Parnassius nordmanni is a high altitude butterfly which is found the Caucasus. It is a member of the snow Apollo genus (Parnassius) of the swallowtail family, Papilionidae. The larva feeds on Corydalis species including C. alpestris, C. conorhiza and C. emanueli.
Similar to Parnassius ariadne but the forewing without submarginal macular band, the vitreous margin is considerably widened, there being often a blackish spot before the hindmargin; ocelli of hindwing reddish yellow, distal margin glossy grey. The female strongly marked, partly powdered with blackish scaling; costal spot of forewing enlarged to an abbreviated band; the ocelli of the hindwing sometimes connected by a black line. Underside without basal spots. In ab. trimaculata Schaposchn. the anal spot bears sometimes a distinct red pupil, being ocellus-like.[1]
The taxa described within this species are most probably only infrasubspeciflc varieties.
The type locality is “Monti / Adschara” (by lectotype designation).
Parnassius nordmanni is a high altitude butterfly which is found the Caucasus. It is a member of the snow Apollo genus (Parnassius) of the swallowtail family, Papilionidae. The larva feeds on Corydalis species including C. alpestris, C. conorhiza and C. emanueli.