North Carolina, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Village of Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, United States
close up image of Trillium recurvatum RED TRILLIUM at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single flower in full bloom detailing the reproductive organs.This species is featured in the soon-to-be-published book, Elusive Splendor: Wildflowers of the Tall Grass Prairie. Contact frank@black-sweater-art.com for more information.
field image of Trillium recurvatum RED TRILLIUM at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single specimen at full bloom, top down view
close up image of Trillium recurvatum RED TRILLIUM at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single specimen at full bloom detailing the erect petals and the drooping sepals.
field image of Trillium recurvatum RED TRILLIUM at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single specimen at full bloom, side view. This is the only specimen that I have seen growing at the Woodworth Prairie.
Golden Valley, Minnesota, United States
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Trillium ovatum
Trillium ovatum seedpod still attached. Petals are the shrivled brownish parts and the leafy structures at the base of the seedpod are the sepals.
Artificially removed Trillium ovatum seedpod shown from the base.
Trillium ovatum seed about to be carried away by a wasp (Polistes dominulus); it was later observed carrying away many 10+ seeds. The yellow elaiosome is eaten, generally not the seed.
Nooksack, Washington, United States
Trillium ovatum seed through a 10x hand lens. Brown is seed, yellow is fleshy elaiosome. The yellow elaiosome is eaten, generally not the seed.
Trillium ovatum seedpod being carried away by an ant (Camponotus??). The yellow elaiosome is eaten, generally not the seed.
Artificially removed Trilium ovatum seedpod shown from the apex.
Everson, Washington, United States
Artificially removed and dissected Trillium ovatum sseedpod to show general structure and positioning of seeds inside.
Trillium ovatum seedpod splitting naturally from its apex.