Azuay: 2 km E Calderon
Azuay: upper Yunguilla Valley
Azuay: upper Yunguilla Valley
Azuay: upper Yunguilla Valley
Azuay: upper Yunguilla Valley
Azuay: upper Yunguilla Valley
Zamora-Chinchipe: 4 km S of Valladolid
Zamora-Chinchipe: Zumba area
Azuay: upper Yunguilla Valley
Guayas: Cerro Blanco
Azuay: upper Yunguilla Valley
Azuay: upper Yunguilla Valley
Zamora-Chinchipe: El Chorro area, SE of Zumba
Zamora-Chinchipe: El Chorro area, SE of Zumba
Loja: 'Reserva Jorupe' ca. 4 km E Macará
Loja: 'Reserva Jorupe' ca. 4 km E Macará
Zamora-Chinchipe: near Valladolid
Loja: Carretera Nueva Fátima - Portachuelo (Sozoranga - Loja)
Zamora-Chinchipe: near Chito
Zamora-Chinchipe: between Chito turnoff and Balsas
Zamora-Chinchipe: between Chito turnoff and Balsas
Zamora-Chinchipe: Chito turnoff on La Chonta-El Chorro road
trail to Corral Grande, ZR Laquipampa, Ferrenafe, Lambayeque
trail to Corral Grande, ZR Laquipampa, Ferrenafe, Lambayeque