
अल्फ़ाकोरोनावायरस ( Hindi )

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अल्फ़ाकोरोनावायरस (Alphacoronavirus) वायरस के कोरोनाविरिडाए कुल के चार सदस्य जीववैज्ञानिक वंशों में से एक है। अल्फ़ाकोरोनावायरस और बेटाकोरोनावायरस मूल रूप से चमगादड़ में संक्रमण करने वाले वायरस के वंशज हैं जो मानवों व अन्य स्तनधारियों में भी फैल जाते हैं।[1][2]

इन्हें भी देखें


  1. "Virus Taxonomy: 2018 Release" (html). International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) (अंग्रेज़ी में). October 2018. अभिगमन तिथि 24 January 2019.
  2. "China coronavirus: A visual guide". BBC News (अंग्रेज़ी में). 2020-01-24. अभिगमन तिथि 2020-01-26.
विकिपीडिया के लेखक और संपादक

अल्फ़ाकोरोनावायरस: Brief Summary ( Hindi )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

अल्फ़ाकोरोनावायरस (Alphacoronavirus) वायरस के कोरोनाविरिडाए कुल के चार सदस्य जीववैज्ञानिक वंशों में से एक है। अल्फ़ाकोरोनावायरस और बेटाकोरोनावायरस मूल रूप से चमगादड़ में संक्रमण करने वाले वायरस के वंशज हैं जो मानवों व अन्य स्तनधारियों में भी फैल जाते हैं।

विकिपीडिया के लेखक और संपादक


provided by wikipedia EN

Alphacoronaviruses (Alpha-CoV) are members of the first of the four genera (Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma-, and Delta-) of coronaviruses. They are positive-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses that infect mammals, including humans. They have spherical virions with club-shaped surface projections formed by trimers of the spike protein, and a viral envelope.

Alphacoronaviruses are in the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae of the family Coronaviridae. Both the Alpha- and Betacoronavirus lineages descend from the bat viral gene pool.[1][2][3] Alphacoronaviruses were previously known as "phylogroup 1 coronaviruses".

The Alphacoronavirus genus is very diverse, particularly in bats. Most bat originating strains haven't been successfully isolated and cultured in laboratory. Alphacoronaviruses infecting other mammal species have been much better studied, see List of Coronavirus live isolates.


The name alphacoronavirus is derived from Ancient Greek ἄλφα (álpha, "the first letter of the Greek alphabet"), and κορώνη (korṓnē, "garland, wreath"), meaning crown, which describes the appearance of the surface projections seen under electron microscopy that resemble a solar corona.[4]


The virion is enveloped and spherical measuring 120–160 nm in diameter and a core shell of about 65 nm. Glycoproteins and trimers form large surface projections which create the appearance of solar corona. This genus, like other coronaviruses, has a spike protein with a type I fusion machine (S2) and a receptor-binding domain (S1). It assembles into a trimer. Unlike beta- and gammacoronaviruses, this protein is not cleaved into two halves.[5]


Genetic relationships between the different feline coronaviruses (FCov) and canine coronaviruses (CCoV) genotypes. Recombination at arrows.[6]

The genome is positive-sense, single-stranded RNA with a length of 27 to 29 kilobases and a 3'-polyA tail. Two large, overlapping ORFs at the 5'-end of the genome encode the major non-structural proteins expressed as a fusion protein by ribosomal frameshift. These include regions with protease, helicase and RNA polymerase motifs. There are seven other genes downstream which encode structural proteins. These are expressed from a 3'-coterminal nested set of subgenomic mRNAs.


Both types of Alphacoronavirus 1, feline coronavirus (FCoV) and canine coronavirus (CCoV), are known to exist in two serotypes. Serotype II targets Aminopeptidase N, while the receptor for Serotype I is unknown. The difference is due to a different spike protein.[7] There is a common ancestor for FCoV and CCoV. This ancestor gradually evolved into FCoV I and CCoV I. An S protein from an unknown virus was recombined into the ancestor and gave rise to CCoV II. CCoV II once again recombined with FCoV to create FCoV II. CCoV II gradually evolved into TGEV. A spike deletion in TGEV creates PRCV. All these viruses are sorted into the subgenus Tegacovirus.[7]


Phylogentic tree of the genus Alphacoronaviruses with host animals indicated on the right hand side.

