Testacella haliotidea Drap., protruding its pharynx (ph) and radula (r); oe, oesophagua; p.o. pulmonary orifice; sh, shell; t, tentacles.
Abraham S.H. Breure, Jonathan D. Ablett
Figure 17.Drymaeus species. A–C Drymaeus (Mesembrinus) lusorius (Pfeiffer, 1855), lectotype NHMUK 1975543 (H = 24.4) D–E Drymaeus (Mesembrinus) hepatostomus (Pfeiffer, 1861), lectotype NHMUK 1975571 (H = 30.1) F–H Drymaeus (Mesembrinus) attenuatus (Pfeiffer, 1853), lectotype NHMUK 1975458 (H = 34.0) I–K Drymaeus (Mesembrinus) granadensis (Pfeiffer, 1848), lectotype of Bulimus feriatus Reeve, 1850, NHMUK 1975504 (H = 31.8) L–M Drymaeus (Mesembrinus) immaculatus (C.B. Adams in Reeve 1850), lectotype NHMUK 1975540 (H = 30.5). All enlarged.
Abraham S.H. Breure, Jonathan D. Ablett
Figure 71.Kuschelenia species. A–B, I Kuschelenia (Vermiculatus) peaki (Breure, 1978), paratype NHMUK 1975579 (H = 23.5) C–D, K Kuschelenia (Vermiculatus) quechuarum (Crawford, 1939), holotype NHMUK 1939.4.17.226 (H = 21.5) E–F, J Kuschelenia (Vermiculatus) ochracea (Morelet, 1863), lectotype NHMUK 1893.2.4.164 (N = 36.0) G–H Kuschelenia (Vermiculatus) purpuratus (Reeve, 1849), lectotype NHMUK 1975364 (H = 37.3)
Abraham S.H. Breure, Jonathan D. Ablett
Figure L28.Labels. i Bulimus (?) illustris Rolle, 1905 ii Bulimus incarnatus Pfeiffer, 1855 iii Bulimus immaculatus C.B. Adams in Reeve 1850 iv Bulimus inclinatus Pfeiffer, 1862 v Drymaeus incognita da Costa, 1907.
Abraham S.H. Breure, Jonathan D. Ablett
Figure L50.Labels. i Drymaeus punctatus da Costa, 1907 ii Bulinus pupiformis Broderip in Broderip and Sowerby I 1832 iii Bulimus purpuratus Reeve, 1849 iv Bulinus pustulosus Broderip in Broderip and Sowerby I 1832 v Bulimus (Otostomus) quadrifasciatus Angas, 1878 vi Bulimus quitensis Pfeiffer, 1848.
Abraham S.H. Breure, Jonathan D. Ablett
Figure 8.Bostryx species. A Bostryx affinis (Broderip in Broderip and Sowerby I 1832), possible syntype NHMUK 20100610 (H = 27.5) B Bostryx huascensis (Reeve, 1848), lectotype NHMUK 1975159 (H = 19.1) C Bostryx mejillonensis (Pfeiffer, 1857), lectotype NHMUK 1975322 (H = 24.1) D Bostryx kathiae Breure, 1978, paratype NHMUK 1975228 (H = 17.5) E Bostryx obliquistriatus (da Costa, 1901), lectotype NHMUK 1907.11.21.41 (H = 28.9) E Bostryx rhololarynx papillatus (Morelet, 1860), syntype NHMUK 1893.2.4.192 (H = 22.7) G Bostryx rhololarynx rhodolarynx (Reeve, 1849), lectotype NHMUK 1975434 (H = 34.5). All enlarged.
Abraham S.H. Breure, Jonathan D. Ablett
Figure L52.Labels. i Bulimus rhodolarynx Reeve, 1849 ii Bulimus rimatus Pfeiffer, 1847 iii Bulimus rivasii d’Orbigny, 1837 iv Helix rocayana d’Orbigny, 1835 v Bostryx (Bostryx) rodriguezae Weyrauch, 1967 vi Bulimus roseatus Reeve, 1848 vii Drymaeus rosenbergi da Costa, 1906 viii Bulinus rugiferus Sowerby I, 1833 ix Bulimus rusticellus Morelet, 1860 x Bulimus rubrifasciatus Reeve, 1848.
