Trogon curucui, ye una especie d'ave perteneciente a la familia Trogonidae.
Atópase en Arxentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguái, y Perú. El so hábitat natural son los montes húmedos de les tierres baxes subtropicales o tropicales y los antiguos montes degradaos.
Distribuyir por América del Sur ye'l cuadrante suroeste y el sureste de la cuenca del Amazones col llende norte ye'l ríu Amazones. La gama sigue más allá de la cuenca del Amazones escontra'l sur hasta'l norte d'Arxentina y Paraguái, y escontra l'este a la mariña oriental de Brasil pel sur hasta'l norte de Espírito Santu, un terciu de la distribución de la especie alcuéntrase fora de la cuenca del Amazones.
Estrémense les siguientes == subespecies:[1]
Trogon curucui, ye una especie d'ave perteneciente a la familia Trogonidae.
An trogon kabell c'hlas(Daveoù a vank) a zo un evn, Trogon curucui an anv skiantel anezhañ.
Al labous a vev an tri isspesad anezhañ e Suamerika :
An trogon kabell c'hlas(Daveoù a vank) a zo un evn, Trogon curucui an anv skiantel anezhañ.
El trogon de capell blau (Trogon curucui) és un ocell de la família dels trogònids (Trogonidae) que habita la selva humida del sud-est de Colòmbia, oest, est i sud de Brasil, Equador, est de Perú, Bolívia, nord-oest de l'Argentina i Paraguai.
El trogon de capell blau (Trogon curucui) és un ocell de la família dels trogònids (Trogonidae) que habita la selva humida del sud-est de Colòmbia, oest, est i sud de Brasil, Equador, est de Perú, Bolívia, nord-oest de l'Argentina i Paraguai.
Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Trogon penlas (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: trogoniaid penlas) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Trogon curucui; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Blue-crowned trogon. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Trogoniaid (Lladin: Trogonidae) sydd yn urdd y Trogoniformes.[1]
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn T. curucui, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2] Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Ne America.
Mae'r trogon penlas yn perthyn i deulu'r Trogoniaid (Lladin: Trogonidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:
Rhestr Wicidata:
rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Cwetsal cribog Pharomachrus antisianus Cwetsal cynffonfrith Pharomachrus fulgidus Cwetsal eurben Pharomachrus auriceps Cwetsal y Dwyrain Pharomachrus pavoninus Cwetsal y Gogledd Pharomachrus mocinno Trogon cain Trogon elegans Trogon clustiog Euptilotis neoxenus Trogon cynffonresog Apaloderma vittatum Trogon Narina Apaloderma narina Trogon pengoch Harpactes erythrocephalus Trogon penlas Trogon curucuiAderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Trogon penlas (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: trogoniaid penlas) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Trogon curucui; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Blue-crowned trogon. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Trogoniaid (Lladin: Trogonidae) sydd yn urdd y Trogoniformes.
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn T. curucui, sef enw'r rhywogaeth. Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Ne America.
Der Blauscheiteltrogon (Trogon curucui) ist ein südamerikanischer Vogel.
Der 25 cm lange Blauscheiteltrogon ist ein Vogel mit leuchtendem, dichtem und weichem Gefieder, kräftigem Schnabel und kleinen Füßen. Das Männchen ist an der Unterseite rot gefärbt, an der Oberseite grün, mit bläulichem Schimmer an Haube, Nacken und Schwanz. Die orangefarbenen Augenringe kontrastieren mit den dunklen Augen und Gesicht. Das Weibchen ist oberseits blaugrau gefärbt, unterseits rot mit einem weißen Brustband. Beide Geschlechter haben schwarz-weiß gebänderte Schwanzfedern.
Das Verbreitungsgebiet dieses Vogels umfasst den nordöstlichen Teil von Südamerika, von Kolumbien und NW-Brasilien südlich bis Peru, Bolivien, Paraguay und NO-Argentinien. Er bewohnt Regenwälder des Tieflands und Sekundärwälder mit hohen Bäumen, in der Nähe von Flüssen oder in sumpfigem Gebieten.
Trotz seines bunten Gefieders ist der Blauscheiteltrogon ein unauffälliger Einzelgänger, der oft lange reglos in mittleren und niedrigen Baumschichten sitzt. Von hier hält er nach Insekten Ausschau, die er im Flug fängt. Andere Wirbellose, wie Schnecken, und vegetarische Kost, vor allem Früchte ergänzen die Nahrung.
