Tintinnopsis turbo specimens from the Ganges River estuary.
Specimen from SCripps Canyon area in July 2009
Tintinnopsis parva. Specimen from the Ganges River Estuary
These little tintinnids were abundant in April in the Bay of Villefranche in 2010
Size and shape correspond to Tintinnopsis rotundata. From the Ganges River (estuarine portion) - station ganga, Jan 2013, Lorica oral diameter of 38 microns.
This is a common ciliate of coastal waters. The shell or lorica obscures a good view of the ciliate cell (the brown matter). It is about 150 microns in total length.
From Fauré-Fremiet, E. 1924. Contributions à la connaissance des infusoires planktoniques. Bulletin Biologique de France de Belgique, 58, Supplément 6, 1-169.
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in Jan. 2011.
Daday's illustration of T. acuminata from Plate 19.
Specimens from the estuarine portion of the Ganges River, India. The species is characterized as having an aggolmerated lorica with a round-bottom, tube-shape having an opening diameter of about 18 microns. Such morphotypes are common in a very wide range of estuarine and coastal marine waters.
Specimen from the Chuchki Sea (Arctic). The species is characterized as having an aggolmerated lorica with a round-bottom, tube-shape having an opening diameter of about 18 microns. Such morphotypes are common in a very wide range of estuarine and coastal marine waters.
Illustration from original description in Daday 1887. Dimensions as given in text pg 553. Named for Salvatore Lo Bianco of the Naples Station
Specimen from the Chukchi Sea in 2016. Inset shows drawing from the species description by Meunier.
From page 50 of Nie & Cheng 1947 Note: mistake in figure legend - should read Tintinnopsis chinglanensis
From a deep water (275-225 m) net tow off shore from Villefranche-sur-Mer on July 21 2020.
From Daday (1887) , plate 9. Figures illustrating 'Tintinnopsis beroidea, variety compressa'. It was raised to species by Kofoid and Campbell (1929).
Drawings from Nordvquist 1890 (figs. 1 & 2) with dimensions as given in the text (pg. 126). Originally described as Codonella brandti.
Lugol's-fixed specimen from a sample taken near Bergen, Norway
From Jörgensen 1890 (plate 1, fig. 6). Dimension from text on page 24.
From the Chukchi Sea (Arctic) in 2020. Inset shows illustration from Brandt's 1896 description.
Tintinnopsis dadayi. The species was described by Kofoid in 1905 from the same area was this specimen was found, now know as Scripp's Canyon off San Diego, CA in July of 2009. Lugol's-fixed specimen
Drawing by C. A. Kofoid from his 1905 description of Tintinnopsis dadayi (Plate 26, fig. 3). Dimensions added from text description (p. 290.
Specimen from the from the Indian Sundarbans (Godkhali).