Dictyocha speculum Scale bar indicates 25 µm. The specimen was gathered in the Kieler Förde (German Baltic Sea). Sampling date 5/2018. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Baltic Sea, Kieler Förde, Kiel Fjord (Germany) Latitude: 54.3894126 Longitude: 10.1749055 Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Probe aus der Kieler Förde. Datum der Aufsammlung: 5/2018. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Dictyocha speculum Scale bar indicates 25 µm. The specimen was gathered in the Kieler Förde (Baltic Sea). Sampling date 2/2022. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Baltic Sea, Kieler Förde, Kiel Fjord (Germany) Latitude: 54.3894126 Longitude: 10.1749055 Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Probe aus der Kieler Förde. Datum der Aufsammlung: 2/2022. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Reboredo, Galicia, Espaa
Armacao De Pera, Faro, Portugal
Armao de Pra, Faro, Portugal
Pra, Faro, Portugal
Distephanus speculum (Ehrenberg, 1837) Haeckel, 1899. Silicoflagellate about 18 microns with siliceous skeleton with six major sides, from the corners of which projects spines. Bars also arise inwards and may fuse to form an apical ring. The cytoplasm extends over the skeleton, fine pseudopodia usually project from the tops of the spines. Many small plastids, single emergent flagellum. Marine.
Distephanus speculum octonarius (Ehrenberg, 1844) Joergensen The skeleton is composed of an octagonal basal ring with eight radial spines projecting from the outer surface of the angles. A smaller apical ring, also octagonal, is held out from one side of the skeleton by eight supporting bars. A small protuberances is present mid-way along each of the eight sides of the apical ring.
Distephanus speculum bioctonarius (Ehrenberg) Silicoflagellate with siliceous skeleton with eight major sides, and from the corners of which projects eight spines, bars also arise inwards and form a delicate apical ring. Marine, from the Great Barrier Reef. Diameter of skeleton without spines, about 30 microns, spines are up to 13 microns long.
Dictyocha (dick-tee-oke-a) is a silicoflagellate, a type of flagellate which is quite common in marine waters, although there are very few species. The cells contain an open polygonal skeleton of silica with radiating spines. The skeleton survives when the organism dies, and so is often seen on its own. This cell is distressed . Phase contrast image by Dave Caron.
This skeleton of the flagellate Dictyocha was prepared by bleaching and cleaning from a marine water column sample taken off Martha's Vineyard in Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts. Differential interference contrast optics, image by Charley O'Kelly.
Dictyocha fibula Ehrenberg, 1839. Silicoflagellate with siliceous skeleton (basal ring) with four sides, but without the apical ring. Spines project from the corners of the outer hexagon, internal projections form irregular connections. Bars also arise inwards and may fuse to form a central arch. The cytoplasm extends over the skeleton, fine pseudopodia usually project from the tops of the spines. Many small plastids, single emergent flagellum. Mostly 30-80microns Marine
Dictyocha fibula longispina Lemmermann, 1901. Silicoflagellate with siliceous skeleton (basal ring) with four sides, but without the apical ring. Spines project from the corners of the outer hexagon, internal projections form irregular connections. Bars also arise inwards and may fuse to form a central arch. The cytoplasm extends over the skeleton, fine pseudopodia usually project from the tops of the spines. Many small plastids, single emergent flagellum. Radial spines of the basal ring of equal length, approx. 12-15 microns long. Basal ring 23-27 microns Marine.
Dictyocha fibula messanensis (Haeckel) Lemmermann, 1901. The silica skeleton consists of a four-side basal ring (20-30 microns) with a tapered radial spine (15-22 microns) at each of the angles. On the sides of each strut forming the basal ring are small abapically directed protuberances. Four supporting bars project from the basal ring and join with a short bar. Marine.
Dictyocha fibula hexagona Marshall, 1934. Silicoflagellate with siliceous skeleton (basal ring) with six major sides like Distephanus, but without the apical ring. Spines project from the corners of the outer hexagon, internal projections form irregular connections. Bars also arise inwards and may fuse to form a central arch. The cytoplasm extends over the skeleton, fine pseudopodia usually project from the tops of the spines. Many small plastids, single emergent flagellum, reported from the Great Barrier Reef, maximum width 86 microns
A silicoflagellate & its skeleton: from a Lugol's-fixed sample taken in the NW Med in October.