Khuat Dang Long, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figures 12–16.Hartemita coffeana sp. n., female, holotype. 12 head frontal 13 head dorsal 14 fore wing 15 metanotum dorsal 16 hind tibia and tarsus.
Khuat Dang Long, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figures 17–22.Hartemita daklaka sp. n., male, holotype. 17 head frontal 18 head dorsal 19 fore wing 20 metanotum dorsal 21 hind tarsal claw 22 hind tibia and tarsus.
Khuat Dang Long, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figures 23–28.Hartemita khuatbaolinhae sp. n., female, holotype. 23 head frontal 24 head dorsal 25 fore wing 26 metanotum dorsal 27 hind tarsal claw 28 hind tibia and tarsus.
Khuat Dang Long, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figures 29–34.Hartemita maculata sp. n., female, holotype. 29 head frontal 30 head dorsal 31 fore wing 32 hind tarsal claw 33 metanotum dorsal 34 hind tibia and tarsus.
Khuat Dang Long, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figures 84–92.84–86. Hartemita chinensisChen, He & Ma, female. 87–89. Hartemita excavata Chen, He & Ma, male, holotype. 90–92. Hartemita punctataChen, He & Ma, male, holotype. 84, 87, 90 head frontal 85, 88, 91 head dorsal 86, 89, 92 hind tibia and tarsus lateral. After Chen, He and Ma (1998).
Khuat Dang Long, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figures 93–96.Hartemita latipes Cameron, male, East Malaysia (Sabah). 93 head dorsal 94 head dorsal 95 mesoscutum and scutellum dorsal 96 hind leg.
Khuat Dang Long, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figures 35–40.Hartemita similis sp. n., male, holotype. 35 head frontal 36 head dorsal 37 fore wing 38 metanotum dorsal 39 hind tarsal claw 40 hind tibia and tarsus.
Khuat Dang Long, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figures 41–46.Hartemita vietnamica sp. n., male, holotype. 41 head frontal 42 head dorsal 43 fore wing 44 metanotum dorsal 45 hind tarsal claw 46 hind tibia and tarsus.