The following subgenera and species are recognized:[8]

CoronavirusesHCoV-229E virus
Epidemics and pandemics

See also


  1. ^ Woo, P. C.; Wang, M.; Lau, S. K.; Xu, H.; Poon, R. W.; Guo, R.; Wong, B. H.; Gao, K.; Tsoi, H. W.; Huang, Y.; Li, K. S.; Lam, C. S.; Chan, K. H.; Zheng, B. J.; Yuen, K. Y. (2007). "Comparative analysis of twelve genomes of three novel group 2c and group 2d coronaviruses reveals unique group and subgroup features". Journal of Virology. 81 (4): 1574–85. doi:10.1128/JVI.02182-06. PMC 1797546. PMID 17121802.
  2. ^ Lau, S. K.; Woo, P. C.; Yip, C. C.; Fan, R. Y.; Huang, Y.; Wang, M.; Guo, R.; Lam, C. S.; Tsang, A. K.; Lai, K. K.; Chan, K. H.; Che, X. Y.; Zheng, B. J.; Yuen, K. Y. (2012). "Isolation and characterization of a novel Betacoronavirus subgroup A coronavirus, rabbit coronavirus HKU14, from domestic rabbits". Journal of Virology. 86 (10): 5481–96. doi:10.1128/JVI.06927-11. PMC 3347282. PMID 22398294.
  3. ^ Lau, S. K.; Poon, R. W.; Wong, B. H.; Wang, M.; Huang, Y.; Xu, H.; Guo, R.; Li, K. S.; Gao, K.; Chan, K. H.; Zheng, B. J.; Woo, P. C.; Yuen, K. Y. (2010). "Coexistence of different genotypes in the same bat and serological characterization of Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9 belonging to a novel Betacoronavirus subgroup". Journal of Virology. 84 (21): 11385–94. doi:10.1128/JVI.01121-10. PMC 2953156. PMID 20702646.
  4. ^ Decaro, Nicola (2011). "Alphacoronavirus". The Springer Index of Viruses. pp. 371–383. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-95919-1_56. ISBN 978-0-387-95918-4. S2CID 216061230.
  5. ^ Wrapp, Daniel; McLellan, Jason S.; Gallagher, Tom (13 November 2019). "The 3.1-Angstrom Cryo-electron Microscopy Structure of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Spike Protein in the Prefusion Conformation". Journal of Virology. 93 (23): e00923-19. doi:10.1128/JVI.00923-19. PMC 6854500. PMID 31534041.
  6. ^ Le Poder, Sophie (2011-07-31). "Feline and Canine Coronaviruses: Common Genetic and Pathobiological Features". Advances in Virology. 2011: 609465. doi:10.1155/2011/609465. PMC 3265309. PMID 22312347.
  7. ^ a b Jaimes, Javier A.; Millet, Jean K.; Stout, Alison E.; André, Nicole M.; Whittaker, Gary R. (10 January 2020). "A Tale of Two Viruses: The Distinct Spike Glycoproteins of Feline Coronaviruses". Viruses. 12 (1): 83. doi:10.3390/v12010083. PMC 7019228. PMID 31936749.
  8. ^ "Virus Taxonomy: 2019 Release". talk.ictvonline.org. International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Retrieved 20 June 2020.

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Alphacoronavirus: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Alphacoronaviruses (Alpha-CoV) are members of the first of the four genera (Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma-, and Delta-) of coronaviruses. They are positive-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses that infect mammals, including humans. They have spherical virions with club-shaped surface projections formed by trimers of the spike protein, and a viral envelope.

Alphacoronaviruses are in the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae of the family Coronaviridae. Both the Alpha- and Betacoronavirus lineages descend from the bat viral gene pool. Alphacoronaviruses were previously known as "phylogroup 1 coronaviruses".

The Alphacoronavirus genus is very diverse, particularly in bats. Most bat originating strains haven't been successfully isolated and cultured in laboratory. Alphacoronaviruses infecting other mammal species have been much better studied, see List of Coronavirus live isolates.

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Alphacoronavirus ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Los alfacoronavirus son los primeros de los cuatro géneros (alfa, beta, gamma y deltacoronavirus) en la subfamilia Orthocoronavirinae de la familia Coronaviridae. Los coronavirus son virus de ARN monocatenarios con sentido positivo y envoltura que incluyen especies humanas y zoonóticas. Dentro de esta subfamilia, los virus tienen viriones esféricos con proyecciones de superficie en forma de maza y un caparazón central. El nombre es del latín corona, que significa corona, que describe la apariencia de las proyecciones vistas bajo microscopía electrónica que se asemejan a una corona solar. Este género contiene lo que anteriormente se consideraban del coronavirus phylogroup 1.[1]

Tanto el linaje alfa como el betacoronavirus descienden del grupo de genes murciélago.[2][3][4]


El virión está envuelto y es esférico, mide 120–160 nm de diámetro y un núcleo de aproximadamente 65 nm. Las glicoproteínas y los trímeros forman grandes proyecciones de superficie que crean la apariencia de corona solar de la que toma su nombre. El genoma es ARN monocatenario de sentido positivo con una longitud de 27 a 29 kilobases y una cola 3'-poliA. Dos ORF grandes y superpuestos en el extremo 5 'del genoma codifican las principales proteínas no estructurales expresadas como una proteína de fusión por desplazamiento de marco ribosómico. Estos incluyen regiones con motivos de proteasa, helicasa y ARN polimerasa. Hay otros 7 genes aguas abajo que codifican proteínas estructurales. Estos se expresan a partir de un conjunto anidado 3'-coterminal de ARNm subgenómicos.


Véase también


  1. Decaro, Nicola (2011). «Alphacoronavirus». The Springer Index of Viruses. pp. 371-383. ISBN 978-0-387-95918-4. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-95919-1_56.
  2. Woo, P. C.; Wang, M.; Lau, S. K.; Xu, H.; Poon, R. W.; Guo, R.; Wong, B. H.; Gao, K.; Tsoi, H. W.; Huang, Y.; Li, K. S.; Lam, C. S.; Chan, K. H.; Zheng, B. J.; Yuen, K. Y. (2007). «Comparative analysis of twelve genomes of three novel group 2c and group 2d coronaviruses reveals unique group and subgroup features». Journal of Virology 81 (4): 1574-85. PMC 1797546. PMID 17121802. doi:10.1128/JVI.02182-06.
  3. Lau, S. K.; Woo, P. C.; Yip, C. C.; Fan, R. Y.; Huang, Y.; Wang, M.; Guo, R.; Lam, C. S.; Tsang, A. K.; Lai, K. K.; Chan, K. H.; Che, X. Y.; Zheng, B. J.; Yuen, K. Y. (2012). «Isolation and characterization of a novel Betacoronavirus subgroup A coronavirus, rabbit coronavirus HKU14, from domestic rabbits». Journal of Virology 86 (10): 5481-96. PMC 3347282. PMID 22398294. doi:10.1128/JVI.06927-11.
  4. Lau, S. K.; Poon, R. W.; Wong, B. H.; Wang, M.; Huang, Y.; Xu, H.; Guo, R.; Li, K. S.; Gao, K.; Chan, K. H.; Zheng, B. J.; Woo, P. C.; Yuen, K. Y. (2010). «Coexistence of different genotypes in the same bat and serological characterization of Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9 belonging to a novel Betacoronavirus subgroup». Journal of Virology 84 (21): 11385-94. PMC 2953156. PMID 20702646. doi:10.1128/JVI.01121-10.