Public Domain A. Thompson Courtesy of life.nbii.gov
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Animals | MollusksDescription: Spiraxis sp. shell viewed with a scanning electron microscope with aperture facing up.Capture device: Scanning Electron Microscope
Public Domain A. Thompson Courtesy of life.nbii.gov
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Animals | MollusksDescription: Spiraxis sp. shell viewed with a scanning electron microscope with aperture facing up.Capture device: Scanning Electron Microscope
Description: English: Testacella scutulum Sowerby, 1821. Distribution in Europe, scientific state of knowledge of 2012.
Source description in English. Light colour indicated rare occurrences or regions where the species could eventually be expected to occur. Dark colour indicated relatively reliable occurrences, as well as regions where the species was expected to occur, and where the species was not known to be extremely rare. Dark colour indications were not necessarily based on published records. Species summary in
AnimalBase Deutsch: Verbreitung in Europa, Kenntnisstand von 2012.
Quellenbeschreibung auf deutsch Español: Distribución en Europa, nivel de conocimiento de 2012.
Descripción de la fuente en español Français : Repartition en Europe, niveau de connaissance de 2012.
Description de la source en français Italiano: Distribuzione in Europa, livello di conoscenza del 2012.
Descrizione della fonte in italiano Português: Distribuição na Europa, nível de conhecimento de 2012.
Descrição da fonte em português Čeština: Distribuce v Evropě, úroveň znalostí v roce 2012 Polski: Dystrybucja w Europie, poziom wiedzy z 2012 roku Русский: Распространение в Европе, уровень знаний в 2012 году. Date: 28 September 2012. Source: Distributional range map as published in Welter-Schultes, F. 2012:
European non-marine molluscs, a guide for species identification. Pp A1-A3, 1-679, Q1-Q78. Author:
Francisco Welter-Schultes.
Description: English: Testacella haliotidea Draparnaud, 1801. Distribution in Europe, scientific state of knowledge of 2012.
Source description in English. Light colour indicated rare occurrences or regions where the species could eventually be expected to occur. Dark colour indicated relatively reliable occurrences, as well as regions where the species was expected to occur, and where the species was not known to be extremely rare. Dark colour indications were not necessarily based on published records. Species summary in
AnimalBase Deutsch: Verbreitung in Europa, Kenntnisstand von 2012.
Quellenbeschreibung auf deutsch Español: Distribución en Europa, nivel de conocimiento de 2012.
Descripción de la fuente en español Français : Repartition en Europe, niveau de connaissance de 2012.
Description de la source en français Italiano: Distribuzione in Europa, livello di conoscenza del 2012.
Descrizione della fonte in italiano Português: Distribuição na Europa, nível de conhecimento de 2012.
Descrição da fonte em português Čeština: Distribuce v Evropě, úroveň znalostí v roce 2012 Polski: Dystrybucja w Europie, poziom wiedzy z 2012 roku Русский: Распространение в Европе, уровень знаний в 2012 году. Date: 28 September 2012. Source: Distributional range map as published in Welter-Schultes, F. 2012:
European non-marine molluscs, a guide for species identification. Pp A1-A3, 1-679, Q1-Q78. Author:
Francisco Welter-Schultes.
Description: English: Testacella maugei Férussac, 1819. Distribution in Europe, scientific state of knowledge of 2012.
Source description in English. Light colour indicated rare occurrences or regions where the species could eventually be expected to occur. Dark colour indicated relatively reliable occurrences, as well as regions where the species was expected to occur, and where the species was not known to be extremely rare. Dark colour indications were not necessarily based on published records. Species summary in
AnimalBase Deutsch: Verbreitung in Europa, Kenntnisstand von 2012.
Quellenbeschreibung auf deutsch Español: Distribución en Europa, nivel de conocimiento de 2012.
Descripción de la fuente en español Français : Repartition en Europe, niveau de connaissance de 2012.
Description de la source en français Italiano: Distribuzione in Europa, livello di conoscenza del 2012.
Descrizione della fonte in italiano Português: Distribuição na Europa, nível de conhecimento de 2012.
Descrição da fonte em português Čeština: Distribuce v Evropě, úroveň znalostí v roce 2012 Polski: Dystrybucja w Europie, poziom wiedzy z 2012 roku Русский: Распространение в Европе, уровень знаний в 2012 году. Date: 28 September 2012. Source: Distributional range map as published in Welter-Schultes, F. 2012:
European non-marine molluscs, a guide for species identification. Pp A1-A3, 1-679, Q1-Q78. Author:
Francisco Welter-Schultes.
Description: Testacella maugei is one of three species of shelled slug found in the United Kingdom. They are predators of earthworms and other slugs. Date:. Source: Own work. Author:
Kieren on behalf of