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Carolina Geranium

Geranium carolinianum L.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Geranium thermale Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1 : 478. 1900
Annual (?) or biennial, or sometimes perennial. Stems branched at the base, the branches diffusely spreading, 1-1.4 dm. long, puberulent and finely pubescent; leaf-blades 1-2 cm. broad, mainly 3-parted, the divisions more or less deeply lobed ; petioles with minute spreading hairs ; pedicels in pairs, pubescent like the petioles ; sepals awn-tipped, the bodies broadly ovate or oval, 4-5 mm. long, the awn-tip about 0.5 mm. long; petals rose-purple, hardly as long as the sepals ; style-column 5-7 mm. long at maturity ; carpelbodies about 2 mm. long, villous-hirsute and puberulent; seeds reticulate. Type locality : Lo-Lo Hot Springs, Montana. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Geranium langloisii Greene, Pittonia 3 : 171. 1897 Resembling G. carolinianum in floral and fruit characters, and G. dissectum in habit, but stouter. Leaves with quite finely divided blades, the ultimate segments linear ; inflorescence open, few-flowered ; pedicels copiously villous-hirsute, the terminal glands of the hairs inconspicuous ; petals pale rose-purple ; seeds reticulate.
Type locality: St. Martinsville, Louisiana.
Distribution : Louisiana and Texas.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Geranium carolinianum L. Sp. PI. 682. 1753
Geranium atrum Moench, Meth. 285. 1794.
Geranium lanuginosum Jacq. Hurt. Schoenb. 2 : S. 1797.
Annual or biennial. Stems simple below and erect or branched at the base, the branches ascending or rarely spreading, more or less glandular-pubescent; leaf-blades 3-6 cm. broad, reniform or orbicular-reniform in outline, slightly angular, the main divisions cleft or parted, with oblong or linear-oblong lobes ; peduncles and pedicels relatively short, forming a congested inflorescence ; sepals awn-tipped, the outer ones 6-10 mm. long, the bodies ovate, sometimes broadly so, the awn-tips rather long ; petals pink or whitish, about as long as the sepals; style-column 12-1S mm. long at maturity, with somewhat spreading, often glandular hairs ; carpel-bodies 3-3.5 mm. long, pilose with erect hairs ; seeds reticulate.
Type locality : Carolina.
Distribution : Throughout southern Canada and the United States ; also in northern Mexico, Bermuda, and Jamaica.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora