The subgenus Syrrhophus as currently recognized (Hedges et al. 2008) contains 26 species of small (20-40 mm), terrestrial, direct-developing frogs that occur from Texas through Mexico and into Guatemala and Belize, with two species in western Cuba. Like other members of the Terrarana (Hedges et al. 2008), these frogs reproduce on land and have direct development. They inhabit a variety of different habitats along elevational gradients from sea level to about 2,000 meters, and are characterized by considerable microendemism, with several species known only from the type locality (IUCN 2012). Members of this group have had an unstable taxonomic history (reviewed in Lynch, 1970). In part, this taxonomic confusion stems from overall morphological conservatism among Syrrhophus species, and a history of delimiting species using evolutionarily plastic characters such as color pattern, skin texture, relative digit length, and size of digital discs (Dixon 1957; Lynch 1970; Hedges et al. 2008).
Members of this group were previously placed in two separate genera, Syrrhophus and Tomodactylus (Smith and Taylor 1948). Lynch (1968, 1970, 1971) maintained these genera as distinct, and discussed differences separating them from Eleutherodactylus. Hedges (1989) proposed that species previously placed in the genera Syrrhophus and Tomodactylus be placed in the subgenus Syrrhophus based on osteological similarities (Lynch 1971). Heinicke et al. (2007) found that two species from western Cuba formerly assigned to the subgenus Euhyas, E. symingtoni and E. zeus, grouped with the mainland Eleutherodactylus (Syrrhophus) marnockii in their phylogenetic analysis, and as a result, transferred them to the subgenus Syrrhophus. Their presence in Cuba suggests mainland Syrrhophus arose through dispersal from Cuba (Hedges 1989; Hass and Hedges 1991; Heinicke et al. 2007).
Hedges et al. (2008) conducted a monographic revision of New World direct developing frogs using DNA sequences, including three (of 24) mainland species of Syrrhophus in their phylogeny. They recognized the mainland and Cuban clades as informal "species series", the E. longipes series (24 species) and E. symingtoni series (two species), respectively. Within the E. longipes series, species were placed into six species groups defined by Lynch (1970): the E. leprus, E.longipes, E.marnockii, E.modestus, E.nitidus, and E.pipilans species groups (Hedges et al. 2008).
AmphibiaWeb provides access to information on amphibian declines, natural history, conservation, and taxonomy. This is a link to the family Eleutherodactylidae.
A link to a project on iNaturalist for recording observations of frogs of the subgenus Syrrhophus.
Eleutherodactylus is a genus of frogs in the family Eleutherodactylidae.[1] Many of the 200 species of the genus are commonly known as "rain frogs" or "robber frogs", due to their sharp, high-pitched, insect-like calls.[2]
The best-known species is the common coquí (E. coqui), which is both a national symbol of Puerto Rico and a notorious invasive species in Hawaii. Two Eleutherodactylus species, E. limbatus and E. iberia, are among the smallest known frogs, measuring only 8.5 mm in length[3] (only slightly larger than Paedophryne amauensis, which measures around 7.7 mm).[4]
The name "Eleutherodactylus" is derived from the Greek words for ‘free-toed’, composed of the Ancient Greek eleutheros (ἐλεύθερος, ‘free, unbound’) and dactylos (δάκτυλος, ‘finger, toe’).[5] Most species are small, slender, and cryptically colored, with three to five free toes. A few, such as the web-footed coquí (E. karlschmidti) of Puerto Rico, do have completely webbed feet.
Species of Eleutherodactylus are found throughout the Neotropics, including the southern United States, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Additionally, the common coquí (E. coqui) has been introduced to several islands in the Hawaiian archipelago, as well as elsewhere in the Pacific.[6]
They can be terrestrial, arboreal, or aquatic, typically living in forests or riparian areas, and feeding primarily upon arthropods. Many Eleutherodactylus species have highly restricted ranges and are found on only one island or in one or a few localities. Even some of these restricted species can occur at very high densities.
All species of Eleutherodactylus are characterized by direct development, in which eggs hatch directly into small frogs, completely bypassing the tadpole stage. This adaptation may be largely responsible for their ecological and evolutionary success. Most species are characterized by parental behaviors, such as egg-guarding by either the male or female parent. In some cases, even young froglets are attended by parents. Another extinct Puerto Rican species, the golden coquí (E. jasperi), gave birth to live young. Many species (for example, Cook's robber frog, E. cooki), also of Puerto Rico, exhibit sexual dimorphism in size and color.
Study on Eleutherodactylus and Lithobates amphibians shows that number of offsprings instead of body size may help to find which species require conservation from being extinct.[7]
The basis of forming this genus has been morphological, but sequence comparisons of protein-encoding DNA, mitochondrial DNA, and ribosomal RNA have shown geographic range is a much more consistent predictor of cladistics for this group of frogs. The climbing habits of many species have evolved independently. All true members of the genus have been clustered into subgenera, but many less-related species require more genetic data before they are to be officially classified elsewhere. The theory that the eleutherodactyline colonization of Central America and the Caribbean from their origins in South America occurred during the Cretaceous has fallen out of favor. The fossil record, combined with molecular clock analyses, indicate the subgenera were probably founded by small groups of individuals by flotsam dispersal during the Eocene or Oligocene epochs. Land bridges would have been limited to facilitating dispersal between West Indian islands, however, the Oligocene division of Hispaniola and Cuba resulted in further speciation. The distribution of the subgenus Syrrhopus is most likely due to a secondary dispersal to Central America from the Greater Antilles during the Miocene. The formation of the Panama Isthmus during the Pliocene has caused some intercontinental distribution among the clades, although only 20 "South American frogs" have ever made it northwards after the original colonization.[8] Sensu stricto, however, it should exclude clades with distributions south of the Panama Canal.[8]
Frog remains referred to Eleutherodactylus have been reported from Dominican amber.[9]
The following species are recognised in the genus Eleutherodactylus:
Eleutherodactylus is a genus of frogs in the family Eleutherodactylidae. Many of the 200 species of the genus are commonly known as "rain frogs" or "robber frogs", due to their sharp, high-pitched, insect-like calls.
The best-known species is the common coquí (E. coqui), which is both a national symbol of Puerto Rico and a notorious invasive species in Hawaii. Two Eleutherodactylus species, E. limbatus and E. iberia, are among the smallest known frogs, measuring only 8.5 mm in length (only slightly larger than Paedophryne amauensis, which measures around 7.7 mm).