Der Blauscheiteltrogon nützt zum Brüten entweder verlassene Spechthöhlen, oder er gräbt selbst eine Höhle in weichem Material wie verrottetem Holz oder in den Nestern baumbewohnender Termiten. Beide Geschlechter teilen sich den Nestbau. Das Gelege aus zwei bis fünf Eiern wird etwa drei Wochen lang bebrütet.
Der Blauscheiteltrogon (Trogon curucui) ist ein südamerikanischer Vogel.
The blue-crowned trogon (Trogon curucui) is a species of bird in the family Trogonidae, the quetzals and trogons. It is found in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Peru. As with all trogons, this species is sexually dimorphic. The male has a blue head with an orange orbital ring, a red belly with a narrow white breastband and a green back. The female differs in having a grey head, a grey back and a broken white eye-ring.
The blue-crowned trogon was formally described by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1766 in the twelfth edition of his Systema Naturae. He placed it with the other trogons in the genus Trogon and coined the binomial name Trogon curucui.[2][3] Linnaeus based his description on the "Curucui" that had been described and illustrated in 1648 by the German naturalist Georg Marcgrave in his book Historia Naturalis Brasiliae.[4][5] The name "Curucui" and the specific epithet are derived from Surucui, a word from the extinct Brazilian Tupi language for a small bird.[6] A 2008 molecular phylogenetic study of the genus Trogon found that the blue-crowned trogon was sister to the yellow-bellied Guianan trogon (T. violaceus).[7]
Three subspecies are recognised:[8]
The blue-crowned trogon is about 24 cm (9.4 in) long and weighs 39 to 63 g (1.4 to 2.2 oz). The male of the nominate subspecies has a blackish face and throat with an orange ring around the eye. The crown, sides of the neck, and breast are glossy greenish blue, the nape turquoise-green, and the back metallic bronzy green. The upperside of the tail is greenish blue and the underside has black and white bars. The folded wing has fine vermiculation that looks gray at a distance. The breast is separated from the rosy red belly and vent by a white band. The female is gray where the male is green and the belly is pinkish red. Instead of the orange ring around the eye there are white arcs before and after it. The underside of the tail has a different black and white pattern. The male of T. c. peruvianus has a bluish gloss to the bronzy green back, a much reduced white breast band, and narrower white bars on the undertail. The male T. c. behni's back is more intensely bronze than the nominate's, and the breast is greener.[9]
The male blue-crowned trogon's song is "a fast, evenly paced repetition of...'kow' [notes], lasting about 4-5 seconds and ending abruptly". Both sexes give a "churrr" call.[10]
The blue-crowned trogon is found throughout the Amazon Basin south of the Amazon River and south and east from there as well. The nominate subspecies is found from Amazonian central Brazil east to the Atlantic Ocean. T. c. peruvianus is found in the Andean foothills of southern Colombia, eastern Ecuador and Peru, and northwestern Bolivia and from there east into Amazonian Brazil as far as the Tapajós River. T. c. behni is found in eastern and southern Bolivia, southwestern Brazil, much of Paraguay, and northern Argentina.[8][9]
It inhabits a variety of landscapes across its large range. Forest types include várzea, gallery, tall secondary, and dry semi-deciduous. It occupies all levels from the understory to the canopy. It is also found in savanna woodland, dry palm forest, caatinga, and scrublands. In the northern part of its range it seldom occurs above 500 m (1,600 ft) of elevation but reaches as high as 1,500 m (4,900 ft) in Argentina and 1,750 m (5,700 ft) in Bolivia.[9]
The blue-crowned trogon's diet includes a wide variety of insects and spiders, and also fruits. It sometimes joins mixed-species foraging flocks.[9]
The blue-crowned trogon's breeding season varies across its range. It starts as early as May in Colombia and spans from October to December in Argentina. It nests in cavities in arboreal termitaria. The clutch size is two or three eggs.[9]
The IUCN has assessed the blue-crowned trogon as being of Least Concern, though its population is unknown and is believed to be decreasing.[1] It is rare to common in different parts of its range and occurs in several protected areas in Boliva, Brazil, and Argentina.[9]
The blue-crowned trogon (Trogon curucui) is a species of bird in the family Trogonidae, the quetzals and trogons. It is found in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Peru. As with all trogons, this species is sexually dimorphic. The male has a blue head with an orange orbital ring, a red belly with a narrow white breastband and a green back. The female differs in having a grey head, a grey back and a broken white eye-ring.
Trogon curucui, llamado como surucuá aurora, es una especie de ave de la familia Trogonidae.
Se encuentra en Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, y Perú. Su hábitat natural son los bosques húmedos de las tierras bajas subtropicales o tropicales y los antiguos bosques degradados.
Se distribuye por América del Sur es el cuadrante suroeste y el sureste de la cuenca del Amazonas con el límite norte es el río Amazonas. La gama sigue más allá de la cuenca del Amazonas hacia el sur hasta el norte de Argentina y Paraguay, y hacia el este a la costa oriental de Brasil por el sur hasta el norte de Espírito Santo, un tercio de la distribución de la especie se encuentra fuera de la cuenca del Amazonas.
Se distinguen las siguientes subespecies:[1]
Trogon curucui, llamado como surucuá aurora, es una especie de ave de la familia Trogonidae.
Trogon curucui Trogon generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Trogonidae familian sailkatua dago.
Trogon curucui Trogon generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Trogonidae familian sailkatua dago.
Alankotrogoni (Trogon curucui) on trogonien heimoon kuuluva eteläamerikkalainen lintu. Sen esiintymisalue käsittää Andien itäpuolta Kolumbiasta Brasiliaan, Itä-Boliviaan, Paraguayhin ja Pohjois-Argentiinaan. Lajista tunnetaan kolme alalajia. Carl von Linné kuvaili lajin holotyypin Brasiliasta vuonna 1766.[2]
Alankotrogoni (Trogon curucui) on trogonien heimoon kuuluva eteläamerikkalainen lintu. Sen esiintymisalue käsittää Andien itäpuolta Kolumbiasta Brasiliaan, Itä-Boliviaan, Paraguayhin ja Pohjois-Argentiinaan. Lajista tunnetaan kolme alalajia. Carl von Linné kuvaili lajin holotyypin Brasiliasta vuonna 1766.
Trogon curucui
Le Trogon couroucou (Trogon curucui) est une espèce d'oiseau de la famille des Trogonidae.
Cet oiseau mesure environ 24 cm de longueur pour une masse de 39 à 63 g. Son ventre est rouge vermillon.
Son aire s'étend à travers la moitié nord de l'Amérique du Sud (à l'est des Andes).
Cet oiseau peuple les forêts primaires et secondaires.
Cette espèce est surtout insectivore mais consomme aussi des fruits et des baies.
Ces oiseaux sont représentés dans la littérature dans l'oeuvre de Jules Verne L’île mystérieuse, dans le chapitre VI de la première partie[1]. En effet, ils sont chassés pour leur chair très délicate par Pencroff et Harbert qui les abattent à coups de bâton, les oiseaux ne s'envolant pas, restant sur des basses branches à attendre le passage de quelques insectes qui leur servaient de nourriture.
Trogon curucui
Le Trogon couroucou (Trogon curucui) est une espèce d'oiseau de la famille des Trogonidae.
Il trogone testablu (Trogon curucui Linnaeus, 1766) è un uccello appartenente alla famiglia Trogonidae[2] diffuso in America meridionale.
Il trogone testablu misura circa 24 cm di lunghezza.[3] La specie presenta dimorfismo sessuale: il maschio ha una colorazione vivace con petto e ventre di colore rosso acceso, ali e coda scure barrate di bianco e testa, gola e dorso di colore blu-verde con riflessi iridescenti; la femmina ha invece un piumaggio meno vistoso. Le zampe sono piccole e il becco è robusto.
Si nutre di frutta e insetti, che cattura lanciandosi da un posatoio sul quale normalmente staziona anche per lungo tempo; una volta individuata una preda la ghermisce restando in volo stazionario, ritornando poi al posatoio. Frequenta i livelli medi e bassi della vegetazione. Il nido è rappresentato da una cavità in un tronco d'albero che può essere naturale, scavata da un picchio o dall'uccello stesso se il legno è in decomposizione, ma può essere anche in un nido di termiti.
Vive nelle foreste di pianura (comprese quelle secondarie) dell'America meridionale, con un areale molto vasto che si estende dal Brasile nordoccidentale e dalla Colombia fino al Perù, alla Bolivia, al Paraguay e all'Argentina nordorientale. La specie è stanziale.
