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Carolina Geranium

Geranium carolinianum L.


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This species has distinctive mericarps that are blackish when ripe and that have long patent trichomes. Presence of glandular trichomes is rather variable along plant. The whole plant is used in Chinese medicine for relieving rheumatic pains and colds.

This species is also a naturalized weed in South America, N Europe, and Japan.

Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of China Vol. 11: 8, 11, 14 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Annuals. Stem 10-65(-70) cm tall, erect, not rooting at nodes, with abundant 0.2-1.1 mm patent to retrorse nonglandular trichomes and scattered 0.2-0.7 mm patent glandular trichomes. Stipules lanceolate to subulate, distinct. Leaves 1-3 alternate but opposite at inflorescence; petiole with usually 0.2-1.1 mm patent nonglandular trichomes and scattered glandular trichomes; leaf blade 2.2-6.5 cm, palmately cleft, ratio of main sinus/middle segment length = 0.7-0.9, pilose with appressed nonglandular trichomes; segments 5(or 7), rhombic, 2-5 mm wide at base, 5-12-lobed in distal half, ratio of second sinus/middle segment length = 0.27-0.31. Cymules in dense aggregates at apex of each branch or solitary in forks, 2(or 3)-flowered; peduncle 0-2.5(-6) cm. Pedicel 3-11 mm, with 0.2-0.7 mm patent or sometimes retrorse but not appressed nonglandular trichomes and 0.3-0.6 mm patent glandular trichomes; bracteoles lanceolate. Sepals 5-6.5 mm, mucro 1.5-2 mm, ratio of mucro/sepal length = ca. 0.3, outside with 0.1-0.6 mm antrorse to patent nonglandular trichomes and 0.2-0.5 mm patent glandular trichomes, inside glabrous. Petals white or pale purple, 5.5-6 mm, erect to patent, inside glabrous, margin basally ciliate, apex rounded or slightly notched. Staminal filaments whitish, lanceolate to lanceolate with an abruptly narrowed apex, abaxially sparsely pilose and basal half ciliate, trichomes 0.1-0.3 mm; anthers yellowish, 0.4-0.6 mm. Nectaries 5, hemispheric, glabrous. Stigma pinkish. Fruit 1.9-2.5 cm, erect when immature; mericarps smooth, with a basal callus, with 0.5-1.8 mm patent to antrorse nonglandular trichomes and sometimes 0.4-1 mm patent glandular trichomes; rostrum 1.5-1.9 cm, with a 1-2 mm narrowed apex; stigmatic remains 0.7-1.4 mm. Seeds 2-2.2 mm. Fl. Apr-Jul, fr. May-Sep. 2n = 46-48, 52.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of China Vol. 11: 8, 11, 14 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Naturalized in Anhui, Chongqing, Fujian, Guangxi, Hubei, Hunan, S Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan (Yanyuan), Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [native to North America].
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of China Vol. 11: 8, 11, 14 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Plains, weedy areas; sea level to 800 m.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of China Vol. 11: 8, 11, 14 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Geranium thermale Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1 : 478. 1900
Annual (?) or biennial, or sometimes perennial. Stems branched at the base, the branches diffusely spreading, 1-1.4 dm. long, puberulent and finely pubescent; leaf-blades 1-2 cm. broad, mainly 3-parted, the divisions more or less deeply lobed ; petioles with minute spreading hairs ; pedicels in pairs, pubescent like the petioles ; sepals awn-tipped, the bodies broadly ovate or oval, 4-5 mm. long, the awn-tip about 0.5 mm. long; petals rose-purple, hardly as long as the sepals ; style-column 5-7 mm. long at maturity ; carpelbodies about 2 mm. long, villous-hirsute and puberulent; seeds reticulate. Type locality : Lo-Lo Hot Springs, Montana. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Geranium langloisii Greene, Pittonia 3 : 171. 1897 Resembling G. carolinianum in floral and fruit characters, and G. dissectum in habit, but stouter. Leaves with quite finely divided blades, the ultimate segments linear ; inflorescence open, few-flowered ; pedicels copiously villous-hirsute, the terminal glands of the hairs inconspicuous ; petals pale rose-purple ; seeds reticulate.
Type locality: St. Martinsville, Louisiana.
Distribution : Louisiana and Texas.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Geranium carolinianum L. Sp. PI. 682. 1753
Geranium atrum Moench, Meth. 285. 1794.
Geranium lanuginosum Jacq. Hurt. Schoenb. 2 : S. 1797.
Annual or biennial. Stems simple below and erect or branched at the base, the branches ascending or rarely spreading, more or less glandular-pubescent; leaf-blades 3-6 cm. broad, reniform or orbicular-reniform in outline, slightly angular, the main divisions cleft or parted, with oblong or linear-oblong lobes ; peduncles and pedicels relatively short, forming a congested inflorescence ; sepals awn-tipped, the outer ones 6-10 mm. long, the bodies ovate, sometimes broadly so, the awn-tips rather long ; petals pink or whitish, about as long as the sepals; style-column 12-1S mm. long at maturity, with somewhat spreading, often glandular hairs ; carpel-bodies 3-3.5 mm. long, pilose with erect hairs ; seeds reticulate.
Type locality : Carolina.
Distribution : Throughout southern Canada and the United States ; also in northern Mexico, Bermuda, and Jamaica.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Geranium carolinianum

