
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 14.8 years (captivity)
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An interesting observation has been reported when a white-tailed mongoose steals chickens. Apparently, the mongoose performs a "dance" in front of a henhouse, attracting the attention of the chickens. When the chicken puts its head through the wire mesh to have a closer look at the dancing mongoose, its head is bitten off (Grzimek 1990).

The generic name Ichneumia derives from the Greek "ichneumon," meaning a tracker. Ichneumon is also the species and vernacular name for Egyptian mongooses, Herpestes ichneumon. The specific name albicauda is derived from the Latin, albus for "white", and cauda for "tail" (Taylor 1972).

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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The predators of white-tailed mongooses are unknown. Mongooses are aggressive and will actively defend themselves from predators larger than themselves. They are likely to escape predation mainly through their secretive behavior and cryptic appearance. Likely predators include large snakes, birds of prey, and larger predators such as jackals and jaguars. White-tailed mongooses may make themselves unappealing as a meal through their noxious scent.

Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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White tailed mongooses are relatively large mongooses. Their long yellowish tan hair, and long, black guard hairs make them appear grizzled. The tail is bushy and is white on the terminal half. Hair is lacking on their palms to the wrists and on their upper lip. Females have four mammae.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike

Average mass: 3500 g.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy

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Captive white-tailed mongooses can live 12 years (Grzimek 1990). Expected lifespan in the wild is unknown.

Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
12 (high) years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
12.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
10.0 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Ichneumia albicauda is a terrestrial mammal that is found in a wide variety of habitats from woodland to semi-deserts. White-tailed mongooses seem to prefer areas with thick cover, such as forest edges and riparian corridors, and are found mainly in savannah woodlands and grasslands (Nowak 1991, Taylor 1972). White-tailed mongoose are not found in very moist habitats, such as rainforests and swamps, and are also absent from the extremely arid regions of southwestern Africa. These mongooses den in porcupine or aardvark burrows, termite mounds, and holes under roots.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; forest ; scrub forest

Other Habitat Features: riparian

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Ichneumia albicauda occurs throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa, with the exception of the Congo Basin, the Ivory Coast, and the arid regions of western South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Angola. White-tailed mongooses are also found throughout the southern Arabian peninsula. They are fairly common throughout their range and are found in a wide variety of habitats.

Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

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Ichneumia albicauda feeds mainly on insects, but it has a diverse diet (Nowak 1991). The insects eaten include locusts, beetles, and mole crickets. These mongooses may also consume rats, mice, shrews, lizards, snakes, small birds (including chickens), berries, and fruits (Taylor 1972). When they occur near human settlements, they have been known to steal chickens (Grzimek 1990). They are also known to eat the eggs of wild birds, breaking the shell by throwing the egg back between its hind legs against a hard object (Nowak 1991).

Animal Foods: birds; mammals; reptiles; eggs; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods

Plant Foods: fruit

Primary Diet: carnivore (Insectivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

White-tailed mongooses are important as predators of insects and small vertebrates in the ecosystems in which they live.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Although white-tailed mongooses are shy relative to other mongooses, they are said to become a pleasing pet if captured young (Nowak 1991). White-tailed mongooses are important as members of healthy ecosystems. They may act to reduce the abundance of insect pests.

Positive Impacts: controls pest population

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Ichneumia albicauda may take poultry where they occur near human habitation (Nowak 1991).

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status

provided by Animal Diversity Web

White-tailed mongooses are common throughout their range.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

White-tailed mongooses are highly vocal and make unusual sounds associated with sexual behavior that have been likened to a dog-like yap (Nowak 1991). They may defend themselves with a noxious secretion from the anal scent glands.

Communication Channels: acoustic ; chemical

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

The author was unable to find information on mating systems in I. albicauda.

Many details about the reproductive cycle of the white-tailed mongoose are not fully known, but some information exists. Females have four mammae (Taylor 1972). Although litter size is uncertain, it is believed to be between 1-3, but some accounts have estimated the litter size to be 2-4, while others claim the size to be 1-2 (Nowak 1991). Litters are frequently seen between February to May, and no young appear during the dry season of August-November. Weaning occurs before nine months of age, at which time full independence is attained (Nowak 1991). The age of sexual maturity is not known, but it is generally thought to occur before 2 years of age. The length of the gestation period also is not known, but it is generally believed to be around 60 days (Nowak 1991).

Breeding interval: The appearance of litters during only the wet season suggests that breeding occurs once yearly.

Breeding season: Breeding is estimated to occur between December and March, with litters of young appearing during the wet season, from February to May.

Range number of offspring: 1 to 4.

Average gestation period: 60 days.

Average weaning age: 9 months.

Average time to independence: 9 months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2 (high) years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2 (high) years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

Average number of offspring: 2.3.

As in all mammals, white-tailed mongooses are cared for and nursed by their mothers until they are weaned. Little information is available on reproduction in I. albicauda, so the extent of male parental investment is unknown. Young white-tailed mongooses are weaned and acheive independence at about 9 months of age.

Parental Investment: altricial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Greene, N. 1999. "Ichneumia albicauda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ichneumia_albicauda.html
Noni Greene, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Witstertmuishond ( Afrikaans )

provided by wikipedia AF

Die witstertmuishond (Ichneumia albicauda) is 'n muishond wat in die oostelike en sentrale areas van Suid-Afrika sowel as Mosambiek, Zimbabwe en die Okavango Delta in Botswana voorkom.

Voorkoms en bou

'n Witstertmuishond

Die soogdier word tot 4.5 kg swaar en is grysbruin met relatief lang swart bene. Die laaste vier-vyfdes van die stert het kenmerkende lang wit hare. Die kop is effens ligter van kleur as die lyf. Die kruis is hoër as die skouers as gevolg van die lang agterbene. Daar is ook twee subspesies: Meller se muishond en die kleinwitstertmuishond. Die mannetjies is effens swaarder as die wyfies.


