Amaurobius erberi is a species of spider in the family Amaurobiidae, found in Europe and the Canary Islands.[1]
A. erberi is very similar to A. similis and A. fenestralis in general appearance. The epigyne is separated from that of A. fenestralis by the outlines of the spermathecaa which extend well ahead of the anterior margin. The male palps are similar to that of A. similus but, from above, the thin apophysis is longer. The males are mature in autumn and the females are probably mature throughout the year.
It is generally found under stones and logs and in leaf litter.
Amaurobius erberi is a species of spider in the family Amaurobiidae, found in Europe and the Canary Islands.
A. erberi is very similar to A. similis and A. fenestralis in general appearance. The epigyne is separated from that of A. fenestralis by the outlines of the spermathecaa which extend well ahead of the anterior margin. The male palps are similar to that of A. similus but, from above, the thin apophysis is longer. The males are mature in autumn and the females are probably mature throughout the year.
It is generally found under stones and logs and in leaf litter.
Amaurobius erberi est une espèce d'araignées aranéomorphes de la famille des Amaurobiidae[1].
Cette espèce se rencontre en Europe du Sud, en Algérie, en Turquie et aux îles Canaries[1].
Les mâles mesurent de 5 à 8 mm et les femelles de 8 à 11 mm[2].
Cette espèce a été décrite sous le protonyme Ciniflo erberii par Keyserling en 1863. Elle est placée dans le genre Amaurobius par L. Koch en 1868[3].
Amaurobius erberi est une espèce d'araignées aranéomorphes de la famille des Amaurobiidae.
Amaurobius erberi is een spinnensoort in de taxonomische indeling van de nachtkaardespinnen (Amaurobiidae).[1]
Het dier behoort tot het geslacht Amaurobius. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1863 door Eugen von Keyserling.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesAmaurobius erberi là một loài nhện trong họ Amaurobiidae.[1]
Loài này thuộc chi Amaurobius. Amaurobius erberi được Eugen von Keyserling miêu tả năm 1863.
Amaurobius erberi là một loài nhện trong họ Amaurobiidae.
Loài này thuộc chi Amaurobius. Amaurobius erberi được Eugen von Keyserling miêu tả năm 1863.