Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Eriophyllum integrifolium (Hook.) Greene, Fl. Franc. 444
Trickophyllum integrifolium Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 316. 1833.
Bahia integrifolia DC. Prodr. 5: 656. 1836.
Eriophyllum caespitosum integrifolium A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 26. 1883.
A perennial, sufFruticose and decumbent at the base; stems several, 2-3 dm. high, tomen-
tose; leaves oblanceolate to obovate, 2-4 cm. long, entire or some of them, especially the
lower, somewhat 3-toothed, the teeth broad and short, rather loosely tomentose, sometimes a
little greener above; heads solitary; peduncles 3-7 cm. long; involucre 7-8 mm. high, 7-10
mm. broad, tomentose; bracts 8-10; ray-flowers 8-10; ligules orange, 8-10 mm. long, 3 mm.
wide; disk-corollas 4 mm. long, glandular-granuliferous, the tube shorter than the throat;
achenes 3 mm. long, hispidulous, but rarely conspicuously glandular; squamellae about 8,
unequal, less than 1 mm. long.
Type locality: Head sources of the Columbia.
Distribution: Washington and Oregon to Montana and Wyoming.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1915. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; HELENIEAE, TAGETEAE. North American flora. vol 34(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Eriophyllum cuneatum (Kellogg) Rydberg
Bahia cuneata Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad. 5: 49. 1873.
A perennial, with a cespitose rootstock or short caudex; stems decumbent at the base, floccose, 2-4 dm. high; leaves 2-5 cm. long, rhombic-cuneate, more or less distinctly 3-lobed above the middle or the lowest entire, white-tomentose beneath, loosely floccose and glabrate above; heads solitary; peduncles 3-8 cm. long; involucre hemispheric, 8-9 mm. high, 12-15 mm. broad; bracts about 15; ray-flowers about 15; ligules 8-10 mm. long, 4 mm. wide; diskcorollas 4 mm. long, densely glandular-hispidulous; tube shorter than the sparingly glandular throat; achenes glabrous, 3.5 mm. long; squamellae less than 0.3 mm. long.
Type locality: Cisco, Sierra Nevada mountains, California. Distribution: Sierra Nevada, California.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1915. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; HELENIEAE, TAGETEAE. North American flora. vol 34(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Eriophyllum monoense Rydberg, sp. nov
A perennial, with a decumbent cespitose base; stems about 1 dm. high, densely whitetomentose, very leafy; leaves obovate, 1 cm. long or less, with 3 rounded lobes at the apex, rather thick, densely whitetomentose on both sides; heads solitary at the ends of the stems; peduncles 3-4 cm. long; involucre nearly hemispheric, about , mm. high, 8-10 mm. broad, tomentose; bracts 8-10, elliptic, rounded or obtuse at the apex; ray-flowers 8-10; ligules yellow, 7-8 mm. long, about 5 mm. wide; disk-corollas 4 mm. long; tube glandular-hirsute, somewhat shorter than the puberulent throat ; achenes glabrous, striate, 3 mm. long; squamellae 8, unequal, the longer about 1.5 mm. long.
Type collected south of Mono Lake, July 8, 1863, Brewer 1823 (U. S. Nat. Herb. 323165).
Distribution: Middle Sierra Nevada, California.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1915. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; HELENIEAE, TAGETEAE. North American flora. vol 34(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY