Adapted drawing of Tintinnopsis campanula by Fauré-Fremiet (1924) showing basic tintinnid morphology. Tintinnid taxonomy is based on characteristics of the lorica or shell. Species in the same genus share similar lorica architecture. For example, species in the genus Tintinnopsis all have lorica covered with small mineral particles, one end is closed, and do not have any clear (hyaline) spines or collars as part of the lorica. Have a look at the gallery of Tintinnopsis species.
Drawing from Haeckel 1873
From the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012.
Lugol's-fixed specimen from the Bay Of Villefranche in FeB. 2003
Lugol's-fixed spercimen from the Bay of Villefranche in Jan 2011
Tintinnopsis campanula from the Bay of Villefranche in November 2013. A z-stack images of a Lugol's-fixed specimen made using a 40x objective and DIC optics.
Specimen from the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012. Imaging using a 20x objective, lugol's-fixed sample.
From an Indian mangrove wetland
Tintinnopsis urnula. Sample the Ganges River estuary in Feb 2013.
Tintinnopsis urnula From the Ganges River Estuary. Station Ganga Jan 2013.
From an Indian mangrove wetland. Note that the only difference between T. nana and T. minuta is the end of the lorica is rounded (minuta) or pointed (nana).
Tintinnopsis nana (Lohmann 1908). Specimens from the Ganges River estuary. Note that only the shape of the end of the lorica (pointed or rounded) seperates T. nana from T. minuta.
Specimen from Scripps Canyon area in July 2009
From an Indian mangrove wetland
From an Indian mangrove system
Tintinnopsis nucula was first found by Fol in Villefranche. Fol called it was Condonella nucula but it is now called Tintinnopsis nucula.
FRom the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012.
From an Indian mangrove
Lugol's-fixed specimen from the Bay of Villefranche on June 29 2010.
Lugol's-fixed specimen from Pt B in Villefranche in December 2010.