provided by wikipedia EN

Geranium carolinianum is a species of geranium known by the common name Carolina crane's-bill, [1] or Carolina geranium. [2] This species is native to North America, where it is widespread and grows in many types of habitat. There are two varieties; Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum and the Geranium carolinianum var. sphaerospermum. This is a summer or winter annual herb. It can be considered invasive depending on the region, when it is found in the United States it is considered to be native.[3]

The USDA has specific symbols or coding labeled for each plant in their database. For the Geranium carolinianum, it is GECAC4.[4]


The plant has erect stems covered in spiky hairs. The color of the stem is typically pink to red. There are two leaves per node on each stem, called opposite leaves. The stem is not succulent and not nutrient-rich as a source of calories for herbivores.[5]

The palmate leaves are several centimeters wide, ranging between 3–8 cm. with a growth pattern of alternate, and usually divided into five segments which are each subdivided into elegantly pointed lobes and secondary lobes; they can be toothed or the leaves can be cleft. The leaf color can also appear grayish-green due to fine pubescent hairs that are present on the leaves.

The inflorescence is a cluster of one to several small flowers. Each flower has five-pointed sepals which can be as long as the petals, and five-notched petals in shades of white, light pink to lavender. This is a distinguishing factor for discriminating G. carolinianum from other species of Geranium. The flowers form in short tight clusters which grow off the main stems. The anthers do not have nectar spurs. The carpels have hair and are fused together. There are five carpels and one pistil. The petals are rounded. The color of the sepals is green to brown; they are ovate. Despite being thin, dry and paper-like, the sepals are flexible.[6] The plant does not persist after flowering. Flowers of G. carolinianum bloom in late May to July. They do not give off any strong aroma or scent to attract pollinators into visiting the flower, but rather depend on visual stimuli for insects to be attracted for the benefit of the naturally produced sap.

The fruit has a hairy body and a style up to 1.5 centimeters long; it can grow to a length of 5mm. The fruit of the plant has long beak-like structures giving the plant its nickname of "Cranesbill." The seed surfaces are finely reticulated. The seeds have pits or depressions in them and are wingless. The fruit is dry, and does not split open when ripened. The root system of Geranium carolinium is a taproot structure that can grow to a depth of 15 centimeters. The plant has a superior ovary.

Range and Distribution

Geranium carolinianum is found throughout much of the continental United States, from the New England region south to Central Mexico and along the Eastern coast.[7] The plant likes arid areas that are nutrient-poor and have little competition, such as clay and limestone prairies, lawns and roadsides, as well as abandoned fields and farmlands.[8]

The pH that the Geranium carolinianum can survive in, is relatively high comparatively; the pH that is suitable for most plants is considerably lower. The plant can be found in conditions that are inhospitable to most plants as long as there is water available within reason.

Medicinal Applications

There is potential for Geranium carolinianum to fight Hepatitis B. The ethanol extracted from the plant has been effective in treating inflammatory issues as well.[9] The presence of the anti-HBV compounds in the geraniin, ellagic acid and hyperin in G. carolinianum L. might account for the effectiveness of this folk medicine in the treatment of HBV infections.[10]

Image depicts the flowers of G. carolinianum.


Geranium carolinianum enjoys soils that do not have excessive competition. It does well in very bright to partial sunshine places.[11] The plant may be considered invasive in multiple states, each depending on the growth and distribution of the plant. In Kentucky, New York, and Illinois Carolina Cransbill is considered invasive because it grows rampantly, and can smother desirable plants. It is self-seeding and can survive being transplanted from one location to another in cultivation.[12]

Wildlife use

Insect visitors that have been observed collecting nectar include long-tongued bees (Megachile spp.), short-tongued bees (Halictid bees), and flower flies (Syrphids) who, in the larval stage, can provide early, cool-season aphid control. Northern Bobwhite Quails as well as Mourning Doves are known to eat the seeds of the plant.[13] It is also a preferred winter forage for White-tailed Deer in the Southeast, with an average of 19 percent crude protein in the vegetative state.[14]


  1. ^ "Carolina Cranesbill (Geranium carolinianum)". illinoiswildflowers.info. Retrieved 2018-12-07.
  2. ^ "CAROLINA GERANIUM (Geranium carolinianum)", Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook, Springer Netherlands, 2008, p. 783, doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-4585-1_1684, ISBN 9781402045844
  3. ^ "CAROLINA GERANIUM (Geranium carolinianum)", Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook, Springer Netherlands, 2008, p. 783, doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-4585-1_1684, ISBN 9781402045844
  4. ^ "CAROLINA GERANIUM (Geranium carolinianum)", Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook, Springer Netherlands, 2008, p. 783, doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-4585-1_1684, ISBN 9781402045844
  5. ^ "CAROLINA GERANIUM (Geranium carolinianum)", Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook, Springer Netherlands, 2008, p. 783, doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-4585-1_1684, ISBN 9781402045844
  6. ^ Klesta, Kevin (2013-06-07). "Native Plant Information Network2013195Native Plant Information Network. Austin, TX: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, The University of Texas at Austin Gratis URL: http://www.wildflower.org/explore/ Last visited March 2013". Reference Reviews. 27 (5): 40–41. doi:10.1108/rr-03-2013-0063. ISSN 0950-4125. {{cite journal}}: External link in |title= (help)
  7. ^ "Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The University of Texas at Austin". wildflower.org. Retrieved 2018-11-13.
  8. ^ "CAROLINA GERANIUM (Geranium carolinianum)", Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook, Springer Netherlands, 2008, p. 783, doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-4585-1_1684, ISBN 9781402045844
  9. ^ Li, Jiyang; Huang, Hai; Feng, Meiqing; Zhou, Wei; Shi, Xunlong; Zhou, Pei (2008-08-01). "In vitro and in vivo anti-hepatitis B virus activities of a plant extract from Geranium carolinianum L". Antiviral Research. 79 (2): 114–120. doi:10.1016/j.antiviral.2008.03.001. ISSN 0166-3542. PMID 18423640.
  10. ^ Li, Liyang (2008). "Anti-hepatitis B Virus Activities of Geranium carolinianum L. Extracts and Identification of the Active Components". J-Stage. 31 (4): 743–7. doi:10.1248/bpb.31.743. PMID 18379075.
  11. ^ "Geranium carolinianum (Carolina Cranesbill): Minnesota Wildflowers". minnesotawildflowers.info. Retrieved 2018-11-28.
  12. ^ "Carolina Cranesbill (Geranium carolinianum) in the Geraniums Database - Garden.org". garden.org. Retrieved 2018-11-28.
  13. ^ "Carolina Crane's-bill, Geranium carolinianum". calscape.org. Retrieved 2018-12-07.
  14. ^ "The Nutritive Value of Common Pasture Weeds and Their Relation to Livestock Nutrient Requirements". pubs.ext.vt.edu. Retrieved 2018-12-07.

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Geranium carolinianum: Brief Summary

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Geranium carolinianum is a species of geranium known by the common name Carolina crane's-bill, or Carolina geranium. This species is native to North America, where it is widespread and grows in many types of habitat. There are two varieties; Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum and the Geranium carolinianum var. sphaerospermum. This is a summer or winter annual herb. It can be considered invasive depending on the region, when it is found in the United States it is considered to be native.

The USDA has specific symbols or coding labeled for each plant in their database. For the Geranium carolinianum, it is GECAC4.

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