Coscinodiscus wailesii. oblique SEM . Visible are: girdle bands, two regular rows of rimoportulae (2-3 areolae from margin & at valve face/mantle junction), one irregular row of rimoportulae near center, irregular hyaline central area. scale bar is 10µm.
Coscinodiscus wailesii,schematic girdle view of one theca (modified from Gran & Angst, Fig. 26)
Coscinodiscus wailesii, cleaned valve, light microscope
Coscinodiscus wailesii, living cell in valve view
Centric diatom, seen from valve view. This is an empty frustule of a large marine species. The pattern of pores in the frustule is used in identification. Marine. Phase contrast.
Coscinodiscus (coss-co-no-disc-us) a centric diatom, seen from valve view. This is an empty frustule of a large marine species. The pattern of pores in the frustule is used in identification. Marine. Phase contrast.
Coscinodiscus (a centric diatom), seen from valve view. This is an empty frustule of a large marine species. The pattern of pores in the frustule is used in identification. Marine. Differential interference contrast.
Coscinodiscus (caw-skin-owe-disk-us) a centric diatom (stramenopile), this genus is common in the marine plankton and has hundreds of species, some of which can achieve a very large size. The cell to the left is in girdle view, with the two valves visible to either end and girdle bands in the middle of the cell, the cell to the right is seen from valve (end) view. This genus has small thickenings (processes) around the margin of the valve. The species are mostly distinguished by the pattern of sculpting of the frustule. Differential interference microscopy.
data on this strain.
Cells of this centric diatom observed in the water column from Lake Pontchartrain, differential interference contrast optics.
This large flat centric diatom is commonly found in the waters off Martha's Vineyard. This is a phase contrast image by D J Patterson and D Lahr.
C. radiatus is one of the smaller Coscinodiscus species. It is box shaped in girdle view and the valves are very flat. The areolae form disctinct rows radiating from the valve centre. C. radiatus is a cosmopolitan species.
Scanning electron microscope image of valve. The organism is tentatively identified as C. radiatus. Sample taken from the water column off Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. Image by Charley O'Kelly and Shauna Murray.