
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Indicator minor minor Stephens

A large series of Lesser Honey-Guides were collected by Forbes-Watson from the following localities: One male, Sokoke Forest, near Kilifi, altitude about 200 feet, 28 November 1964; two males, Gogoni Forest, near Msambweni, 26, 28 December 1964; one female (ovary slightly enlarged), Giriama Point, Shimba Hills, near Kwale, 13 December 1964; one male, Ngangao Forest, Taita Hills, 21 August 1965; one male, Karen, near Nairobi, 8 January 1966; one male and one female (ovary enlarged), 12 June and 4 December 1965, Kakamega Forest Station.

The stomachs contained white wax and insect fragments, including black ants. One distended stomach contained fine hairlike threads and very fine insect fragments inbedded in wax. One male from the Gogoni Forest appears to be somewhat aberrant in plumage, having the throat finely spotted with dark olive and the belly faintly barred with dusky gray.
bibliographic citation
Ripley, S. Dillon and Bond, Gorman M. 1971. "Systematic notes on a collection of birds from Kenya." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.111