Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels rinolòfids. És endèmic del sud-oest de la Xina.
És un ratpenat de mida mitjana, amb la llargada del cap i del cos entre 59 i 70 mm, la llargada de l'avantbraç entre 58,7 i 60,4 mm, la llargada de la cua entre 30 i 39 mm, la llargada de la tíbia entre 23,2 i 25,9 mm, la llargada de les orelles entre 21 i 22 mm i un pes de fins a 26 g.[1]
Les parts dorsals són de color marró opac, amb la base dels pèls clara, mentre que les parts ventrals són més clares, però tenen la base dels pèls més fosca. Les orelles són marrons, petites i semitransparents. El llavi inferior té tres solcs longitudinals. Les membranes alars són de color marró fosc. La cua és llarga i inclosa completament a l'ample uropatagi.
Es refugia probablement a l'interior de coves.
S'alimenta d'insectes.
Aquesta espècie és coneguda només a les províncies xineses de Yunnan i Guizhou, situades al sud-oest del país.
Com que fou descoberta fa poc, l'estat de conservació d'aquesta espècie encara no ha estat avaluat.
Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels rinolòfids. És endèmic del sud-oest de la Xina.
Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis, the wedge-sellaed horseshoe bat or southwestern China horseshoe bat, is a species of horseshoe bat from China.
It was described as a new species in 2009 based on specimens collected in May 2005 and April 2006. One individual of the new species was collected in 2005, and a second was found in 2006. Later, three more individuals were identified in the mammal collections at Kunming Institute of Zoology that had been originally collected in 1963. Its species name xinanzhongguoensis is pronounced “shee-nan-joong-guo-en-sis.” The name xinanzhongguoensis was derived from the Pinyin words "west" (xi), "south" (nan), and "China" (Zhongguo), describing a species that can be found in southwestern China.
Analysis of mitochondrial DNA placed R. xinanzhongguoensis as the basal member of a clade containing Geoffroy's horseshoe bat, greater horseshoe bat, Ruwenzori horseshoe bat, Rüppell's horseshoe bat, and Darling's horseshoe bat. Phylogenetically, it belongs to the "Afro-Palearctic" lineage of the horseshoe bat family, as described by Guillén-Servent et al. in 2003.[2][3] Species in the horseshoe bat genus are traditionally divided into "species groups"; Amador et al. stated that they believe that R. xinanzhongguoensis is so unique, it belongs in its own species group.[4]
It weighs 20–26 g (0.71–0.92 oz). It is considered a large member of its genus. Its dorsal fur is "dull medium brown" and its ventral fur is paler in color. Its flight membranes are dark brown. Its ears are brown, relatively small, and partly transparent. Near its base, the sides of the sella are parallel; it narrows to a wedge-shaped, rounded tip. The lancet is spear-shaped. Its dental formula is typical for a horseshoe bat, at, for a total of 32 teeth. The length of its whole body is 59–70 mm (2.3–2.8 in); its forearm is 58.7–60.4 mm (2.31–2.38 in) long; its tail is 30–39 mm (1.2–1.5 in) long; its ear is 21–22 mm (0.83–0.87 in) long.[2]
It is nocturnal, sleeping in sheltered roosts during the day such as caves. It is known to roost with other horseshoe bats, including the intermediate horseshoe bat. Few individuals have been encountered, so little is known about its reproductive biology. However, a pregnant female was once encountered in April.[2]
It occurs in wet habitat within the East Asian Monsoon zone.[2] It has been documented at elevations of 1,500–1,980 m (4,920–6,500 ft) above sea level. All three areas where it has been documented are mountainous.[1]
It is currently evaluated as near-threatened by the IUCN. It is only known from three localities and it has an estimated extent of occurrence of 26,865 km2 (10,373 sq mi). The habitat in areas where it does occur is severely fragmented, with ongoing declines in the extent and quality of the habitat. It is threatened by disturbance of its roosts as caving tourism expands in China. Degradation of its habitat is also caused by logging and agricultural conversion.[1]
Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis, the wedge-sellaed horseshoe bat or southwestern China horseshoe bat, is a species of horseshoe bat from China.
Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis (Zhou, Guillén-Servent, Lim, Eger, Wang & Jiang, 2009) è un Pipistrello della famiglia dei Rinolofidi endemico della Cina sud-occidentale.[1][2]
Pipistrello di medie dimensioni, con la lunghezza della testa e del corpo tra 59 e 70 mm, la lunghezza dell'avambraccio tra 58,7 e 60,4 mm, la lunghezza della coda tra 30 e 39 mm, la lunghezza della tibia tra 23,2 e 25,9 mm, la lunghezza delle orecchie tra 21 e 22 mm e un peso fino a 26 g.[3]
Le parti dorsali sono marroni opache con la base dei peli chiara mentre le parti ventrali sono più chiare ma con la base dei peli più scura. Le orecchie sono marroni, piccole e semi-trasparenti. La foglia nasale presenta una lancetta astata, con i bordi concavi e l'estremità appuntita, un processo connettivo abbastanza alto e appuntito con il profilo concavo anteriormente e leggermente convesso posteriormente, una sella con i bordi paralleli vicino alla base e che si restringe gradualmente verso l'estremità arrotondata. La porzione anteriore è larga ma non copre completamente il muso. Il labbro inferiore ha tre solchi longitudinali. Le membrane alari sono marroni scure. La coda è lunga ed inclusa completamente nell'ampio uropatagio. Il primo premolare superiore è piccolo e situato fuori la linea alveolare.
Si rifugia probabilmente all'interno di grotte.
Si nutre di insetti.
Questa specie è conosciuta soltanto in tre località delle province cinesi sud-occidentali dello Yunnan sud-occidentale e del Guizhou settentrionale.
Questa specie, essendo stata scoperta solo recentemente, non è stata sottoposta ancora a nessun criterio di conservazione.
Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis (Zhou, Guillén-Servent, Lim, Eger, Wang & Jiang, 2009) è un Pipistrello della famiglia dei Rinolofidi endemico della Cina sud-occidentale.
Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis é uma espécie de morcego da família Rhinolophidae. É encontrada no sudoeste da China.[1]
Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis é uma espécie de morcego da família Rhinolophidae. É encontrada no sudoeste da China.
Цей вид відомий тільки в трьох місцях в провінціях Юньнань і Гуйчжоу.
Напевно, знаходить притулок у печерах. Харчується комахами.
Кажан середнього розміру, з довжиною голови і тіла між 59 і 70 мм, довжина передпліччя між 58,7 і 60,4 мм, довжина хвоста від 30 до 39 мм, довжина гомілки між 23 , 2 і 25,9 мм, довжина вух між 21 і 22 мм і вагою до 26 гр.
Спинна частина коричнева, в той час як черевна частина світліша, але з основи волосся темніші. Вуха коричневі, маленькі й напівпрозорі. Лист носа являє собою ланцет з увігнутими краями, і загострений кінець. Нижня губа має три поздовжні канавки. Крилові мембрани темно-коричневі. Хвіст довгий і повністю включений у велику хвостову мембрану.
중국관박쥐(Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis)는 관박쥐과에 속하는 박쥐의 일종이다. 중국 남부-서부의 토착종이다.[1][2]
중형 크기의 박쥐로 머리부터 몸까지 몸길이는 59~70mm, 전완장은 58.7~60.4mm, 꼬리 길이는 30~39mm이다. 경골 길이는 23~25.9mm, 귀 길이는 21~22mm이고 몸무게는 최대 26g이다.
다른 관박쥐와 마찬가지로 반향정위(反響定位)에 쓰이는 독특한 구조의 비엽(鼻葉)이 있다. 이 비엽은 물체에 부딪혀 반사된 초음파의 직접 충격으로부터 귀를 보호하는 역할도 한다. 보조적인 소엽(小葉)이 잘 발달했고 셀라(Sella)는 양쪽이 거의 평행하다. 수컷은 80~84.2kHz, 암컷은 84~88.2kHz의 초음파를 낸다.[3]
낮에는 보통 동굴에 매달려 있다.[3]
식충성, 야행성이다.
중국·인도·미얀마·네팔·베트남에 분포한다.