Samuel Gómez, Nicola K. Carrasco, Francisco Neptalí Morales-Serna
Figure 3.Nitocra taylori sp. n. Female. A anal somite and caudal rami, dorsal B urosome, ventral, showing P5 C left caudal ramus, ventral D P6 and genital complex. Scale bar: A=44 µm; B=100 µm; C=50 µm; D=71 µm.
Samuel Gómez, Nicola K. Carrasco, Francisco Neptalí Morales-Serna
Figure 9.Nitocra taylori sp. n. Male. A antennule B fifth, sixth and seventh segments of the antennule, showing modified setae and blunt processes C eight segment of the antennule D P1 basis, anterior E P3ENP F P5, anterior G P6, anterior. Scale bar: A, E=50 µm; B, C=67 µm; D, F, G=35 µm.