Brief Summary
provided by IABIN
Diagnosis Species of small size, without dorsal macrogland on snout; dorsal, lateral, and ventral body surfaces scattered with medium to large size glands, dorsal surfaces of limbs scattered with the same glands but these are slightly smaller and conical; dorsal color of head, body, and upper surfaces of the hind limbs uniformly dark brown; color of ventral surfaces dark brown, with large, irregular shaped, and uniformly bright red spots on each side of the pectoral area, extending slightly onto the ventral surface of the arms. the same uniformly bright red color is also found across the posterior abdominal area and on the ventral surfaces of hands and feet, extending over the lateral surface of the digits and on the dorsal surface of the toe tips. on the ventral surface of body, a few scattered white dots are found over the red color. the pupil is surrounded by a golden iris, which is finely spotted or reticulated with dark brown markings. this species reproduces, i.e., calls and deposit eggs, in bromeliads.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
provided by IABIN
Know only from the type locality in the northeastern state of Paraná, Brazil, at elevation above 1400 m. The area is included within the "campos de altitude", in the phytogeographic outline of Atlantic forest. the species is likely to be endemic to the Serra do Capivarí.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Diagnostic Description
provided by IABIN
Description of holotype Body stout; head slightly wider than long (head wide/head length = 1.08), approximately one third of svl; snout short, truncate in dorsal view, rounded in lateral profile, slightly protruding; nostrils directed laterally, oval, located at anterior tip of snout; eye large; pupil horizontally elliptical; eye diameter smaller than interorbital distance and larger than eye-nostril distance; tympanic membrane absent; parotoid gland absent; maxillae and premaxillae edentate; tongue narrow and elongate, posterior margin entire, posteriorly free for about two thirds of its length; vocal sac median, subgular; skin of dorsum rugose, scattered with medium to large, blunt, rounded glandular warts; warts without keratinized spines; these glandular warts extend over the ventral surface of body particularly in abdominal and gular areas; dorsal surface of limbs, hands, and feet scattered with the same warts but these are slightly more conical and smaller; lengths of fingers: i < ii < iv < iii; fingers blunt, short, slightly webbed at the base; subarticular tubercles developed; inner and outer metacarpal tubercles indistinguishable; palmar supernumerary tubercles conical, sparsely distributed; smooth, brown nuptial pads on thumb and second finger; lengths of toes: i < ii < v < iii < iv; toes slightly webbed at base; inner metatarsal tubercle rounded; outer metatarsal tubercle oval, one and a half times smaller than inner one; subarticular tubercles conical; small, scattered supernumerary plantar tubercles. Measurements of holotype (mm): snout-vent length 22.2, head length 5.8, head width 6.3, eye diameter 2.5, interorbital distance 3.0, eye-nostril distance 1.8, internarial distance 1.9, upper eyelid length 3.0, thigh length 8.0, shank length 7.8, foot length 8.6, hand length 5,4. Color in life: dorsal color of head, body, and upper surfaces of the appendages uniformly dark brown; throat and gular surfaces dark brown; pectoral area with bright red spots on each side, these markings do not meet at the midline and extend over the ventral surface of the arm; belly, ventral surfaces of forearms and thighs, palmar surfaces of hands and fingers, ventral surfaces of feet and toes, lateral surfaces of digits, dorsal surfaces of fingers and toe tips of fore and hindlimbs bright red; bright red of the pectoral zone scattered with few and very little white spots; iris gold, finely spotted with dark brown. Variation The variation observed mostly relates to differences in color pattern. dorsally, one specimen (MNHCI 5182) had a light brown dorsum in life and the outer surface of its forearm was yellowish. ventrally, the size and distribution of red color markings is variable, with some specimens being red on most of the belly and in part of the pectoral area (MNHCI 5195). A few specimens show very small red spots on gular region. sexual dimorphism is evident in snout-vent length, with females being on average about 15% larger than males (svl females 24.6-25.6 mm, x = 25.26, sd = 0.59, n = 3; svl males 19.4-22.7 mm, x = 21.06, sd = 0.65, n = 20). Adult breeding males have conical nuptial pads on thumb and usually on the second finger. A specimen at the completion of metamorphosis (MZUSP 132968) measured 6.8 mm in svl. the overall coloration of this specimen is dark brown with a few small) white dots disperse over the entire body including the appendages, but lacking the red darkings that characterized the adult. One of the paratypes (MNHCI 5187) has a clear abnormality on the right hand, where finger iv is missing (ecterodactyly); we cannot determine if this is the result of a developmental problem or the result of predation sometimes during its life. Variation in measurements of males (n= 20) and females (n=3) with range (mean±standard desviation): snout-vent length 19.45-22.66 (21.06±0.85) 24.58-25.64 (25.26±0.59), head length 4.5-7.00 (6.81±0.45) 5.94-6.60 (6.35±0.36), head width 1.50-2.52 (2.04±0.23) 6.80-8.00 (7.22±0.68), eye diameter 1.50-2.52 (2.04±0.23) 2.00-2.68 (2.41±0.36), interorbital distance 2.50-3.30 (2.92±0.21) 3.00-3.49 (3.24±0.25), eye-nostril distance 1.64-2.00 (1.88±0.13) 1.85-2.03 (1.96±0.10), internarial distance 2.11-1.50 (1.72±0.21) 2.00-2.32 (2.16±0.16), upper eyelid length 2.50-3.50 (2.87±0.29) 2.96-3.62 (3.19±0.37), thigh length 6.50-9.00 (8.20±0.74) 9.00-9.59 (9.37±0.32), shank length 5.00-8.50 (7.58±0.81) , foot length 7.00-8.83 (8.02±0.60) 5.94-6.60 (6.35±0.36), hand length 5.00-5.70 (5.29±0.25) 6.80-8.00 (7.22±0.68). Tadpole morphology not described yet.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta