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The extraordinary pepper pot fruiting bodies are persistent and may be observed year round (5), often appearing in groups (6). Fungi are an enormous group of organisms that are so distinctive from both plants and animals that they are placed in their own kingdom. The main body of the fungus is composed of a multitude of microscopic threads (known as 'hyphae') which are located within the substrate (4). The fruiting body (such as the more familiar mushroom or toadstool) is produced to release spores and thus allows reproduction to occur. Fungi feed by absorbing nutrients from their surroundings.
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The pepper pot fungus is a candidate species for listing in Appendix I of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, otherwise known as the Bern Convention (3)(7). Recommendations for its conservation include the use of traditional farming methods on sites containing this fungus and the prevention of clear felling (5).
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The pepper pot is an earth star fungus; this group of fungi are named after their fruiting bodies, whose outer layers split open in distinctive, star-like rays as they mature (4). In this species, the 5 - 12 rays peel back, revealing a grey-brown spore-sac located in the centre of the disc. The sac is marked with numerous pores through which the spores are released; this leads to the common name of 'pepper pot' (4). WARNING: many species of fungus are poisonous or contain chemicals that can cause sickness. Never pick and eat any species of fungus that you cannot positively recognise or are unsure about. Some species are deadly poisonous and can cause death within a few hours if swallowed.
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Inhabits open woodland, in warm nitrogen-rich sites (5), and is often associated with the false acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) (6).
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The pepper pot fungus has a worldwide distribution; it is rare in Europe and restricted to southern and southeastern regions of the continent (5).
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Short-listed for inclusion in the Bern Convention by the European Council for Conservation of Fungi (ECCF), and included on the Red Lists of 12 European countries (3).
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The pepper pot fungus is threatened by the disturbance of its habitat, such as the removal of certain trees or a decrease in grazing (5).
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provided by BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Plant / associate
fruitbody of Myriostoma coliforme is associated with Urtica dioica


Distribution ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Distribucion amplia
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Mushroom Observer

Endoperidium: 1.5-7 cm wide, papery, spherical, sometimes flattened. Features several pores or mouths on upper surface which is grayish brown in color. Gleba is white when young, becoming brown and powdery with age, divided into loculi, each of which opens into an ostiole to release spores. Capillitial threads are free and simple.

Stalk: Several short, small stalks connect inner peridium to outer peridium.

Exoperidium: usually 5 to 12 rays, 1-6 cm long, light brown to brownish gray in color. Covering the endoperidium when young, splitting into rays with maturity, and opening/expanding when wet. Exoperidium is actually two layers, the upper layer being the mesoperidium. These two layers don’t easily separate and sometimes are indistinguishable.

Spores: Reddish-brown, spherical, heavily warted, 4-6 um in diameter.

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Tom Volk, matthewfoltz
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Widely distributed in North America. Also reported from South America and Europe, most likely found in other parts of the world as well. Most sources indicate that this species is rare. It is the only species in the genus Myriostoma.

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Tom Volk, matthewfoltz
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General Description

provided by Mushroom Observer

Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda (1842)

Commonly called the Saltshaker earthstar, or in some areas, the Pepper Pot.

This fungus features a roundish ball called a head or a peridium containing spores. This ball sits on small stalks on top of star-like rays. When immature or dry, the rays (also called the outer peridium or exoperidium) enclose the endoperidium (inner peridium). When the basidiocarp gets wet, the exoperidium splits and folds back, forming the star-shaped structure. The inner peridium remains closed and this is where the spores are formed.

Unlike true puffballs, the basidia where the spores grow are not arranged in a hymenium. Instead the basidia form throughout the entire inside of the head. This spore mass is called the gleba. The gleba becomes powdery with age and the spores are dispersed through holes in the peridium called mouths or pores.

When the mushroom gets dry the star-like rays will fold back up around the endoperidium until it rains again, then they fold back out and the rain droplets can hit the walls of the endoperidium. The force of the droplets ejects spores out of the pores. This behavior allows the fungus to disperse its spores during moist conditions which increases the chance that they will be able to germinate.

Etymology: From Latin, “like a colander”

Previously known as:
Lycoperdon coliforme Dicks. (1776)
Geastrum coliformis (Dicks.) Pers. (1801)

(Taxonomy from Index Fungorum )

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Tom Volk, matthewfoltz
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Likes to grow in dry woodlands, and in sandy soil in open areas. Solitary or in small groups.

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Tom Volk, matthewfoltz
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Look Alikes

provided by Mushroom Observer

Several Geastrum and Astraeus earthstars look similar. However, Myriostoma coliforme is the only earthstar that has many mouths on the inner peridium, so this is the most distinguishing characteristic to use to separate it from the others. It also is the only earthstar that features several short stalks connecting its inner and outer peridiums (other earthstars sometimes have one stalk, but never several).

See Tom Volk’s page on earthstars.

When young, before the outer peridium has split open, earthstars can resemble puffballs. Myriostoma features 3 peridial layers (the mesoperidium is often inseparable from the exoperidium, but is usually distinct), where as true puffballs only have 2 peridial layers. Also, true puffballs feature basidia arranged in a hymenium, and their spores are usually smooth.

See Tom Volk’s page on puffballs.

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Tom Volk, matthewfoltz
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Can be used for decoration because of its aesthetically pleasing appearance. It also plays important roles in the environment, although its exact ecological niche has not been determined with certainty.

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Tom Volk, matthewfoltz
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Mushroom Observer

Sieberdstern ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Der Sieberdstern (Myriostoma coliforme) oder auch Siebstern[1] ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Erdsternverwandten (Geastraceae). Er ist die einzige Art seiner Gattung und nah mit den Erdsternen verwandt.


Das Sporenpulver gelangt durch die zahlreichen Öffnungen des inneren, kugeligen Behälters nach draußen.
Farbtafel aus James Sowerbys "Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms" (1797)

Makroskopische Merkmale

Der Sieberdstern besitzt eine Außen- und eine Innenhülle (Exo- bzw. Endoperidie). Die äußere, derb lederige Hülle reißt sternartig in 5–11 spitze Lappen auf, legt den inneren Teil frei und hebt ihn aus dem Boden. Ausgebreitet erreicht die Außenhülle einen Durchmesser von 6–11 cm. Die Innenhülle hat eine kugelige bis niedergedrückte Form und misst in der Breite 2,3–4,5 cm. Sie ist mit mehreren, etwa 1 mm großen Löchern durchsetzt. Das im Inneren befindliche Sporenpulver ist braun.

Mikroskopische Merkmale

Die Sporen messen (3,5)4–5 Mikrometer und deren Oberfläche ist mit bis zu mehr als 1 mm hohen, zylindrischen Warzen bedeckt. Die hellbraunen Hyphen des Capillitiums sind 3–4 µm breit und dickwandig.


Die Erdsterne (Geastrum) besitzen sehr ähnlich aufgebaute Fruchtkörper, haben aber in der Innenhülle nur eine einzige Öffnung am Scheitel, aus der die Sporen ins Freie gelangen können.


Der Pilz ist unter anderem in anthropogenen Habitaten bei Laubgehölzen wie Robinien, Flieder oder Schlehen und Weißdorn zu finden. Dort wächst er auf Sand- und Lössböden mit unterschiedlichem Kalkgehalt.


Der Sieberdstern ist in Europa und in Vorder- und Mittelasien bis zum Himalaya verbreitet. In Afrika ist er im Norden, Osten und Süden anzutreffen. Außerdem wächst er in Nord- und Südamerika sowie auch auf Hawaii.

In Europa findet der Pilz von der Iberischen Halbinsel, Mittelitalien, Bulgarien und der Ukraine bis Südengland, Belgien, den Niederlanden und Mittelschweden Verbreitung. In Deutschland ist er selten im mittleren Odergebiet, der Mittelmark und in der Magdeburger Börde anzutreffen. In jüngerer Zeit wurde er auch in der Oberrheinischen Tiefebene bei Käfertal und St. Ilgen entdeckt. Im 19. Jahrhundert wurde er auch in Darmstadt gefunden.[2]



  1. So etwa bei Fungiworld, bei Pilzseite.de oder beim Pilzmuseum Reinhardtsgrimma, siehe das elfte Foto in der Bildergalerie in diesem Bildbericht@1@2Vorlage:Toter Link/www.dnn-online.de (Seite nicht mehr abrufbar, Suche in Webarchiven)  src= Info: Der Link wurde automatisch als defekt markiert. Bitte prüfe den Link gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis. der Dresdner Neuesten Nachrichten. Abgerufen jeweils am 29. August 2013
  2. Sabine Hebbelmann: Ein seltener Pilz ist zurück in St. Ilgen. Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 27. August 2013, abgerufen am 25. September 2018
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Sieberdstern: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Der Sieberdstern (Myriostoma coliforme) oder auch Siebstern ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Erdsternverwandten (Geastraceae). Er ist die einzige Art seiner Gattung und nah mit den Erdsternen verwandt.

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Myriostoma coliforme

provided by wikipedia EN

Myriostoma coliforme is a fungal species in the family Geastraceae. Basidiocarps resemble earthstars, but the spore sac is supported by multiple columns (instead of a single column) and has multiple ostioles instead of a single, apical ostiole. In the UK, its recommended English name is pepper pot.[2] It has also been called "salt-shaker earthstar".[3] The fungus has a north temperate distribution, but was formerly thought to be more widespread due to confusion with related Myriostoma species. Myriostoma coliforme is an uncommon species and appears on the Red Lists of 12 European countries. In 2004 it was one of 33 species proposed for protection under the Bern Convention by the European Council for Conservation of Fungi.


The species was first mentioned in the scientific literature by Samuel Doody in the second edition of John Ray's Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum in 1696.[4] Doody briefly described the fungus as: "fungus pulverulentus, coli instar perforatus, cum volva stellata" (a powdery fungus, perforated like a colander, with a star-shaped volva), and went on to explain that he found it in 1695 in Kent.[5]

Illustration from James Sowerby's Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms (1803)

It was first described scientifically as a new species in 1785 from collections made in England by James Dickson, who named it Lycoperdon coliforme. He found it growing in roadside banks and hedgerows among nettles in Suffolk and Norfolk.[6] Nicaise Auguste Desvaux first defined and published the new genus Myriostoma in 1809, with the species renamed Myriostoma anglicum (an illegitimate renaming).[7] Christian Hendrik Persoon had previously placed the species in Geastrum in 1801,[8] while in 1821 Samuel Frederick Gray described the genus Polystoma for it.[9] Myriostoma coliforme received its current and final name when August Carl Joseph Corda moved Dickson's name to Myriostoma in 1842, replacing Desvaux's illegitimate name.[10]


The generic name Myriostoma is derived from the Ancient Greek "Myrios" (ten thousand - as in Myriad) and "stoma" (mouth) and means "thousands of mouths". The specific epithet is derived from the [Latin] words colum, meaning "strainer", and forma, meaning "shape".[11] M.J. Berkeley gave it the English name "Cullenden puff-ball" which also refers to a colander.[12] S.F. Gray called it the "sievelike pill-box".[9]


Brown spores can be seen on the surface of this fruit body.

The fruit bodies start their development underground or buried in leaf debris, linked to a strand of mycelium at the base. As they mature, the exoperidium (the outer tissue layer of the peridium) splits open into 7 to 14 rays which curve backward; this pushes the fruit body above the substrate. Fully opened specimens can reach dimensions of 2–12 cm (0.8–4.7 in) from ray tip to tip. The rays are of unequal size, with tips that often roll back inward. They comprise three distinct layers of tissue. The inner pseudoparenchymatous layer (so named for the resemblance to the tightly packed cells of plant parenchyma) is fleshy and thick when fresh, and initially pale beige but darkening to yellow or brown as it matures, often cracking and peeling off in the process. The exterior mycelial layer, often matted with fine leaf debris or dirt, usually cracks to reveal a middle fibrous layer, which is made of densely packed hyphae 1–2.5 μm wide. The base of the fruit body is concave to vaulted and often covered with adhering dirt. The roughly spherical spore sac (endoperidium) measures 1–5 cm (0.4–2.0 in) in diameter, and is supported by a cluster of short columns shaped like flattened spheres. It is grey-brown and minutely roughened with small (under 0.1 mm high), lightly interconnected warts. There are several to many evenly dispersed mouths, the ostioles, mainly on the upper half of the endoperidium. They are roughly circular with fimbriate edges.[13] The inedible fruit bodies have no distinct taste, although dried specimens develop an odour resembling curry powder or bouillon cubes.[14]

Like earthstars, the fungus uses the force of falling raindrops to help disperse the spores, which are ejected in little bursts when objects (such as rain) strike the outer wall of the spore sac. The gleba is brown to greyish-brown, with a cotton-like texture that, when compressed, allows the endoperidium to flex quickly and create a puff of air that is forced out through the ostioles. This generates a cloud of spores that can then be carried by the wind.[15] There are columellae (sterile structures that start at the base of the gleba and extend through it), which are usually not evident in the mature gleba, but apparent at the base of the spore sac. The columellae are not connected to the ostioles, but rather, terminate within the gleba at some distance from them. The capillitia (sterile strands within the gleba) are long, slender, free, tapering, unbranched, and 3.3–4 μm thick, with thickened walls. The spores are spherical, nonamyloid, and are ornamented with irregularly shaped flaring protuberances up to 1.6 μm high. They measure 6.1–8.0 μm including the ornamentation.[16]

Similar species

In Europe, Myriostoma coliforme is a distinctive species easily characterized by the multiple openings on its spore sac and the multiple stalks supporting the sac.[15] Historically, it was thought that the holes might have been a result of insects. This was discussed and rejected by Thomas Jenkinson Woodward in 1797:

"It has been doubted whether these mouths might not be accidental, and formed by insects after the expansion of the plant. But this (not to mention their regularity, and that each is furrowed by its border of cilia) is clearly disproved, from the marks of the projections formed by the mouths being seen on the expanded rays, when freshly opened ... I have likewise found an abortive plant, in which the seed did not ripen; but which had numerous projecting papillae on the head, where the mouths should have been formed."[17]

In North America, a second species, Myriostoma calongei, is known from New Mexico. It can be distinguished by its more distinctly verrucose (finely warted) endoperidium, with warts more than 0.1 mm high.

Habitat and distribution

Myriostoma coliforme is a saprotrophic species.

Myriostoma coliforme is saprotrophic, deriving nutrients from decomposing organic matter. Fruit bodies grow grouped in well-drained or sandy soil, often in the partial shade of trees.[13] The species occurs in deciduous forests and mixed forests, gardens, along hedges and grassy road banks, and grazed grasslands. It tends to grow on well-drained south-facing slopes.[18] In Europe, its major habitat is riparian mixed forests dominated by Salix alba and Populus alba along the great rivers.[19] In Hawaii, it has been collected at elevations above 2,000 m (6,600 ft) where it appears to favour the mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) forest.[20]

The species is widespread in north temperate regions.[nb 1] It is rare in Europe, where it appears on the Regional Red Lists of 12 countries, and is one of 33 candidate species for listing in Appendix I of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (the "Bern Convention").[19] Although originally described from England, it was considered extinct in mainland Britain until it was found again in Suffolk in 2006 near Ipswich, one of its original localities;[15] it had been last reported in the country in 1880.[38] The fungus is considered extinct in Switzerland.[39] Its most northerly location is southern Sweden,[40] although it is generally rare in northern Europe.[15] It is similarly widespread but rarely encountered in North America, although there may be isolated localities, like New Mexico, where it is more abundant.[41]

Until 2017, Myriostoma coliforme was thought to be the only species in the genus Myriostoma, with a worldwide distribution.[16] Since then molecular research, based on cladistic analysis of DNA sequences, has revealed at least five additional species in Central and South America, South Africa, and Australia. As a result the distribution of Myriostoma coliforme sensu stricto is uncertain, but it appears to be restricted to the northern hemisphere.[16][42][43]


  1. ^ European countries and territories in which M. coliforme has been recorded include Bulgaria,[21] the Channel Islands,[14] England,[15] France,[22] Germany,[23] Italy,[24] the Netherlands,[25] Poland,[26] Portugal, Slovakia,[27] Spain,[28] Turkey,[29] and Ukraine.[30] It has also been found in the Canary Islands[31] and Morocco (in the Mamora forest).[32] In North America the fungus was first reported from Colorado by Charles Horton Peck and later from Florida, collected by Lucien Underwood in 1891; both findings were reported by Andrew Price Morgan in April 1892.[33] In 1897, Melville Thurston Cook also reported having collected it the year before from "Albino Beach".[34] In the Middle East, it has been reported from Afghanistan,[35] Israel,[36] and Iran. It has also been reported from China[37] and India.[18]


  1. ^ "Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda". CAB International. Species Fungorum. Archived from the original on 2012-10-08. Retrieved 2012-05-17.
  2. ^ Holden L. "English names for fungi". British Mycological Society. Retrieved 2022-09-24.
  3. ^ Hemmes DE, Desjardin D (2002). Mushrooms of Hawai'i: An Identification Guide. Berkeley, California: Ten Speed Press. p. 143. ISBN 978-1-58008-339-3. Archived from the original on 2016-05-08.
  4. ^ Ponce de León P. (1968). "A revision of the family Geastraceae". Fieldiana. 31 (14): 301–49. Archived from the original on 2012-04-05.
  5. ^ Doody S. (1696). Ray J (ed.). Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum (in Latin and English) (2nd ed.). London, UK: Impensis Gulielmi & Joannis Innys. p. 340. Archived from the original on 2016-05-18.
  6. ^ Dickson J. (1785). Fasciculus Plantarum Cryptogamicarum Britanniae (in Latin). Vol. 1. London, UK: G. Nicol. p. 24. Archived from the original on 2016-07-23.
  7. ^ Desvaux NA. (1809). "Observations sur quelques genres à établir dans la famille des champignons" [Comments of a few genera needing creation in the fungus family]. Journal de Botanique, Rédigé par une Société di Botanistes (in French). 2: 88–105. Archived from the original on 2016-05-02.
  8. ^ Persoon CH. (1801). Synopsis Methodica Fungorum (in Latin). Vol. 1. Göttingen, Germany: Dieterich. p. 131. Archived from the original on 2016-05-13.
  9. ^ a b Gray SF. (1821). A Natural Arrangement of British Plants. Vol. 1. London, UK: Baldwin, Craddock, and Joy. p. 586. Archived from the original on 2012-04-05.
  10. ^ Corda ACJ. (1842). Anleitung zum Studium der Mykologie [Manual for the study of mycology] (in German). Prague, Czech Republic: Friedrich Ehrlich. p. lxxxi. Archived from the original on 2015-06-23.
  11. ^ colum, forma. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  12. ^ Lloyd CG. (1902). "The Geastrae". Bulletin of the Lloyd Library of Botany, Pharmacy and Materia Medica. 5 (2): 7. Archived from the original on 2015-06-23.
  13. ^ a b Long WH, Stouffer DJ (1948). "Studies in the Gasteromycetes XVI. The Geastraceae of the south-western United States". Mycologia. 40 (5): 547–85, 582. doi:10.2307/3755257. JSTOR 3755257. Archived from the original on 2015-09-23. Retrieved 2012-05-24.
  14. ^ a b Jordan M. (2004). The Encyclopedia of Fungi of Britain and Europe. London, UK: Frances Lincoln. p. 362. ISBN 978-0-7112-2378-3. Archived from the original on 2016-04-30.
  15. ^ a b c d e Spooner B, Döring H, Aguirre-Hudson B. "Plants & Fungi: Myriostoma coliforme (pepperpot earthstar)". Species profile from Kew. Kew Botanical Gardens. Archived from the original on 2010-09-07. Retrieved 2010-09-29.
  16. ^ a b c Coleman, Craig Eliot; Sousa, Julieth O.; Suz, Laura M.; García, Miguel A.; Alfredo, Donis S.; Conrado, Luana M.; Marinho, Paulo; Ainsworth, A. Martyn; Baseia, Iuri G.; Martín, María P. (2017). "More than one fungus in the pepper pot: Integrative taxonomy unmasks hidden species within Myriostoma coliforme (Geastraceae, Basidiomycota)". PLOS ONE. 12 (6): e0177873. Bibcode:2017PLoSO..1277873S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0177873. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 5462367. PMID 28591150. S2CID 10822374.
  17. ^ Woodward TJ. (1794). "As essay towards an History of the British stellated Lycoperdons: being an account of such species as have been found in the neighbourhood of Bungay, in Suffolk". Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. 2: 32–68. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1794.tb00241.x.
  18. ^ a b Sunhede S. (1989). Geastraceae (Basidiomycotina): Morphology, Ecology, and Systematics with Special Emphasis on the North European Species. Synopsis Fungorum, 1. Oslo, Norway: Fungiflora. ISBN 978-8290724059.
  19. ^ a b Dahlberg A, Croneborg H (2006). The 33 Threatened Fungi in Europe (Nature and Environment). Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe. p. 88. ISBN 978-9-28715-928-1. Archived from the original on 2016-05-09.
  20. ^ Smith CW, Ponce de Leon P (1982). "Hawaiian Geastroid Fungi". Mycologia. 74 (5): 712–7. doi:10.2307/3792856. JSTOR 3792856. Archived from the original on 2015-09-23. Retrieved 2012-03-11.
  21. ^ Alexov R, Vassilev D, Nedelev P, Traikov I (2012). "New records of seven rare and noteworthy Basidiomycetes from Bulgaria" (PDF). Trakia Journal of Sciences. 10 (2): 10–6. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2015-06-23.
  22. ^ Guinberteau J. (2005). "Découverte d'une nouvelle station en Gironde d'un champignon très rare en Aquitaine: Myriostoma coliforme (With.:Pers.) Corda". Miscellanea Mycologia (in French). 84: 6–12. ISSN 0777-7213.
  23. ^ Benkert D. (2003). "Berlin und die Mark Brandenburg – ein Paradies für Erdsterne (Geastrales)" [Berlin and the Mark Brandenburg: a paradise for earthstars (Geastrales)]. Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins von Berlin und Brandenburg (in German). 136: 231–68. ISSN 0724-3111.
  24. ^ Monti G, Tommasi S, Maccioni S (2001). "Macromiceti rari o nuovi nella Tenuta di San Rossore (pisa): descrizione e osservazioni critiche" [Rare or new macromycetes in San Rossore (Pisa): Description and critical notes]. Micologia Italiana (in Italian). 30 (1): 19–34. ISSN 0390-0460.
  25. ^ Remijn H. (2007). "Sterrenparadijs: Hier aan de kust, de Zeeuwse kust" [A paradise for earthstars] (PDF). Coolia (in Dutch). 50 (4): 177–80. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2011-07-24.
  26. ^ Pawłowski B, Adamska E (2008). "Nowe, najliczniejsze w Polsce stanowisko gwiazdy wieloporowatej Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda w Toruniu" [A new locality of Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda in Toruń with the most abundant occurrence of this species in Poland] (pdf (English abstract)). Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczysta (in Polish). 64 (2): 70–6. ISSN 0009-6172.
  27. ^ Kotlaba F. (1971). "Nová lokalita vzácné břichatky mnohokrčky dírkované-Myriostoma coliforme (With. ex Pers.) Corda-v Československu" [A new locality for the rare gasteromycete Myriostoma coliforme in Czechoslovakia] (PDF abstract). Česká Mykologie (in Czech). 25 (3): 161–4. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2007-06-29.
  28. ^ Hernández-Crespo JC. (14 February 2007). "Distribution map: Myriostoma coliforme (With.:Pers.) Corda". S I M I L. An on line Information System of the Iberian Fungal Diversity. Royal Botanic Garden Madrid, C.S.I.C. Research Project Flora Micológica Ibérica I-VI (1990–2008). Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Archived from the original on 23 June 2015. Retrieved 2012-05-02.
  29. ^ Asan A, Sesli E, Gücin F, Stojchev G (2002). "Myriostoma coliforme and Phylloporia ribis (Basidiomycetes): First reports from European Turkey". Botanika Chronika. 15: 45–9. ISSN 0253-6064.
  30. ^ Minter DW; Hayova VP; Minter TJ; Tykhonenko YY (eds.). "Ukrainian fungi recorded more recently than the end of 1990". Lists of Potentially Rare, Endangered or Under-Recorded Fungi in Ukraine. Cyberliber. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2014-07-01.
  31. ^ Beltrán Tejera E, Bañares Baudet A, Rodríguez-Armas JL (1998). "Gasteromycetes on the Canary Islands. Some noteworthy new records". Mycotaxon. 67: 439–53.
  32. ^ Outcoumit A, Touhami AO, Douira A (2009). "Myriostoma coliforme, nouvelle espèce pour la forêt de la Mamora (nord-ouest du Maroc)" [Myriostoma coliforme, a new species for the Mamora forest (northwestern Morocco)]. Bulletin Mycologique et Botanique Dauphiné-Savoie (in French). 49 (192): 41–6. ISSN 1771-754X.
  33. ^ Morgan AP. (1892). "Myriostoma coliformes Dicks. in Florida". American Naturalist. 26 (304): 341–3. doi:10.1086/275521. JSTOR 2452432. open access
  34. ^ Cook MT. (1897). "Myriostoma Coliforme". Botanical Gazette. 23 (1): 43–4. doi:10.1086/327460. JSTOR 2995721. open access
  35. ^ Lange M. (1953). "Some Gasteromycetes from Afghanistan". Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift. 50: 79–80.
  36. ^ Binyamini N. (1984). "New records of Geastraceae from Israel". Mycologia Helvetica. 1 (3): 169–76. ISSN 0256-310X.
  37. ^ Zhou TX, Yan YH (2002). 地星科的中国新记录属种 [New records of Geastraceae in China]. Mycosystema (in Chinese). 21 (4): 485–92. Archived from the original on 2015-06-23. closed access
  38. ^ Laessøe T, Pegler DN, Spooner B (1995). British Puffballs, Earthstars and Stinkhorns: An Account of the British Gasteroid Fungi. Kew, UK: Royal Botanic Gardens. p. 112. ISBN 978-0-947643-81-2.
  39. ^ The European Council for Conservation of Fungi (2001). Datasheets of threatened mushrooms of Europe, candidates for listing in Appendix I of the Convention (PDF) (Report). Council of Europe. Archived from the original on 2013-04-08.
  40. ^ Andersson U-B. (2010). "Jordstjärnor i Sverige 5. Fyrflikig jordstjärna, hög jordstjärna, hårig jordstjärna, sålljordstjärna" [Swedish earthstars 5. Four-footed earthstar, arched earthstar, hairy earthball, salt-shaker earthstar]. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift (in Swedish). 104 (1): 39–43.
  41. ^ Arora D. (1986). Mushrooms Demystified: A Comprehensive Guide to the Fleshy Fungi. Berkeley, California: Ten Speed Press. p. 704. ISBN 978-0-89815-169-5.
  42. ^ Sousa JO, Baseia IG, Martín MP (2019). "Strengthening Myriostoma (Geastraceae, Basidiomycota) diversity: Myriostoma australianum sp. nov". Mycoscience. 60 (1): 25–30. doi:10.1016/j.myc.2018.07.003. hdl:10261/187543. S2CID 92488304.
  43. ^ Guzmán-Dávalos L, Villalobos-Arámbula AR, Cabarroi-Hernández M, Haro-Luna MX, Ramírez-Cruz V (2021). "Myriostoma herrerae sp. nov. (Geastrales: Basidiomycota) and a new record of M. calongei from Mexico". Kew Bulletin. 76 (4): 633–644. doi:10.1007/s12225-021-09965-0. S2CID 244232789.

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Myriostoma coliforme: Brief Summary

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Myriostoma coliforme is a fungal species in the family Geastraceae. Basidiocarps resemble earthstars, but the spore sac is supported by multiple columns (instead of a single column) and has multiple ostioles instead of a single, apical ostiole. In the UK, its recommended English name is pepper pot. It has also been called "salt-shaker earthstar". The fungus has a north temperate distribution, but was formerly thought to be more widespread due to confusion with related Myriostoma species. Myriostoma coliforme is an uncommon species and appears on the Red Lists of 12 European countries. In 2004 it was one of 33 species proposed for protection under the Bern Convention by the European Council for Conservation of Fungi.

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Myriostoma coliforme ( Italian )

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Caratteristiche morfologiche
Myriostoma coliforme Cappello no disegno.png
Cappello no Smooth icon.png
Imenio liscio No gills icon.svg
Lamelle no Brown spore print icon.png
Sporata marrone Bare stipe icon.png
Velo nudo Mycorrhizal ecology icon.png
Micorrizico Nofoodlogo.svg
Non commestibile

Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda, Anleit. Stud. Mykol.: 131 (1842)

Descrizione della specie

Corpo fruttifero

Dapprima seminterrato, globoso, con l'involucro esterno rivestito di uno strato brunastro che si lacera a raggiera (esoperidio), sul cui centro si solleva il sacco sporifero (endoperidio), sorretto da colonnette.


4–12 cm (di solito 8) braccia triangolari; quando disteso misura al massimo 25 cm; internamente liscio, biancastro, poi bruno-rossiccio.


Più o meno da 1,5–7 cm di diametro, irregolarmente globoso, bruno-argenteo, perforato da parecchi pori (25-50) od ostioli; sostenuto da diversi sottili pedicelli colonnari.


Bianca, poi brunastra, formata da logge dello stesso numero degli ostioli.


Brunastre in massa, globose, irregolarmente verrucose.


Cresce su terreni sabbiosi, nei campi o al margine dei boschi, in estate-autunno.


Non commestibile, senza interesse alimentare.


Dal latino coliformis = simile al colino, per i fori del suo endoperidio.

Sinonimi e binomi obsoleti

  • Geastrum coliformis (Dicks.) Pers. [as 'Geaster'], Synopsis Methodica Fungorum (Göttingen): 131 (1801)
  • Lycoperdon coliforme Dicks., Bot. Arr. Brit. Pl., Edn 2 2: 783 (1776)
  • Myriostoma anglicum Desv., J. Bot. Morot 2: 104 (1809)
  • Polystoma coliforme (Pers.) Gray, A Natural Arrangement of British Plants (London) 1: 586 (1821)

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Myriostoma coliforme: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda, Anleit. Stud. Mykol.: 131 (1842)

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Myriostoma coliforme ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Myriostoma coliforme of peperbus is een in Nederland vrij zeldzame paddenstoel met 5 tot 12 stervormig uitgespreide slippen en een bolletje waarin de sporen zitten. Het is de enige soort van het geslacht Myriostoma en nauw verwant aan het geslacht Aardster (Geastrum) binnen de gemeenschappelijke familie Geastraceae. Door de vele sporenopeningen in het bolletje en de steeltjes onder het bolletje is de peperbus goed van andere aardsterren te onderscheiden.

De peperbus is internationaal wijdverbreid maar toch zeer zeldzaam omdat de soort in heel kleine aantallen voorkomt en soms jarenlang niet wordt waargenomen. De soort staat in 12 Europese landen op de Rode Lijst. Onder de Conventie van Bern komt de peperbus voor op de lijst met 33 van de meest bedreigde paddenstoelen van Europa. Binnen Europa zijn de groeiplaatsen in Nederland van groot belang voor het voorkomen van de soort.[1]

Voorkomen in Nederland

De peperbus komt in Nederland vrijwel alleen in de kalkrijke duinen voor en is op de Nederlandse rode lijst in 1989 aangemerkt als "bedreigd" en in 2008 als "kwetsbaar". De soort was al jaren bekend in de duinen tussen Wassenaar en IJmuiden, maar wordt sinds 2005 ook steeds meer boven het Noordzeekanaal gevonden in het Noordhollands Duinreservaat. In de kalkarme Schoorlse duinen ten noorden van Bergen komt Myriostoma soms langs schelpenpaden voor.[1] De soort is ook aan de Zeeuwse kust te vinden, maar alleen op Walcheren. De vindplaatsen liggen in de duinen bij Oostkapelle, Vrouwenpolder en Klein Valkenisse en sinds 2012 ook bij Zoutelande.[2]

De peperbus voelt zich thuis op droge plaatsen in de kalkrijke duinen, op oostelijke en zuidoostelijke hellingen en aan de randen van loofbossen en struwelen van meidoorn, duindoorn of kardinaalsmuts. In het Noordhollands Duinreservaat worden ze vaak onder iepen aangetroffen. De groeiplaats heeft meestal een dunne laag snel verterend strooisel en een ijle begroeiing van gewone planten. Hier groeien de peperbussen regelmatig in gezelschap van andere aardstersoorten.[1] De periode van fructificatie is september tot en met november.[3]


Vanwege de vele stuifopeningen in het bolletje lijkt deze paddenstoel op een peperbus. Ook internationaal is de soort algemeen bekend als salt-and-pepper shaker earthstar of pepperpot.[4]

Illustratie uit James Sowerby's Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms (1803)

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Myriostoma coliforme: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Myriostoma coliforme of peperbus is een in Nederland vrij zeldzame paddenstoel met 5 tot 12 stervormig uitgespreide slippen en een bolletje waarin de sporen zitten. Het is de enige soort van het geslacht Myriostoma en nauw verwant aan het geslacht Aardster (Geastrum) binnen de gemeenschappelijke familie Geastraceae. Door de vele sporenopeningen in het bolletje en de steeltjes onder het bolletje is de peperbus goed van andere aardsterren te onderscheiden.

De peperbus is internationaal wijdverbreid maar toch zeer zeldzaam omdat de soort in heel kleine aantallen voorkomt en soms jarenlang niet wordt waargenomen. De soort staat in 12 Europese landen op de Rode Lijst. Onder de Conventie van Bern komt de peperbus voor op de lijst met 33 van de meest bedreigde paddenstoelen van Europa. Binnen Europa zijn de groeiplaatsen in Nederland van groot belang voor het voorkomen van de soort.

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Myriostoma coliforme ( Pms )

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Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Fin a 10 o 20 cm ëd diàmetr. Da fòra brun o gris brun, sùtil, duvert a stèila (5-12 ponte nen istesse). Da drinta sférich, fin a 8 cm ëd diàmetr, a arpòsa dzora a vàire cit pé (da 3 a 5 mm ëd longheur), forà da vàire përtus (fin a 50).


A chërs ant ij tajiss, ij bòsch ciàir, ant ij teren sabios. Soens sota le gasìe (Robinia pseudoacacia).


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!
Sensa anteresse alimentar.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks. : Pers.) Corda

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Myriostoma coliforme: Brief Summary ( Pms )

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Fin a 10 o 20 cm ëd diàmetr. Da fòra brun o gris brun, sùtil, duvert a stèila (5-12 ponte nen istesse). Da drinta sférich, fin a 8 cm ëd diàmetr, a arpòsa dzora a vàire cit pé (da 3 a 5 mm ëd longheur), forà da vàire përtus (fin a 50).


A chërs ant ij tajiss, ij bòsch ciàir, ant ij teren sabios. Soens sota le gasìe (Robinia pseudoacacia).


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!
Sensa anteresse alimentar.

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Gwiazda wieloporowata ( Polish )

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Geastrum unknown R0018657.JPG

Gwiazda wieloporowata (Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda) – gatunek grzybów należący do rodziny gwiazdoszowatych (Geastraceae). Jest to jedyny gatunek z rodzaju Myriostoma Desv. (gwiazda lub wieloporek)[1]

Systematyka i nazewnictwo

Pozycja w klasyfikacji według Index Fungorum: Myriostoma, Geastraceae, Geastrales, Phallomycetidae, Agaricomycetes, Agaricomycotina, Basidiomycota, Fungi[1].

Po raz pierwszy takson ten zdiagnozował w 1785 r. James Dickson nadając mu nazwę Lycoperdon coliforme. Obecną, uznaną przez Index Fungorum nazwę nadał mu w 1842 r. August Karl Corda, przenosząc go do rodzaju Myriostoma[1].

Nazwę polską zaproponował Władysław Wojewoda w 2003 r., wcześniej w polskim piśmiennictwie mykologicznym gatunek ten opisywany był jako wieloporek gwiaździsty[2]. Synonimy:[3].

  • Geastrum coliforme (Dicks.) Pers. 1801
  • Lycoperdon coliforme Dicks. 1776
  • Myriostoma anglicum Desv. 1809
  • Myriostoma coliforme var. capillisporum V.J. Staněk 1958
  • Myriostoma coliforme var. coliforme (Dicks.) Corda 1842
  • Polystoma coliforme (Dicks.) Gray 1821


Saprotrof, wytwarzający naziemne owocniki o średnicy 5-8 cm, barwy ochrowoszarej lub ochrowobrązowej, za młodu okrągły, z trójwarstwowym egzoperydium i jednowarstwowym endoperydium. Po dojrzeniu owocników egzoperydium pęka na 5-12 ramion, podobnie jak u gwiazdoszy (Geastrum sp.). W przeciwieństwie od nich w kulistym, odsłoniętym endoperydium tworzą się ujścia zarodników w formie wielu (do 30) niewielkich otworów, a samo endoperydium podtrzymywane jest przez 8-31 kolumnowatych trzonków. Zarodniki wieloporka gwiaździstego są okrągławe, o średnicy ok. 4-5 μm, graniasto urzeźbione (na wysokość do 2 μm), bez pory rostkowej, a ich wysyp jest barwy brązowej[4].

Występowanie i siedlisko

W Polsce jest bardzo rzadki i podlega ścisłej ochronie gatunkowej[5]. Znajduje się na Czerwonej liście roślin i grzybów Polski. Ma status E – gatunek wymierający[6]. Znajduje się na listach gatunków zagrożonych także w Austrii, Belgii, Niemczech, Anglii, Holandii, Słowacji, Szwecji, Czechach[2].

Gatunek w Europie owocnikuje od września do listopada, bardziej licznie występuje w jej południowej części[4].


  1. a b c Index Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2013-03-05].
  2. a b Władysław Wojewoda: Checklist of Polish Larger Basidiomycetes. Krytyczna lista wielkoowocnikowych grzybów podstawkowych Polski. Kraków: W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2003. ISBN 83-89648-09-1.
  3. Species Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2013-04-15].
  4. a b Ewald Gerhardt: Grzyby – wielki ilustrowany przewodnik. Warszawa: 2006, s. 616. ISBN 83-7404-513-2.
  5. Dz.U. z 2014 r. nr 0, poz. 1408 – Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 9 października 2014 r. w sprawie ochrony gatunkowej grzybów
  6. Zbigniew Mirek: Red list of plants and fungi in Poland = Czerwona lista roślin i grzybów Polski. Kraków: W. Szafer Institute of Botany. Polish Academy of Sciences, 2006. ISBN 83-89648-38-5.
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Gwiazda wieloporowata: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Geastrum unknown R0018657.JPG

Gwiazda wieloporowata (Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda) – gatunek grzybów należący do rodziny gwiazdoszowatych (Geastraceae). Jest to jedyny gatunek z rodzaju Myriostoma Desv. (gwiazda lub wieloporek)

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Міріостома шийкова ( Ukrainian )

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Рудуваті плодові тіла спочатку приплюснуто-кулясті та біля основи звужені, 2–10 см завширшки, 4–5 см заввишки. Товстий м’ясистий екзоперидій рудувато-коричневого кольору, з часом стає твердий і ламкий. При дозріванні екзоперидій розривається до половини або майже до основи на 7–10 загострених на кінцях лопатей, що піднімають плодове тіло над ґрунтом, вигинаючися донизу. Тонкий горбкуватий ендоперидій спочатку сірувато-білий, згодом жовтувато-коричневий. Він звужується біля основи, утворюючи декілька шийкоподібних виростів, які з’єднують його з екзоперидієм. Спори вивільняються через численні округлі отвори на опуклому боці ендоперидію. Під ендоперидієм знаходиться рудувато-коричнева порошиста глеба. Світлокоричневі кулясті спори, 6–7,5 (до 11) мкм у діаметрі, мають сосочкоподібні бородавки. Нитчастий капіліцій складається з коротких, до 2 мм, загострених гіф.

Життєвий цикл

Плодові тіла Myriostoma coliforme з’являються восени і довго зберігаються.

Поширення та середовище існування

Поширений на всіх континентах окрім Антарктиди.[6] В Україні зустрічається на території Харківського Лісостепу, Правобережного та Старобільського злаково-лучних Степів, Лівобережного злакового Степу та Південного берега Криму. Росте на піщаних ґрунтах соснових і сосново-листяних (акацієвих) лісів.

Природоохоронний статус

В Україні охороняється в Луганському природньому заповіднику, національному природньому парку «Гомільшанські ліси», у Нікітському ботанічному саду і у дендропарку «Веселі Боковеньки» (Кіровоградська обл.). Включений до третього видання Червоної книги України (2009 р.).

Див. також


  1. Fasciculus plantarum cryptogamicarum Britanniae 1: 24, t. 3:4 (1785)
  2. Synopsis methodica fungorum: 131 (1801)
  3. A natural arrangement of British plants 1: 586 (1821)
  4. Journal de Botanique (Desvaux) 2: 104 (1809)
  5. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique 5: 161 (1846)
  6. а б Initiative, The Global Fungal Red List. Myriostoma coliforme. iucn.ekoo.se. Процитовано 2016-09-09.
  7. Myriostoma coliforme. www.mycobank.org. Процитовано 2016-09-09T16:32:59+00:00.


  • Myriostoma coliforme // Mycobank.org, - CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Center Utrecht, 2016. - URL
  • Corda, A.C.J. 1842. Anleitung zum Studium der Mykologie. :1-223
  • Myriostoma coliforme // Червона книга України, 2016. - URL
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