg.
Croton wigginsii L. C. Wheeler
Croton yavitensis Croizat
1040 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Croton splendidus Mart.
(this page)
Croton acapulcensis M. J. Martinez Gordillo & J. Jiménez Ram.
Croton ameliae Lundell
Croton amentiformis Riina
Croton aripoensis Philcox
Croton avulsus Croizat
Croton betaceus Baill.
Croton betulinus Vahl
Croton boavitanus Croizat
Croton buxifolius (Baill.) Müll. Arg.
Croton carrii Airy Shaw
Croton chittagongensis Chakrab. & N. P. Balakr.
Croton chodatii (Croizat) P. E. Berry
Croton cinerellus Müll. Arg.
Croton comatus Vell.
Croton coriaceus Kunth
Croton cubiensis Gagnep.
Croton curranii S. F. Blake
Croton dockrillii Airy Shaw
Croton dybowskii Hutch.
Croton echinatus Radcl.-Sm.
Croton ekmanii Urb.
Croton farinosus Lam.
Croton ferrugineus Kunth
Croton fianarantsoae Leandri
Croton flavens L.
Croton flavispicatus Rusby
Croton fluminensis K. Schum.
Croton fragilis Kunth
Croton francoanus Müll. Arg.
Croton fuscus (Didr.) Müll. Arg.
Croton gardnerianus Baill.
Croton geraesensis (Baill.) G. L. Webster
Croton glaziovii Müll. Arg.
Croton grewioides Baill.
Croton grisebachianus Müll. Arg.
Croton guildingii Griseb.
Croton habrophyllus Airy Shaw
Croton hasslerianus Chodat
Croton hovarum Leandri
Croton howii Merr. & Chun ex Y. T. Chang
Croton humbertii Leandri
Croton hypoleucus Schltdl.
Croton incisus Baill.
Croton insularis Baill.
Croton itacolumii Müll. Arg.
Croton jatrophoides Pax
Croton julopsidium Baill.
Croton junceus Baill.
Croton kongensis Gagnep.
Croton laureltyanus Ahumada
Croton limae A. P. S. Gomes, M. F. Sales & P. E. Berry
Croton macrobuxus Baill.
Croton martinianus V. W. Steinmann
Croton medusae Müll. Arg.
Croton meeusei Leandri
Croton menthodorus Benth.
Croton mentiens (S. Moore) Pax
Croton menyharthii Pax
Croton montevidensis Spreng.
Croton multicaulis P. I. Forst.
Croton multicostatus Müll. Arg.
Croton myriaster Baker
Croton myriodontus Müll. Arg.
Croton neblinae Jabl.
Croton novi-friburgi Müll. Arg.
Croton ophiticola Borhidi
Croton ortholobus Müll. Arg.
Croton palmeri S. Watson
Croton panduriformis Müll. Arg.
Croton pellitus Kunth
Croton phebalioides F. Muell. ex Müll. Arg.
Croton potabilis Croizat
Croton pottsii (Klotzsch) Müll. Arg.
Croton pradensis D. Medeiros, L. Senna & R. J. V. Alves
Croton priscus Croizat
Croton quercetorum Croizat
Croton robustior (L. B. Sm. & Downs) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton rosarianus Mart. Gord. & Cruz Durán
Croton sacaquinha Croizat
Croton sanctae-crucis S. Moore
Croton schultesii Müll. Arg.
Croton serratus Müll. Arg.
Croton soratensis Müll. Arg.
Croton sordidus Benth.
Croton sousae Mart. Gord. & Cruz Durán
Croton spica Baill.
Croton stipulatus Vell.
Croton stoechadis Baill.
Croton strobiliformis Secco
Croton subcinerellus Croizat
Croton subglaber K. Schum.
Croton thoii Thin
Croton turnerifolius S. Moore
Croton vermoesenii De Wild.
Croton vulnerarius Baill.
Croton wagneri Müll. Arg.
Croton waterhouseae P. I. Forst.
Croton wigginsii L. C. Wheeler
Croton wittianus Ule
Croton yerbalium Chodat & Hassl.
1061 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Croton splendidus Mart.
(this page)
Croton acapulcensis M. J. Martinez Gordillo & J. Jiménez Ram.
Croton ameliae Lundell
Croton amentiformis Riina
Croton aripoensis Philcox
Croton avulsus Croizat
Croton betaceus Baill.
Croton betulinus Vahl
Croton boavitanus Croizat
Croton buxifolius (Baill.) Müll. Arg.
Croton carrii Airy Shaw
Croton chittagongensis Chakrab. & N. P. Balakr.
Croton chodatii (Croizat) P. E. Berry
Croton cinerellus Müll. Arg.
Croton comatus Vell.
Croton coriaceus Kunth
Croton cubiensis Gagnep.
Croton curranii S. F. Blake
Croton dockrillii Airy Shaw
Croton dybowskii Hutch.
Croton echinatus Radcl.-Sm.
Croton ekmanii Urb.
Croton farinosus Lam.
Croton ferrugineus Kunth
Croton fianarantsoae Leandri
Croton flavens L.
Croton flavispicatus Rusby
Croton fragilis Kunth
Croton francoanus Müll. Arg.
Croton fuscus (Didr.) Müll. Arg.
Croton gardnerianus Baill.
Croton geraesensis (Baill.) G. L. Webster
Croton glaziovii Müll. Arg.
Croton grewioides Baill.
Croton grisebachianus Müll. Arg.
Croton guildingii Griseb.
Croton habrophyllus Airy Shaw
Croton hasslerianus Chodat
Croton hovarum Leandri
Croton howii Merr. & Chun ex Y. T. Chang
Croton humbertii Leandri
Croton hypoleucus Schltdl.
Croton incisus Baill.
Croton insularis Baill.
Croton itacolumii Müll. Arg.
Croton jatrophoides Pax
Croton julopsidium Baill.
Croton junceus Baill.
Croton kongensis Gagnep.
Croton laureltyanus Ahumada
Croton limae A. P. S. Gomes, M. F. Sales & P. E. Berry
Croton macrobuxus Baill.
Croton martinianus V. W. Steinmann
Croton medusae Müll. Arg.
Croton meeusei Leandri
Croton menthodorus Benth.
Croton mentiens (S. Moore) Pax
Croton menyharthii Pax
Croton montevidensis Spreng.
Croton multicaulis P. I. Forst.
Croton multicostatus Müll. Arg.
Croton myriaster Baker
Croton myriodontus Müll. Arg.
Croton neblinae Jabl.
Croton novi-friburgi Müll. Arg.
Croton ophiticola Borhidi
Croton ortholobus Müll. Arg.
Croton palmeri S. Watson
Croton panduriformis Müll. Arg.
Croton pardinus Müll. Arg.
Croton pellitus Kunth
Croton phebalioides F. Muell. ex Müll. Arg.
Croton potabilis Croizat
Croton pottsii (Klotzsch) Müll. Arg.
Croton pradensis D. Medeiros, L. Senna & R. J. V. Alves
Croton priscus Croizat
Croton quercetorum Croizat
Croton robustior (L. B. Sm. & Downs) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton rosarianus Mart. Gord. & Cruz Durán
Croton sacaquinha Croizat
Croton sanctae-crucis S. Moore
Croton schultesii Müll. Arg.
Croton serratus Müll. Arg.
Croton soratensis Müll. Arg.
Croton sordidus Benth.
Croton sousae Mart. Gord. & Cruz Durán
Croton spica Baill.
Croton stipulatus Vell.
Croton stoechadis Baill.
Croton strobiliformis Secco
Croton subcinerellus Croizat
Croton subglaber K. Schum.
Croton thoii Thin
Croton turnerifolius S. Moore
Croton vermoesenii De Wild.
Croton vulnerarius Baill.
Croton wagneri Müll. Arg.
Croton waterhouseae P. I. Forst.
Croton wigginsii L. C. Wheeler
Croton wittianus Ule
Croton yerbalium Chodat & Hassl.
1087 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Croton splendidus Mart.
(this page)
Croton acapulcensis M. J. Martinez Gordillo & J. Jiménez Ram.
Croton ameliae Lundell
Croton amentiformis Riina
Croton aripoensis Philcox
Croton avulsus Croizat
Croton betaceus Baill.
Croton betulinus Vahl
Croton boavitanus Croizat
Croton buxifolius (Baill.) Müll. Arg.
Croton carrii Airy Shaw
Croton chittagongensis Chakrab. & N. P. Balakr.
Croton chodatii (Croizat) P. E. Berry
Croton cinerellus Müll. Arg.
Croton comatus Vell.
Croton coriaceus Kunth
Croton cubiensis Gagnep.
Croton curranii S. F. Blake
Croton dockrillii Airy Shaw
Croton dybowskii Hutch.
Croton echinatus Radcl.-Sm.
Croton ekmanii Urb.
Croton farinosus Lam.
Croton ferrugineus Kunth
Croton fianarantsoae Leandri
Croton flavens L.
Croton flavispicatus Rusby
Croton fluminensis K. Schum.
Croton fragilis Kunth
Croton francoanus Müll. Arg.
Croton fuscus (Didr.) Müll. Arg.
Croton gardnerianus Baill.
Croton geraesensis (Baill.) G. L. Webster
Croton glaziovii Müll. Arg.
Croton grewioides Baill.
Croton grisebachianus Müll. Arg.
Croton guildingii Griseb.
Croton habrophyllus Airy Shaw
Croton hasslerianus Chodat
Croton hovarum Leandri
Croton howii Merr. & Chun ex Y. T. Chang
Croton humbertii Leandri
Croton hypoleucus Schltdl.
Croton incisus Baill.
Croton insularis Baill.
Croton itacolumii Müll. Arg.
Croton jatrophoides Pax
Croton julopsidium Baill.
Croton junceus Baill.
Croton kongensis Gagnep.
Croton laureltyanus Ahumada
Croton limae A. P. S. Gomes, M. F. Sales & P. E. Berry
Croton macrobuxus Baill.
Croton martinianus V. W. Steinmann
Croton medusae Müll. Arg.
Croton meeusei Leandri
Croton menthodorus Benth.
Croton mentiens (S. Moore) Pax
Croton menyharthii Pax
Croton montevidensis Spreng.
Croton multicaulis P. I. Forst.
Croton multicostatus Müll. Arg.
Croton myriaster Baker
Croton myriodontus Müll. Arg.
Croton neblinae Jabl.
Croton novi-friburgi Müll. Arg.
Croton ophiticola Borhidi
Croton ortholobus Müll. Arg.
Croton palmeri S. Watson
Croton panduriformis Müll. Arg.
Croton pellitus Kunth
Croton phebalioides F. Muell. ex Müll. Arg.
Croton potabilis Croizat
Croton pottsii (Klotzsch) Müll. Arg.
Croton pradensis D. Medeiros, L. Senna & R. J. V. Alves
Croton priscus Croizat
Croton quercetorum Croizat
Croton robustior (L. B. Sm. & Downs) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton rosarianus Mart. Gord. & Cruz Durán
Croton sacaquinha Croizat
Croton sanctae-crucis S. Moore
Croton schultesii Müll. Arg.
Croton serratus Müll. Arg.
Croton soratensis Müll. Arg.
Croton sordidus Benth.
Croton sousae Mart. Gord. & Cruz Durán
Croton spica Baill.
Croton stipulatus Vell.
Croton stoechadis Baill.
Croton strobiliformis Secco
Croton subcinerellus Croizat
Croton subglaber K. Schum.
Croton thoii Thin
Croton turnerifolius S. Moore
Croton vermoesenii De Wild.
Croton vulnerarius Baill.
Croton wagneri Müll. Arg.
Croton waterhouseae P. I. Forst.
Croton wigginsii L. C. Wheeler
Croton wittianus Ule
Croton yerbalium Chodat & Hassl.
1061 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Croton L.
Croton splendidus Mart.
(this page)
Croton agoensis Baill.
Croton agrarius Baill.
Croton alainii B. W. van Ee & P. E. Berry
Croton araripensis Croizat
Croton arboreus Millsp.
Croton arechavaletae Herter ex Arechav.
Croton argenteus L.
Croton aromaticus L.
Croton bangii Rusby
Croton barahonensis Urb.
Croton barbatus Kunth
Croton barorum Leandri
Croton brieyi De Wild.
Croton brittonianus Carabia
Croton bryophorus Croizat
Croton carpostellatus B. L. León & Mart. Gord.
Croton catariae Baill.
Croton catatii Baill.
Croton catharinensis L. B. Sm. & Downs
Croton catinganus Müll. Arg.
Croton caudatus Geisel.
Croton colliguay Molina
Croton colombianus
Croton curiosus Croizat
Croton curuguatyensis Ahumada
Croton curvipes Urb.
Croton cuyabensis Pilg.
Croton dybowskii Hutch.
Croton eberhardtii Gagnep.
Croton echinulatus (Griseb.) Croizat
Croton echioides Baill.
Croton ellipticus Geiseler
Croton flaviglandulosus Lundell
Croton gigantifolius P. E. Berry & Secco
Croton haitiensis P. T. Li
Croton hancei Benth.
Croton harmsianus Herter ex Arechav.
Croton hasskarlianus Müll. Arg.
Croton hasslerianus Chodat
Croton hypochalibaeus Baill.
Croton ichthygaster L. B. Sm. & Downs
Croton ignifex Croizat
Croton ihosiana Leandri
Croton ikopae Leandri
Croton impressus Urb.
Croton jacobinensis Baill.
Croton kleinii L. B. Sm. & Downs
Croton klotzschianus Thwaites
Croton leiophyllus Müll. Arg.
Croton leonensis Hutch.
Croton lepidus (S. Moore) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton longicarpus A. P. N. Pereira, Caruzo & Riina
Croton luetzelburgii Pax & K. Hoffm.
Croton lundianus Müll. Arg.
Croton macrocarpus Ridl.
Croton matudae Lundell
Croton mauritianus Lam.
Croton mavoravina Leandri
Croton mayumbensis J. Léonard
Croton monanthogynus Michx.
Croton mongue Baill.
Croton monogynus Urb.
Croton muricatus Vahl
Croton niveus Jacq.
Croton nivifer S. Moore
Croton nobilis Baill.
Croton noronhae Baill.
Croton pampangensis Croizat
Croton panduriformis Müll. Arg.
Croton pannosus Thunb.
Croton paraensis Müll. Arg.
Croton paraguayensis Chodat
Croton pilgeri Ule
Croton pilophorus Airy Shaw
Croton pilosus Spreng.
Croton piluliferus Rusby
Croton punctatus Jacq.
Croton puncticulatus Müll. Arg.
Croton rimbachii Croizat
Croton rizzinii
Croton scaber Willd.
Croton serratus Müll. Arg.
Croton siltepecensis Lundell
Croton silvanus Croizat
Croton stylosus Müll. Arg.
Croton suaveolens Torr.
Croton suavis Kunth
Croton subacutus Müll. Arg.
Croton subaemulans Baill.
Croton thymelinus Baill.
Croton tiglium L.
Croton tiliifolius Lam.
Croton urucurana Baill.
Croton viroleoides P. E. Berry & Secco
Croton xalapensis Kunth
Croton xanthochylus Croizat
Croton xiaopadou Y. T. Chang & S. Z. Huang ex H. S. Kiu
Croton yacaensis Croizat
Croton yanhuii Y. T. Chang
Croton yavitensis Croizat
1212 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Croton L.
