Habitat: Dry upland grassland, open space, plain ground, full sun, fully exposed to precipitations, precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 0-2 deg C, elevation 1.960 m (6.400 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: Shallow mossy soil covering calcareous rock. - References: - F. Dobson, Lichens, The Richmond Publ. (2005), p372. - V.Wirth, Die Flechen Baden-Wuerttembergs, Ulmer, Vol. 1.and 2.(1995), p787. - I. Brodo, S.Sharnoff, S.Sharnoff, Lichens of North America, Yale Uni. Press (2001), p599. - V. Wirth, R.Duell, Farbatlas Flechten und Moose, Ulmer (2000), p116. - Comments: Wirth considers this species as a rare one.
Habitat: Dry upland grassland, open space, plain ground, full sun, fully exposed to precipitations, precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 0-2 deg C, elevation 1.960 m (6.400 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: Shallow mossy soil covering calcareous rock. - References: - F. Dobson, Lichens, The Richmond Publ. (2005), p372. - V.Wirth, Die Flechen Baden-Wuerttembergs, Ulmer, Vol. 1.and 2.(1995), p787. - I. Brodo, S.Sharnoff, S.Sharnoff, Lichens of North America, Yale Uni. Press (2001), p599. - V. Wirth, R.Duell, Farbatlas Flechten und Moose, Ulmer (2000), p116. - Comments: Wirth considers this species as a rare one.
Habitat: Dry upland grassland, open space, plain ground, full sun, fully exposed to precipitations, precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 0-2 deg C, elevation 1.960 m (6.400 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: Shallow mossy soil covering calcareous rock. - References: - F. Dobson, Lichens, The Richmond Publ. (2005), p372. - V.Wirth, Die Flechen Baden-Wuerttembergs, Ulmer, Vol. 1.and 2.(1995), p787. - I. Brodo, S.Sharnoff, S.Sharnoff, Lichens of North America, Yale Uni. Press (2001), p599. - V. Wirth, R.Duell, Farbatlas Flechten und Moose, Ulmer (2000), p116. - Comments: Wirth considers this species as a rare one.
Habitat: Dry upland grassland, open space, plain ground, full sun, fully exposed to precipitations, precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 0-2 deg C, elevation 1.960 m (6.400 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: Shallow mossy soil covering calcareous rock. - References: - F. Dobson, Lichens, The Richmond Publ. (2005), p372. - V.Wirth, Die Flechen Baden-Wuerttembergs, Ulmer, Vol. 1.and 2.(1995), p787. - I. Brodo, S.Sharnoff, S.Sharnoff, Lichens of North America, Yale Uni. Press (2001), p599. - V. Wirth, R.Duell, Farbatlas Flechten und Moose, Ulmer (2000), p116. - Comments: Wirth considers this species as a rare one.
Habitat: Dry upland grassland, open space, plain ground, full sun, fully exposed to precipitations, precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 0-2 deg C, elevation 1.960 m (6.400 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: Shallow mossy soil covering calcareous rock. - References: - F. Dobson, Lichens, The Richmond Publ. (2005), p372. - V.Wirth, Die Flechen Baden-Wuerttembergs, Ulmer, Vol. 1.and 2.(1995), p787. - I. Brodo, S.Sharnoff, S.Sharnoff, Lichens of North America, Yale Uni. Press (2001), p599. - V. Wirth, R.Duell, Farbatlas Flechten und Moose, Ulmer (2000), p116. - Comments: Wirth considers this species as a rare one.
Habitat: Dry upland grassland, open space, plain ground, full sun, fully exposed to precipitations, precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 0-2 deg C, elevation 1.960 m (6.400 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: Shallow mossy soil covering calcareous rock. - References: - F. Dobson, Lichens, The Richmond Publ. (2005), p372. - V.Wirth, Die Flechen Baden-Wuerttembergs, Ulmer, Vol. 1.and 2.(1995), p787. - I. Brodo, S.Sharnoff, S.Sharnoff, Lichens of North America, Yale Uni. Press (2001), p599. - V. Wirth, R.Duell, Farbatlas Flechten und Moose, Ulmer (2000), p116. - Comments: Wirth considers this species as a rare one.