Hulle hou van waterryke boomveld, langs riviere en vleie in droër dele en hou ook van vogtige tipes bosveld.


Die soogdiere eet kewers, termiete, grondvoëls, muise, paddas, slange en vrugte. Hulle is naglewend en kom eers na donker uit en is baie aktief in die eerste gedeelte van die nag. Die Witstertmuishond maak nes in ou erdvark of springhaasgate en is alleenlopers. Die soogdier draf gewoonlik met sy neus naby die grond en sy natuurlike vyande is die leeu en luiperd.


Een tot drie kleintjies word vanaf September tot Desember gebore.

Sien ook



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Witstertmuishond: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

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Die witstertmuishond (Ichneumia albicauda) is 'n muishond wat in die oostelike en sentrale areas van Suid-Afrika sowel as Mosambiek, Zimbabwe en die Okavango Delta in Botswana voorkom.

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Mibinell lost gwenn ( Breton )

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Ar vibinell lost gwenn (Ichneumia albicauda) a zo ur bronneg hag a vev en Afrika. Ar spesad nemetañ eo er genad Ichneumia.

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Mibinell lost gwenn: Brief Summary ( Breton )

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Ar vibinell lost gwenn (Ichneumia albicauda) a zo ur bronneg hag a vev en Afrika. Ar spesad nemetañ eo er genad Ichneumia.

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Mangosta cuablanca ( Catalan; Valencian )

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La mangosta cuablanca (Ichneumia albicauda) és l'espècie més gran de mangosta. Pertany al gènere monotípic Ichneumia.[1]

Distribució i hàbitat

La mangosta cuablanca viu a gran part de l'Àfrica al sud del desert del Sàhara, i a la part sud de la península Aràbiga.[2] Viuen en una gran varietat d'hàbitats, des de deserts fins a boscos de sabana, però evita les àrees humides com la conca del riu Congo. Prefereixen les zones de vegetació espessa, com les vores dels boscos i rierols amb vegetació.[3]


La mangosta cuablanca té un pes que varia de 2,9 a 4,2 quilos, una longitud conjunta de cap i cos que varia entre 53 i 71 centímetres, i una longitud de cua que varia entre 40 i 47 centímetres.[4] Les seves potes són relativament llargues per una mangosta. El cap és gran i puntegut. Les orelles són grans i arrodonides i es troben als costats del cap. El seu cos té un pelatge que té una coloració que varia del groc al marró, amb pèls llargs negres, donant-li un aspecte general de color gris canós. Les potes davanteres i posteriors són de color negres des del colze i el genoll cap avall respectivament. La cua és de color marró groguenc des del naixement fins a la meitat, i de color blanquinós la resta. La cua pot arribar a tenir una longitud de fins al 40% de la seva longitud total. No tenen pèl als llavis superiors ni a les potes de dels palmells fins als canells. Les femelles tenen 4 mugrons.[3]


El nom del gènere, Ichneumia, prové de la paraula grega ichneumon, que vol dir 'rastrejador'. Aquest nom també es troba en el nom de la mangosta comuna (Herpestes ichneumon). El nom de l'espècie, albicauda, prové de les paraules llatines albus, que vol dir 'blanc', i cauda, que vol dir 'cua'.[3]


La mangosta cuablanca s'alimenta principalment d'insectes, però no exclusivament. Els acrídids, els escarabats i els grills, formen part important de la seva dieta. També s'alimenta de rates, ratolíns, musaranyes, llangardaixos, serps i petits ocells, a més de, ocasionalment, fruits i baies. També s'alimenta d'ous d'ocells, els quals obre colpejant-los entre les potes del darrere contra una pedra o algun objecte dur. És sabut que ataquen els galliners, a les zones on es crien aus de corral.[3]


La mangosta cuablanca és bàsicament un animal nocturn i terrestre. Passa el dia a caus abandonats, termiters, o cavitats sota les arrels dels arbres. L'àrea mitjana de distribució de cada individu és de 0,97 km² en el cas dels mascles, i de 0,64 km² en el cas de les femelles. Les àrees de distribució dels mascles no se superposen, fet que si succeeix significativament quan es tracte de sexes oposats. Les femelles viuen soles amb les seves cries o en petits grups amb altres femelles i les seves cries, encara que no s'associen entre si. Tot i que comparteixen àrea de distribució, cerquen aliment per separat. Són, en la seva major part, criatures solitàries, que només s'ajunten amb el sexe oposat per aparellar-se. Els informes sobre grups, corresponen a parelles reproduint-se o mares amb les seves cries. No emigren mai, excepte per establir el seu propi territori fora de l'àrea de distribución de la seva mare.[3]

Són molt vocals, fent un lladruc inusual que s'associa amb el comportament sexual. Quan s'espanten, les seves glàndules anals secreten una substància nociva. A diferència d'altres espècies de mangosta, mai no es posen completament dretes sobre les potes del darrere.[3]


Tot i que, la informació disponible sobre la reproducció de la mangosta cuablanca és incompleta, se sap que les ventrades tenen lloc més sovint entre febrer i maig, i que mai no donen a llum durant l'estació seca d'agost a novembre, fet que suggereix que només tenen una ventrada per any. Les cries es troben completament desenvolupades als nou mesos d'edat, i al voltant d'aquestes dates, deixen les mares i es dispersen. S'especula que la maduresa sexual s'assoleix abans dels dos anys, i que el període de gestació és d'uns 60 dies.[3]



  1. (anglès) Wozencraft, W. C. Wilson, D. E. (ed.); Reeder, D. M. (ed.). Mammal Species of the World (en anglès). 3a ed.. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 16 de novembre del 2005, p. 2142. ISBN 9780801882210.
  2. Ichneumia albicauda. UICN 2010. Llista Vermella d'espècies amenaçades de la UICN (anglès), edició 2010, consultada el 14 juny 2010.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 3,6 Dewey, T. and N. Greene. 1999. Ichneumia albicauda at Animal Diversity Web. (anglès)
  4. (anglès) Estes, Richard D. The Safari Companion. Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 1999, p. 261. ISBN 1890132446.

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Mangosta cuablanca: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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La mangosta cuablanca (Ichneumia albicauda) és l'espècie més gran de mangosta. Pertany al gènere monotípic Ichneumia.

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Weißschwanzmanguste ( German )

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Die Weißschwanzmanguste (Ichneumia albicauda), auch Weißschwanzichneumon genannt, ist eine in Afrika und auf der Arabischen Halbinsel lebende Raubtierart aus der Familie der Mangusten (Herpestidae).


Weißschwanzmangusten zählen zu den größten Vertretern ihrer Familie und erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 47 bis 71 Zentimetern, eine Schwanzlänge von 34 bis 47 Zentimetern und ein Gewicht von 1,8 bis 5,2 Kilogramm. Das Unterfell ist gelblich oder weiß, daraus ragende schwarze Deckhaare verleihen dem Tier einen gräulichen Gesamteindruck. Die Gliedmaßen sind ab den Knien schwarz. Namensgebendes Merkmal ist die weiß gefärbte hintere Hälfte des buschigen Schwanzes, diese kann bei einzelnen Tieren aber auch schwarz sein.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Verbreitungsgebiet der Weißschwanzmanguste

Weißschwanzmangusten sind über weite Teile Afrikas verbreitet, sie kommen vom Senegal und dem südlichen Ägypten bis in das nördliche Namibia und das östliche Südafrika vor, meiden jedoch ausgeprägte Wald- und Wüstengebiete. Darüber hinaus sind sie in der Südhälfte der Arabischen Halbinsel verbreitet. Ihr Lebensraum sind vorrangig Savannen und Grasländer, wo sie Gebiete mit dichtem Pflanzenwuchs wie Waldränder oder Flussufer bevorzugen.


Diese Tiere sind nachtaktiv, tagsüber verbergen sie sich in Bauen von Stachelschweinen oder Erdferkeln oder in Höhlen. Sie sind Einzelgänger, wobei die Männchen ihre Reviere gegenüber gleichgeschlechtlichen Artgenossen verteidigen – mit denen von Weibchen können sie sich großflächig überlappen.

Die Nahrung dieser Tiere besteht in erster Linie aus Insekten, daneben nehmen sie auch Schlangen und andere Wirbeltiere sowie Früchte zu sich.

Die Geburten fallen in die feuchteren Monate des Jahres, die Wurfgröße liegt zwischen einem und vier Neugeborenen. Die Tragzeit wird auf rund 60 Tage geschätzt, mit rund neun Monaten sind die Jungtiere selbständig.

Weißschwanzmangusten und Menschen

Diese Tiere sind weit verbreitet und zählen laut der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der Weltnaturschutzunion IUCN zu den nicht bedrohten Arten („Least Concern“).

In manchen Regionen sind sie gefürchtet, da sie in Geflügelställe eindringen und die Tiere darin reißen.


  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999 ISBN 0-8018-5789-9


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Weißschwanzmanguste: Brief Summary ( German )

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Die Weißschwanzmanguste (Ichneumia albicauda), auch Weißschwanzichneumon genannt, ist eine in Afrika und auf der Arabischen Halbinsel lebende Raubtierart aus der Familie der Mangusten (Herpestidae).

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Ichneumia albicauda ( Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) )

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Ichneumia albicauda es un specie de Ichneumia.

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Ош почан мангуст ( Meadow Mari )

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Ош почан мангуст (лат. Ichneumia albicauda ) – Африккыште мангуст-влак (Herpestidae) йамагат гыч изи шӧр пукшышо. Капше 53-71 см, почше 40-47 см, нелытше 2.9-4.2 кг.


  • I.a.albicauda
  • I.a.dialeucos
  • I.a.grandis
  • I.a.haagneri
  • I.a.ibeanus
  • I.a.loandae
  • I.a.loempo
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Ош почан мангуст: Brief Summary ( Meadow Mari )

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Ош почан мангуст (лат. Ichneumia albicauda ) – Африккыште мангуст-влак (Herpestidae) йамагат гыч изи шӧр пукшышо. Капше 53-71 см, почше 40-47 см, нелытше 2.9-4.2 кг.

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White-tailed mongoose

provided by wikipedia EN

The white-tailed mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda) is a species in the mongoose family Herpestidae. It is the only member of the genus Ichneumia.[3]


Herpestes albicaudus was the scientific name proposed by Georges Cuvier in 1829 for a mongoose specimen with a white tail from Senegal.[4] The genus name Ichneumia was coined by Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire in 1837.[5]


The white-tailed mongoose attains a weight range of 1.8 to 5.2 kg (4.0 to 11.5 lb), with an average of approximately 3.38 kg (7.5 lb), has a head-and-body length of 53 to 71 cm (21 to 28 in) and a tail length of 40 to 47 cm (16 to 19 in).[6][7][8][9][10] On average it appears to be the longest and heaviest extant species of mongoose, although its linear and body mass parameters broadly overlap with other larger mongoose species, in particular, the marsh mongoose seems to most closely rival (and possibly match) in range of body masses reported if not average weight.[6][7][8][9][10] Its legs are relatively long for a mongoose. The head is long and narrow. Its large, rounded ears are set low on the sides of the head. It has a yellow to tan coloration on its body, with long black guard hairs, giving it an overall grizzled grey appearance. Distal from the tibiofemoral joint, the legs are black. The base of the large, bushy tail is brownish yellow, and on its distal half, the tail is white. This appendage may comprise up to 40% of the creature's body length. This species lacks hair on its upper lip and on the forepaws. Females have four teats.[11]

Distribution and habitat

The white-tailed mongoose lives in most of Africa south of the Sahara, and the southern portion of the Arabian Peninsula.[2] It lives in a wide range of habitats, from semi-desert to savanna woodland, but avoid moist areas like the Congo River basin or extremely arid areas. It prefers areas of thick cover, such as the edges of forests and brushy streams.[11]

In the East Sudanian Savanna, it was recorded in the transboundary DinderAlatash protected area complex during surveys between 2015 and 2018.[12] Further northeast, it is also frequent in the Degua Tembien massif.[13]

Behaviour and ecology

The white-tailed mongoose is primarily nocturnal and terrestrial. By day they will rest in an abandoned burrow, termite mound, or in cavities under tree roots. The average home range is 0.97 km2 (0.37 sq mi) for males and 0.64 km2 (0.25 sq mi) for females. Ranges of males do not overlap, but ranges of opposite sexes overlap significantly. Females either live alone with their own offspring or in a small group with other females and their offspring, although they do not associate with each other. Though they may share a range, they forage separately. They are, for the most part, solitary creatures, with the male and female only coming together to mate. Reports of groups are either a breeding pair or a mother and her offspring. These mongooses do not migrate except to establish their own territory away from their mother's range.[11]

These mongooses are very vocal, and make an unusual barking sound that is associated with sexual behavior. If frightened, they will secrete a noxious substance from their anal glands. They do not stand on their hind feet for any length of time like other mongooses.[11]


The white-tailed mongoose feeds mostly on insects, but will feed on a wide variety of other foods as well. Locusts, beetles, and mole crickets make up the majority of their diet. Rats, mice, shrews, lizards, snakes, small birds are also eaten, along with the occasional fruits and berries. The eggs of birds are also eaten; they will break open the egg by throwing it between its hind legs against a rock or other hard object. They have been known to raid chicken houses in areas where domestic poultry is raised.[11]


Knowledge of the reproduction of the white tailed mongoose is incomplete. Litters are seen most frequently from February to May, and no young appear at all during the dry season from August to November, which suggests that they only breed once a year. The young are fully weaned at nine months of age, and around this time, the young disperse. It is speculated that sexual maturity is reached before two years of age, and that the gestation period is around 60 days.[11]


The genus name, Ichneumia, is derived from the Greek ichneumon, which means 'tracker'. This name also happens to be the species and common name for the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon). The species name, albicauda, is derived from the Latin words albus, meaning 'white', and cauda, which means 'tail'.[11]

Local and indigenous names

In Tigrinya language, it is called ፂሒራ (tsihira).[13]


  1. ^ Wozencraft, W. C. (2005). "Ichneumia albicauda". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 562. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ a b Do Linh San, E. (2015). "Ichneumia albicauda". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2015: e.T41620A45208640. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T41620A45208640.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  3. ^ Wozencraft, W. C. (2005). "Ichneumia". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 562. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  4. ^ Cuvier, G. (1829). "Les Mangoustes. Cuv. (Herpestes, Illiger)". Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. Paris: Chez Déterville. pp. 157–158.
  5. ^ Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I. (1837). "Notices sur deux nouveaux genres de Mammifères carnassiers, les Ichneumies, du continent Africain, et les Galidies de Madagascar". Annales des Sciences Naturelles. 2. 8: 249–252.
  6. ^ a b Estes, R.D. (1999). The Safari Companion. Chelsea Green Publishing Company. p. 261. ISBN 1890132446.
  7. ^ a b Gittleman, J.L. (1985). "Carnivore body size: ecological and taxonomic correlates". Oecologia. 67 (4): 540–554. Bibcode:1985Oecol..67..540G. doi:10.1007/BF00790026. PMID 28311040. S2CID 29215469.
  8. ^ a b Sheppey, K. & Bernard, R.T.F. (1984). "Relative brain size in the mammalian carnivores of the Cape Province of South Africa". South African Journal of Zoology. 19 (4): 305–308. doi:10.1080/02541858.1984.11447899.
  9. ^ a b Egi, N. (2001). Body mass estimates in extinct mammals from limb bone dimensions: the case of North American hyaenodontids. Palaeontology, 44(3), 497-528.
  10. ^ a b Ray, J. (1997). "Comparative ecology of two African forest mongooses, Herpestes naso and Atilax paludinosus". African Journal of Ecology. 35 (3): 237–253. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.1997.086-89086.x.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g Dewey, T. and N. Greene. 1999. Ichneumia albicauda at Animal Diversity Web. Accessed June 14, 2010.
  12. ^ Bauer, H., Mohammed, A. A.; El Faki, A.; Hiwytalla, K. O.; Bedin, E.; Rskay, G.; Sitotaw, E.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. (2018). "Antelopes of the Dinder-Alatash transboundary Protected Area, Sudan and Ethiopia" (PDF). Gnusletter. 35 (1): 26–30. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2021-01-29. Retrieved 2018-12-03.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  13. ^ a b Aerts, R. (2019). "Forest and woodland vegetation in the highlands of Dogu'a Tembien". In Nyssen, J.; Jacob, M.; Frankl, A. (eds.). Geo-trekking in Ethiopia's Tropical Mountains: The Dogu'a Tembien District. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 9783030049546.

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White-tailed mongoose: Brief Summary

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The white-tailed mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda) is a species in the mongoose family Herpestidae. It is the only member of the genus Ichneumia.

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Ichneumia albicauda ( Spanish; Castilian )

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La mangosta de cola blanca (Ichneumia albicauda) es una especie de mamífero carnívoro de la familia Herpestidae. Es la única especie que forma el género Ichneumia. Se encuentra en el África subsahariana y el sur de Arabia.

La mangosta de cola blanca vive principalmente en el África subsahariana y en la parte sur de la península arábiga. Este animal vive en una amplia variedad de hábitats que van desde el desierto a la sabana, pero parece evitar las áreas húmedas de la cuenca del río Congo.


  1. Hoffmann, M. 2008. Ichneumia albicauda. IUCN 2010. Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas IUCN. Version 2010.1. . Consultado el 21 de abril de 2010.

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Ichneumia albicauda: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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La mangosta de cola blanca (Ichneumia albicauda) es una especie de mamífero carnívoro de la familia Herpestidae. Es la única especie que forma el género Ichneumia. Se encuentra en el África subsahariana y el sur de Arabia.

La mangosta de cola blanca vive principalmente en el África subsahariana y en la parte sur de la península arábiga. Este animal vive en una amplia variedad de hábitats que van desde el desierto a la sabana, pero parece evitar las áreas húmedas de la cuenca del río Congo.

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Ichneumia albicauda ( Basque )

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Ichneumia albicauda Ichneumia generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Herpestidae familian sailkatuta dago..


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. G.[Baron] Cuvier (1829) 1 Regn. Anim. 158. or..
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Ichneumia albicauda: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Ichneumia albicauda Ichneumia generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Herpestidae familian sailkatuta dago..

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Ichneumia albicauda ( French )

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La Mangouste à queue blanche (Ichneumia albicauda) est la plus grande espèce de mangouste.


La mangouste à queue blanche se rencontre dans la plus grande partie de l'Afrique subsaharienne, ainsi que dans le sud de la Péninsule Arabique. Elle habite des écosystèmes variés, depuis les déserts aux savanes boisées, mais elle paraît éviter certaines régions comme la vallée du Congo. Elle a une prédilection pour les zones couvertes de végétation comme les lisières de forêt ou les prairies de savane.


La taille de cet animal peut atteindre 1,50 mètre pour un poids de plus de 5 kg. Ses pattes sont plutôt longues pour une mangouste, sa tête est très effilée avec un museau pointu et des grandes oreilles tombantes de part et d'autre. Le pelage, de couleur fauve, est couvert de longs poils de garde noirs, donnant à l'animal une couleur d'ensemble grisée. Les pattes sont noires depuis l'articulation du coude (ou du genou) jusqu'à leur extrémité. La queue, grande et panachée (sa longueur peut représenter jusqu'à 40 % de la longueur de l'animal), est pour moitié brun fauve, puis blanche jusqu'à son extrémité. La lèvre supérieure de l'animal et l'extrémité des pattes (de la paume au poignet) est dépourvue de poils. Les femelles possèdent quatre mamelles.

Le nom générique, Ichneumia, vient du grec « ichneumon » qui signifie « chasseur ». Il se trouve que ce terme désigne également le nom spécifique et le nom courant de la mangouste égyptienne (Herpestes ichneumon). Le nom spécifique, albicauda, vient des mots latins albus (« blanc »), et cauda (« queue »).

Régime alimentaire

Quoique la mangouste à queue blanche se nourrisse principalement d'insectes, ses proies potentielles sont très variées : sauterelles, scarabées et criquets forment l'essentiel de leur nourriture. Elle mange également les rats, les souris, les musaraignes, les lézards, les serpents ainsi que de petits oiseaux et se nourrit à l'occasion de baies. La mangouste dévore aussi les œufs d'oiseau qu'elle casse en se servant de ses pattes arrière pour les projeter contre un caillou ou tout autre surface dure. Les ravages de ce mammifère dans les poulaillers sont redoutés des paysans africains.


La mangouste à queue blanche est fondamentalement un animal nocturne et terrestre. Le jour elle se repose dans un terrier abandonné, une termitière ou le creux d'un arbre. Le territoire de chasse moyen d'un mâle a une étendue de 0,97 km², tandis que celui d'une femelle est de 0,64 km². Les territoires de deux mâles ne se superposent jamais, mais les territoires d'individus de sexe opposé empiètent fréquemment l'un sur l'autre. Les femelles vivent seules avec leur progéniture, ou partagent un même territoire avec quelques autres femelles et leurs petits. Dans ce dernier cas, elles chassent cependant individuellement et ne mettent rien d'autre en commun que le territoire. Ce sont, d'une manière générale, des animaux solitaires, mâles et femelles ne se rencontrant que pour procréer. Les groupes de mangoustes sont toujours formés de deux parents et de leurs petits, ou d'une femelle et de ses petits. Cette espèce de mangouste ne migre que lorsque, devenues adultes, elles doivent établir leur propre territoire de chasse.

La mangouste à queue blanche est particulièrement loquace, émettant une sorte d'aboiement généralement associé au comportement sexuel. En cas d'attaque, elles émettent par l'anus une sécrétion à l'odeur repoussante. Contrairement aux autres mangoustes, elles ne peuvent se dresser longtemps sur leurs pattes de derrière.

Cycle de reproduction

Plusieurs aspects du cycle de reproduction des mangoustes à queue blanche demeurent mal connus. Les portées viennent souvent au monde de février à mai, et jamais pendant la saison sèche (d'août à novembre), ce qui tendrait à prouver qu'il n'y a qu'un accouplement par an. Au bout de neuf mois, les jeunes sont complètement sevrés et se dispersent. On suppose qu'ils viennent à maturité sexuelle vers l'âge de deux ans, et que la période de gestationest d'environ 60 jours.

Notes et références

  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .

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Ichneumia albicauda: Brief Summary ( French )

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La Mangouste à queue blanche (Ichneumia albicauda) est la plus grande espèce de mangouste.

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Ichneumia albicauda ( Italian )

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La mangusta dalla coda bianca (Ichneumia albicauda Cuvier, 1829) è un mammifero carnivoro della famiglia Herpestidae, diffuso nell'Africa subsahariana e in parte della penisola arabica. È l'unica specie del genere Ichneumia.[2]


La parola Ichneumia, deriva dal greco «ichneumon», che significa «cercatore di tracce». Il nome della specie, «albicauda», deriva dalle parole latine «albus», che significa «bianco», e «cauda», che significa «coda».


È una mangusta di relativamente notevoli dimensioni: raggiunge un peso compreso fra 2,9-4,2 kg, ha una lunghezza testa-corpo di 53-71 cm e una coda lunga 40-47 cm.[3] Le zampe sono relativamente lunghe per una mangusta. La testa è molto lunga e stretta e si assottiglia in punta. Le orecchie sono grandi e arrotondate. Ha una colorazione dal giallo al marrone chiaro, con lunghi peli neri, che le conferiscono un aspetto grigio brizzolato. Le gambe e le braccia sono nere dal gomito/ginocchio in giù. La base della grande coda folta è di colore giallo brunastro, tendente al bianco nella seconda metà. Le femmine hanno quattro capezzoli.[4]

Distribuzione e habitat

L'areale di questa specie comprende gran parte dell'Africa subsahariana, con l'eccezione del bacino del fiume Congo dove è assente, e la parte meridionale della penisola arabica (Oman, Arabia Saudita e Yemen).[1]
Vive nella savana e nelle aree boschive.


  1. ^ a b (EN) Hoffmann, M. 2008, Ichneumia albicauda, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Ichneumia albicauda, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  3. ^ Richard D. Estes, The Safari Companion, Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 1999, p. 261, ISBN 1-890132-44-6.
  4. ^ Ichneumia albicauda, su Animal Diversity Web. URL consultato il 14 ottobre 2010.

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Ichneumia albicauda: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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La mangusta dalla coda bianca (Ichneumia albicauda Cuvier, 1829) è un mammifero carnivoro della famiglia Herpestidae, diffuso nell'Africa subsahariana e in parte della penisola arabica. È l'unica specie del genere Ichneumia.

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Witstaartmangoeste ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De Witstaartmangoeste (Ichneumia albicauda) is een roofdier uit de familie van mangoesten (Herpestidae).


Ze hebben een lengte van 100-120 cm, inclusief de staart van 35-50 cm en een schouderhoogte van 25 cm. De mannetjes wegen ongeveer 5 kg en de vrouwtjes 4 kg. De kleur van de langharige vacht is geelgrijs tot donkergrijs met een altijd witte staart.


Ze eten voornamelijk insecten, maar ook kikkers, muizen, slangen, vogels, wormen en af en toe fruit. Het is een nachtdier, dat zich overdag schuilhoudt in holen en rotsspleten.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Ze leven in Afrika, in het gebied onder de Sahara, alsmede zuidelijk Arabië.


Na een draagtijd van 60 dagen worden 1 tot 4 jongen geboren. Ze leven gemiddeld 12 jaar.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • De grote dierenencyclopedie, (1993) Zuidnederlandse Uitgeverij N.V., Aartselaar, België. ISBN 90-243-5204-5.
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Witstaartmangoeste: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De Witstaartmangoeste (Ichneumia albicauda) is een roofdier uit de familie van mangoesten (Herpestidae).

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Ichneumonka białoogonowa ( Polish )

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Ichneumonka białoogonowa[3], mangusta białoogonowa (Ichneumia albicauda) – gatunek drapieżnego ssaka z rodziny mangustowatych, jedyny przedstawiciel rodzaju Ichneumia.

Występowanie i biotop

Obecny zasięg występowania gatunku obejmuje Afrykę subsaharyjską oraz południową część Półwyspu Arabskiego. Zajmuje różne siedliska – od terenów leśnych po półpustynne, z wyjątkiem terenów wilgotnych i podmokłych.


Stosunkowo duża mangusta osiągająca masę ciała do 4,2 kg, o płowoszarym ubarwieniu z białym zakończeniem ogona (stąd nazwa gatunku albicauda czyli białoogonowa). Jest aktywna w nocy, spotykana pojedynczo lub w małych grupach rodzinnych. Biologia rozrodu tego gatunku jest słabo poznana.

Mangusty białoogonowe są stosunkowo agresywne i terytorialne. Porozumiewają się, używając sygnałów akustycznych i zapachowych. Głównym pożywieniem mangusty białoogonowej są owady. Dietę uzupełnia drobnymi kręgowcami i owocami. Podobnie jak Mungotictis decemlineata, również mangusta białoogonowa wydobywa pokarm zamknięty w twardej skorupce (np. ptasie jajo) uderzając nim o twardą powierzchnię.

W niewoli żyje do 12 lat. Długość życia w warunkach naturalnych nie jest znana.


Wyróżnia się siedem podgatunków mangusty białoogonowej[4]:

  • I. albicauda albicauda (G. [Baron] Cuvier, 1829)
  • I. albicauda dialeucos (Hollister, 1916)
  • I. albicauda grandis (Thomas, 1890)
  • I. albicauda haagneri Roberts, 1924
  • I. albicauda ibeanus (Thomas, 1904)
  • I. albicauda loandae (Thomas, 1904)
  • I. albicauda loempo (Temminck, 1853)


  1. Ichneumia albicauda, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Hoffmann, M. 2008, Ichneumia albicauda [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015.1 [dostęp 2015-07-04] (ang.).
  3. Systematyka i nazwy polskie za: Włodzimierz Cichocki, Agnieszka Ważna, Jan Cichocki, Ewa Rajska, Artur Jasiński, Wiesław Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 146. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  4. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Ichneumia albicauda. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 10 października 2009]


  1. Dewey, T. & N. Greene: Ichneumia albicauda (ang.). (On-line), Animal Diversity Web, 1999. [dostęp 1 stycznia 2008].
  2. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Ichneumia albicauda. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 1 stycznia 2008]
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Ichneumonka białoogonowa: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Ichneumonka białoogonowa, mangusta białoogonowa (Ichneumia albicauda) – gatunek drapieżnego ssaka z rodziny mangustowatych, jedyny przedstawiciel rodzaju Ichneumia.

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Vitsvansmangust ( Swedish )

provided by wikipedia SV

Vitsvansmangust (Ichneumia albicauda) är ett rovdjur i familjen manguster som förekommer i Afrika och på den Arabiska halvön.


Med en kroppslängd av 47 till 71 centimeter, en svanslängd mellan 36 och 47 centimeter och en vikt mellan 1,8 och 5,2 kilogram tillhör vitsvansmangusten de större arterna i familjen. Djurets underpäls är vit- eller gulaktig men med de framskjutande svarta täckhåren har mangusten ett gråaktigt utseende. Extremiteterna är från knäna neråt svarta. Djuret fick sitt namn efter den yviga svansen som i bakre delen är vit men hos vissa individer är svansen svart.

Utbredning och habitat

Vitsvansmangust finns i stora delar av Afrika från Senegal och södra Egypten till norra Namibia och östra Sydafrika. De undviker däremot stora skogs- och ökenområden. Arten förekommer även i södra hälften av Arabiska halvön. Habitatet utgörs vanligen av savann och annat gräsland, samt växtrika skogskanter och floddalar.


Djuret är aktivt på natten och vilar på dagen i bon som lämnads av jordpiggsvin eller jordsvin. Varje individ lever ensam och hanar försvarar sitt revir mot artfränder. Honornas territorier kan överlappas.

Födan utgörs huvudsakligen av insekter men mangusten äter även ormar, andra ryggradsdjur och frukter.

Födelsen sker under de blöta årstiderna och per kull föds mellan ett och fyra ungdjur. Det uppskattas att dräktigheten varar i 60 dagar. Ungdjuren är vid ungefär nio månaders ålder självständiga.

Vitsvansmangusten och människor

Denna mangust har ett vitsträckt utbredningsområde och räknas inte som hotad art. I vissa regioner har den ett dåligt rykte på grund av att den dödar tamhöns.


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia
  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999 ISBN 0801857899
  1. ^ Ichneumia albicaudaIUCN:s rödlista, auktor: Mustelid Specialist Group, 1996. Version 10 november 2006

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Vitsvansmangust: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Vitsvansmangust (Ichneumia albicauda) är ett rovdjur i familjen manguster som förekommer i Afrika och på den Arabiska halvön.

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Ichneumia albicauda ( Ukrainian )

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Морфометрія. Довжина голови й тіла: 470—690 мм, довжина хвоста: 355—460 мм, довжина задньої ступні: 100—130 мм, вага: 1.8—4.5 кг.

Опис. Має товсте пухнасте хутро, з якого виступа вперед грубе остьове волосся; пухнастий хвіст поступово звужується, прикінцева третя частина зазвичай біла (іноді меланістична). Колір спини сиво-сіруватий з легким коричневим відтінком. черевне забарвлення блідо-коричневе. Кінцівки чорно-коричневі. Хвіст біля основи кольору спини й стає все світлішим до його закінчення. Ноги довгі, кінцівки мають п'ять пальців, долоні голі до зап'ястя, а підошви задніх лап вкриті волоссям. Зубна формула: I 3/3, C 1/1, P 4/4, M 2/2 = 40.[2]


Каріотип характеризується диплоїдним числом, 2n=36.[2]


Має багатий вокальний репертуар; найнезвичнішим звуком є собакоподібне тявкання, яке може бути пов'язане із сексуальною поведінкою. Коли білохвоста мангуста оселяється поруч з домашньою птицею, вона може виявитися шкідником. Якщо її впіймати в молодому віці, стає лагідною хатньою твариною.[3] Протягом дня Ichneumia albicauda відпочиває в норах мурахоїда або їжатця, в порожнинах під корінням дерев, або в притулку серед скель. В ізольованих місцях вона може вийде в пошуках їжі в післяобідню пору, але в іншому випадку вона суворо нічна. Полює поодинці або парами. Полює на мишей, щурів, капського дамана та інших ссавців до розміру зайця й на птахів до розміру цесарки. Також їсть яйця, ящірок, змій і комах. В одного екземпляра була невелика кобра в його шлунку. Пітман (1954) говорить, що місячні ночі він іноді бачив як білохвоста мангуста танцює біля дротяного плетіння з домашньою птицею. Це викликає цікавість птахів, які іноді застромлюють голову через дротяну сітку, щоб краще бачити, і ці голови були оперативно відкушені.[4]


Молодняк бачили найчастіше з лютого по травень і жодного разу не бачили під час сухого сезону з серпня по листопад. Молодь зазвичай стає незалежною у 9 місяців. У неволі тварини живуть понад 10 років.[3]

Загрози та охорона

Серйозних загроз для виду нема. Чисельність регулюється хижацтвом з боку чепрачного шакала та каракала. Живе в багатьох охоронних районах.[1]


  1. а б Веб-сайт МСОП
  2. а б Mark E. Taylor Ichneumia albicauda — Mammalian Species, 1972, No. 12, pp. 1-4
  3. а б Ronald M. Nowak Walker's carnivores of the world — JHU Press, 2005, p. 217
  4. Hinton, H. E., and A. M. S. Dunn. Mongooses: their natural history and behavior — University of California Press, 1967
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Cầy mangut đuôi trắng ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Cầy mangut đuôi trắng (danh pháp khoa học: Ichneumia albicauda) là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Cầy mangut, bộ Ăn thịt. Loài này được G.[Baron] Cuvier mô tả năm 1829.[2] Cầy mangut đuôi trắng sinh sống ở hầu hết châu Phi phía nam sa mạc Sahara, và phần phía nam của bán đảo Ả Rập. Chúng sinh sống trong một loạt các môi trường sống, từ bán sa mạc để trồng cây cỏ nhiệt đới, nhưng tránh những khu vực ẩm ướt như lưu vực sông Congo hoặc các khu vực cực kỳ khô cằn. Chúng thích các vùng có cây bao phủ dày, chẳng hạn như các bìa rừng và suối lởm chởm. Chúng có trọng lượng khoảng 6,4-9,2 lb (2,9-4,2 kg), có chiều dài đầu và thân 21-28 năm (53-71 cm) và đuôi dài 16-19 năm (40-47 cm). Chân của chúng là tương đối dài đối với một loài cầy mangut.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Hoffmann, M. (2008). Ichneumia albicauda. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2010.1. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 14 tháng 6 năm 2010. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern
  2. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Ichneumia albicauda”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

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Cầy mangut đuôi trắng: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Cầy mangut đuôi trắng (danh pháp khoa học: Ichneumia albicauda) là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Cầy mangut, bộ Ăn thịt. Loài này được G.[Baron] Cuvier mô tả năm 1829. Cầy mangut đuôi trắng sinh sống ở hầu hết châu Phi phía nam sa mạc Sahara, và phần phía nam của bán đảo Ả Rập. Chúng sinh sống trong một loạt các môi trường sống, từ bán sa mạc để trồng cây cỏ nhiệt đới, nhưng tránh những khu vực ẩm ướt như lưu vực sông Congo hoặc các khu vực cực kỳ khô cằn. Chúng thích các vùng có cây bao phủ dày, chẳng hạn như các bìa rừng và suối lởm chởm. Chúng có trọng lượng khoảng 6,4-9,2 lb (2,9-4,2 kg), có chiều dài đầu và thân 21-28 năm (53-71 cm) và đuôi dài 16-19 năm (40-47 cm). Chân của chúng là tương đối dài đối với một loài cầy mangut.

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白尾獴 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Ichneumia albicauda
G. Cuvier, 1829

白尾獴 是一种生活在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲广大地区以及阿拉伯半岛南部的獴科动物。



  • 白尾獴指名亚种学名Ichneumia albicauda albicauda (G.[Baron] Cuvier, 1829))
  • 学名Ichneumia albicauda dialeucos (Hollister, 1916))
  • 学名Ichneumia albicauda grandis (Thomas, 1890))
  • 学名Ichneumia albicauda haagneri Roberts, 1924)
  • 学名Ichneumia albicauda ibeanus (Thomas, 1904))
  • 学名Ichneumia albicauda loandae (Thomas, 1904))
  • 学名Ichneumia albicauda loempo (Temminck, 1853))


 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:白尾獴  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:白尾獴 小作品圖示这是一篇與哺乳动物相關的小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。

白尾獴: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

白尾獴 是一种生活在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲广大地区以及阿拉伯半岛南部的獴科动物。


흰꼬리몽구스 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

흰꼬리몽구스(Ichneumia albicauda)는 몽구스과에 속하는 가장 큰 몽구스 종이다. 흰꼬리몽구스속(Ichneumia)의 유일종이다.[3]

분포 및 서식지

흰꼬리몽구스는 사하라아프리카 남부 대부분의 지역과 아라비아 반도의 남부 일부에서 서식한다.[2] 준사막 지역부터 사바나 삼림 지역까지 넓은 분포 서식지에서 살지만, 콩고 강 분지같은 습윤 지역 또는 극한의 건조 지역은 피한다. 숲과 덤불이 무성한 시냇가 끝단과 같은 풀이 무성한 은신처 지역을 좋아한다.[4]


  • Ichneumia albicauda albicauda
  • Ichneumia albicauda dialeucos
  • Ichneumia albicauda grandis
  • Ichneumia albicauda haagneri
  • Ichneumia albicauda ibeanus
  • Ichneumia albicauda loandae
  • Ichneumia albicauda loempo

계통 분류

다음은 몽구스과의 계통 분류이다.[5][6]

















































  1. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., 편집. (2005). Ichneumia albicauda. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Hoffmann, M. (2008). Ichneumia albicauda. 2010 IUCN 위기종의 적색 목록. IUCN 2010. 2010년 6월 14일 내려받음. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern
  3. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., 편집. (2005). Ichneumia. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  4. Dewey, T. and N. Greene. 1999. Ichneumia albicauda at Animal Diversity Web. Accessed June 14, 2010.
  5. Barycka, Ewa (2005). “Evolution and systematics of the feliform Carnivora”. 《Mammalian Biology》 72 (5): 257–282. doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2006.10.011.
  6. Patou, M.; Mclenachan, P.A.; Morley, C.G.; Couloux, A.; Jennings, A.P.; Veron, G. (2009). “Molecular phylogeny of the Herpestidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) with a special emphasis on the Asian Herpestes”. 《Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution》 53 (1): 69–80. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2009.05.038.
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