Il trogone testablu (Trogon curucui Linnaeus, 1766) è un uccello appartenente alla famiglia Trogonidae diffuso in America meridionale.
De blauwkruintrogon (Trogon curucui) is een vogel uit de familie Trogonidae.
Deze soort komt voor in centraal en oostelijk Zuid-Amerika en telt 3 ondersoorten:
De blauwkruintrogon (Trogon curucui) is een vogel uit de familie Trogonidae.
O surucuá-de-barriga-vermelha (Trogon curucui) é uma espécie de surucuá que habita boa parte da América do Sul, incluindo a Colômbia, Bolívia, Paraguai, Argentina e Brasil. Tais aves chegama medir até 25 cm de comprimento, sendo que os machos possuem o alto da cabeça azul, pálpebras amarelas, dorso verde, cauda negra com faixas longitudinais brancas, enquanto as fêmeas têm o alto da cabeça e o pescoço cinzentos.[1] Também são conhecidas pelos nomes de peito-de-moça e perua-choca.
São reconhecidas três subespécies:[2]
O surucuá-de-barriga-vermelha (Trogon curucui) é uma espécie de surucuá que habita boa parte da América do Sul, incluindo a Colômbia, Bolívia, Paraguai, Argentina e Brasil. Tais aves chegama medir até 25 cm de comprimento, sendo que os machos possuem o alto da cabeça azul, pálpebras amarelas, dorso verde, cauda negra com faixas longitudinais brancas, enquanto as fêmeas têm o alto da cabeça e o pescoço cinzentos. Também são conhecidas pelos nomes de peito-de-moça e perua-choca.
Blåkronad trogon[2] (Trogon curucui) är en fågel i familjen trogoner inom ordningen trogonfåglar.[3] IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]
Blåkronad trogon delas in i tre underarter:[3]
Blåkronad trogon (Trogon curucui) är en fågel i familjen trogoner inom ordningen trogonfåglar. IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.
Blåkronad trogon delas in i tre underarter:
Trogon curucui peruvianus - förekommer i södra och centrala Colombia till Ecuador, Peru och östra Brasilien Trogon curucui curucui - förekommer i fuktiga områden i östra Brasilien, Paraguay och Bolivia Trogon curucui behni - förekommer i östra Bolivia till södra Brasilien, Paraguay och norra ArgentinaTrogon curucui là một loài chim trong họ Trogonidae.[1] Nó được tìm thấy ở Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, và Peru. Môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng là rừng ẩm vùng đất thấp nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới.
Trogon curucui là một loài chim trong họ Trogonidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, và Peru. Môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng là rừng ẩm vùng đất thấp nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới.
Синешапочный трогон[1] (лат. Trogon curucui) — вид птиц семейства трогоновых.
Синешапочный трогон длиной 25 см. У самца оперение нижней части тела окрашено в красный цвет, верхняя часть тела зелёного цвета с синеватым отливом на голове, затылке и хвосте. Оранжевые круги вокруг глаз контрастируют с тёмными глазами и лицом. У самки оперение верхней части тела окрашено в голубовато-серый цвет, нижняя часть тела красного цвета, на груди имеется белая полоса. У птиц обоего пола перья хвоста чёрно-белые.
Область распространения этой птицы охватывает северо-восточную часть Южной Америки, от Колумбии и северо-запада Бразилии к югу до Перу, Боливии, Парагвая и северо-востока Аргентины. Она населяет влажные низменные джунгли и вторичные леса с высокими деревьями, вблизи рек или болотистой местности.
Вопреки своему пёстрому оперению синешапочный трогон незаметный одиночка, который часто подолгу неподвижно сидит на средних и нижних ярусах деревьев. Оттуда он высматривает насекомых, которых он ловит в полёте. Другие беспозвоночные, такие как улитки, и вегетарианский корм, прежде всего, плоды, дополняют рацион питания.
Синешапочный трогон использует для гнездования покинутые дупла дятлов, или сам строит дупло в мягкой гнилой древесине или в гнёздах населяющих дерево термитов. Участвуют как самец, так и самка. В кладке от 2-х до 5-и яиц, высиживание которой длится примерно 3 недели.
Синешапочный трогон (лат. Trogon curucui) — вид птиц семейства трогоновых.