Description: English: Avinoff, 1916 Some new forms of Parnassius (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1915 : 351-360, pl. 52 (Plate LII) 1-3 Parnassius hunnyngtoni Avinoff, 1916 1 male, 2 female, 3 female underside 4 Parnassius acco hampsoni Avinoff, 1916 male 5 Parnassius acdestis rupshuana Avinoff, 1916 male 6 Parnassius acdestis rupshuana Avinoff, 1916 female 7 Parnassius acdestis ladakensis Avinoff, 1916 female 8 Parnassius latonius , originally described as an independent species, but a very heavily marked form of P. acdestis lampidius Fruhst., from Sikkim. There is a distinct red basal eyelet on the hindwing. Two specimens of P. latonnis have been found at Kangma, South Tibet, near Shigatse* One of these specimens I obtained through Bang-Haas in Dresden.(Avinoff) 9 Parnassius patricius priamus Bryk, 1915 male 10 Parnassius loxias raskemensis Avinoff, 1916 female
text. Date: 1916. Source: Author: Avinoff.