Croton splendidus Mart. ex Colla
(this page)
Croton hasskarlianus Müll. Arg.
Croton haumanianus J. Léonard
Croton heliaster S. F. Blake
Croton helichrysum Baill.
Croton heliotropiifolius Kunth
Croton hemiargyreus Müll. Arg.
Croton hentyi Airy Shaw
Croton herzogianus (Pax & K. Hoffm.) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton heteranthus Aug. DC.
Croton heterocalyx Baill.
Croton heterochrous Müll. Arg.
Croton heterodoxus Baill.
Croton heterotrichus Müll. Arg.
Croton hibiscifolius Kunth ex Spreng.
Croton hieronymi Griseb.
Croton hilarii Baill.
Croton hildebrandtii Baill.
Croton hircinus Vent.
Croton hirtus L'Her.
Croton hoffmannii Müll. Arg.
Croton holguinensis Borhidi
Croton holodiscus (Croizat) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton isomonensis Leandri
Croton iteophyllus Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton itzaeus Lundell
Croton ivohibensis Leandri
Croton jacmelianus Urb.
Croton jacobinensis Baill.
Croton jamaicensis B. W. van Ee & P. E. Berry
Croton jamesonii Müll. Arg.
Croton janeirensis Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton japirensis Müll. Arg.
Croton jatrophifolius Müll. Arg.
Croton jatrophoides Pax
Croton jaucoensis Borhidi
Croton javarisensis Secco
Croton jennyanus Griseb. ex Baill.
Croton jimenezii Standl. & Valerio
Croton jorgei J. Murillo
Croton limnocharis Croizat
Croton longinervius Müll. Arg.
Croton longipedicellatus J. Léonard
Croton longiracemosus Hutch.
Croton longiradiatus Lanj.
Croton longissimus Airy Shaw
Croton lotorius Croizat
Croton loukandensis Pellegr.
Croton louvelii Leandri
Croton luciae Croizat
Croton luetzelburgii Pax & K. Hoffm.
Croton lundellii Standl.
Croton lundianus (Didr.) Müll. Arg.
Croton luzianus Müll. Arg.
Croton luzoniensis Müll. Arg.
Croton maasii Riina & P. E. Berry
Croton macradenis Görts & Punt
Croton macrobothrys Baill.
Croton macrobuxus Baill.
Croton macrodontus Müll. Arg.
Croton macrolepis Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Delile
Croton maculatus Vahl
Croton maestrensis (Alain) B. W. van Ee & P. E. Berry
Croton maevaranensis Leandri
Croton magdalenae Millsp.
Croton magneticus Airy Shaw
Croton malabaricus Bedd.
Croton malambo H. Karst.
Croton mallotophyllus Croizat
Croton malvaviscifolius Millsp.
Croton malvoides (Croizat) Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton mamillatus P. I. Forst.
Croton murex Croizat
Croton perspeciosus Croizat
Croton peruvianus Briq.
Croton pervestitus C. Wright ex Griseb.
Croton perviscosus Croizat
Croton petraeus Müll. Arg.
Croton phaenodon Airy Shaw
Croton phebalioides F. Muell. ex Müll. Arg.
Croton phyllanthus (Chodat & Hassl.) G. L. Webster
Croton piauhiensis Müll. Arg.
Croton pilophorus Airy Shaw
Croton pilosus Spreng.
Croton speciosus Müll. Arg.
Croton sphaerocarpus Kunth
Croton sphaerogynus Baill.
Croton spica Baill.
Croton spiciflorus Thunb.
Croton spiraeifolius Jabl.
Croton spiralis Müll. Arg.
Croton spissirameus Radcl.-Sm. & Govaerts
Croton spruceanus Benth.
Croton spurcus Croizat
Croton staechadis Baill.
Croton stahelianus Lanj.
Croton staminosus Müll. Arg.
Croton stanneum Baill.
Croton steenkampianus Gerstner
Croton stellatoferrugineus Caruzo & Cordeiro
1035 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.