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Alphacoronavirus: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Los alfacoronavirus son los primeros de los cuatro géneros (alfa, beta, gamma y deltacoronavirus) en la subfamilia Orthocoronavirinae de la familia Coronaviridae. Los coronavirus son virus de ARN monocatenarios con sentido positivo y envoltura que incluyen especies humanas y zoonóticas. Dentro de esta subfamilia, los virus tienen viriones esféricos con proyecciones de superficie en forma de maza y un caparazón central. El nombre es del latín corona, que significa corona, que describe la apariencia de las proyecciones vistas bajo microscopía electrónica que se asemejan a una corona solar. Este género contiene lo que anteriormente se consideraban del coronavirus phylogroup 1.​

Tanto el linaje alfa como el betacoronavirus descienden del grupo de genes murciélago.​​​

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Alphacoronavirus ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Alphacoronavirus (ou α-coronavirus, Alpha-CoV) est l'un des quatre genres connus de coronavirus. Il est classé dans la sous-famille des Orthocoronavirinae, la famille des Coronaviridae et l'ordre des Nidovirales. Il regroupe des virus à ARN simple brin enveloppés, de sens positif, d'origine zoonotique.

Dans cette sous-famille, les virus ont des virions sphériques avec des projections de surface en forme de club et une coquille centrale. Le nom vient du latin corona, qui signifie couronne, qui décrit l'apparence des projections vues en microscopie électronique, et qui ressemblent à une couronne solaire. Ce genre contient ce qui était auparavant considéré comme des coronavirus du phylogroupe 1.

Les genres Alphacoronavirus et Betacoronavirus ont des lignées qui descendent du pool génétique des chauves-souris.[2].


Les espèces d’Alphacoronavirus infectent principalement les Chauves-souris, mais également d'autres espèces de Mammifères comme l'Homme, le Porc, le Rat, des Mustelidés, des Musaraignes. Les espèces d’Alphacoronavirus humains (HCoV-229E et HCoV-NL63) sont des agents du rhume commun.


Les coronavirus ont un génome ARN de grande taille qui varie de 26 à 32 kilobases.


Le genre Alphacoronavirus de la sous-famille des Orthocoronavirinae de la famille des Coronaviridae comprend 14 sous-genres reconnus par l'International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV)[3],[4]:


Référence biologique

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Alphacoronavirus: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Alphacoronavirus (ou α-coronavirus, Alpha-CoV) est l'un des quatre genres connus de coronavirus. Il est classé dans la sous-famille des Orthocoronavirinae, la famille des Coronaviridae et l'ordre des Nidovirales. Il regroupe des virus à ARN simple brin enveloppés, de sens positif, d'origine zoonotique.

Dans cette sous-famille, les virus ont des virions sphériques avec des projections de surface en forme de club et une coquille centrale. Le nom vient du latin corona, qui signifie couronne, qui décrit l'apparence des projections vues en microscopie électronique, et qui ressemblent à une couronne solaire. Ce genre contient ce qui était auparavant considéré comme des coronavirus du phylogroupe 1.

Les genres Alphacoronavirus et Betacoronavirus ont des lignées qui descendent du pool génétique des chauves-souris..

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Alfacoronavirus ( Italian )

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Alfacoronavirus (Alpha-CoV) è uno dei quattro generi, insieme a Beta-, Gamma-, e Deltacoronavirus della sottofamiglia Orthocoronavirinae nella famiglia dei Coronaviridae, dell'ordine Nidovirales.

Essi hanno un rivestimento (envelope), e sono virus a RNA a singolo filamento positivo.

Il genere Alfacoronavirus, precedentemente noto come gruppo 1 dei Coronavirus, CoV-1, comprende i sottogruppi 1a e 1b, che sono prototipati rispettivamente da coronavirus umano 229E (HCoV-229E) e HCoV-NL63, nonché dalla nuova specie alfacoronavirus 1 (inclusi i virus della gastroenterite trasmissibile suina, TGEV; coronavirus aviario, IBV; coronavirus canino, CCoV; coronavirus felino, FCoV).

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