
Julidochromis ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA
Exemplar adult de Julidochromis regani amb la seua prole.

Julidochromis és un gènere de peixos de la família dels cíclids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.[2]

Distribució geogràfica

És endèmic del llac Tanganyika (Àfrica Oriental).[3]



  1. Boulenger, G. A. 1898. Report on the fishes recently obtained by Mr. J. E. S. Moore in Lake Tanganyika. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1898 (pt 3): 494-497.
  2. The Taxonomicon (anglès)
  3. ZipCodeZoo (anglès)
  4. Staeck, W. 1975. A new cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika: Julidochromis dickfeldi sp. n. (Pisces, Cichlidae). Revue de Zoologique Africaine v. 89 (núm. 4): 981-986.
  5. Poll, M. 1956. Poissons Cichlidae. A: Exploration Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-1947). Résultats scientifiques. Memoire / Institute Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgiqu, Ser. 2 v. 3 (fasc. 5 B): 1-619, 10 Pls.
  6. Sunobe, T., 2000. Social structure, nest guarding and interspecific relationships of the cichlid fish (Julidochromis marlieri) in Lake Tanganyika. Afr. Stud. Monogr. 21(2):83-89.
  7. Yamagishi, S. i M. Kohda, 1996. Is the cichlid fish Julidochromis marlieri polyandrous? Ichthyol. Res. 43(4):469-471.
  8. Boulenger, G. A. 1898. Report on the fishes recently obtained by Mr. J. E. S. Moore in Lake Tanganyika. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1898 (pt 3): 494-497.
  9. Poll, M. 1942. Cichlidae nouveaux du lac Tanganika appartenant aux collections du Musée du Congo. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines v. 36 (núm. 4): 343-360.
  10. Matthes, H. 1959. Un cichlide nouveaux du lac Tanganika Julidochromis transcriptus n. sp. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines v. 60 (núms. 1-2): 126-130.
  11. BioLib (anglès)
  13. FishBase (anglès)
  14. UNEP-WCMC Species Database (anglès)
  15. Dictionary of Common (Vernacular) Names (anglès)
  16. Practical Fishkeeping (anglès)


  • Axelrod, H. R., 1993. The most complete colored lexicon of cichlids. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City (Estats Units).
  • Barlow, G.W. (2002): The Cichlid Fishes - Nature's grand experiment in evolution. Basic Books.
  • Brichard, P. (1989): Cichlid's and All the Other Fishes of Lake Tanganyika. T.F.H. Publications, Nova Jersey, Estats Units.
  • Eschmeyer, William N.: Genera of Recent Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco (Estats Units). iii + 697. ISBN 0-940228-23-8 (1990).
  • Goldstein, R.J.: Cichlids of the world.T.F.H. Publications Inc. Neptune City, Nova Jersey, Estats Units. Any 1988.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Konings, A. (1998): Tanganyikan cichlids in their natural habitat. Cichlid Press.
  • Kuwamura, T. (1997): The evolution of parental care and mating systems among Tanganyikan cichlids. A Kawanabe, H.; Hori, M. & Nagoshi, M. (eds): Fish communities in Lake Tanganyika: 57–86. Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, Japó.
  • Maréchal, C. i M. Poll, 1991. Julidochromis, p. 202-205. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse, G.G. Teugels i D.F.E. Thys van Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB, Brussel·les, Bèlgica; MRAC, Tervuren; i ORSTOM, París, França. Vol. 4.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
  • Römer U.: Cichliden Atlas, Bd. 1. Melle. 1311 p. Any 1998.
  • Smith, M.P. (1998): Lake Tanganyikan Cichlids - a complete pet owners manual. Barron's Educational.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.

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Julidochromis: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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 src= Exemplar adult de Julidochromis regani  src= Julidochromis transcriptus  src= Exemplar adult de Julidochromis regani amb la seua prole.

Julidochromis és un gènere de peixos de la família dels cíclids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.

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Julidochromis ( Danish )

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Denne artikel bør formateres (med interne links, afsnitsinddeling o.l.) som det anbefales i Wikipedias stilmanual. Husk også at tilføje kilder!

Julidochromis er en slægt af ciclider i underfamilie Pseudocrenilabrinae. De er endemiske for Tanganyikasøen i det østlige Afrika.

Denne slægt omfatter mindst 5 arter, hver med en række underarter og lokale varianter af usikker taksonomiske status. Yderligere taksonomiske arbejde er nødvendigt for at afgøre, hvor mange arter, der findes; de nært beslægtede Chalinochromis med yderligere to arter er nogle gange inkluderet her, og dette kan være korrekt.

Hybridisering gør forsøg på at fastslå relationer med molekylær fylogenetiske metoder vanskeligt.

Disse fisk er ret små til mellemstore (ca. 7-15 cm.) og har en gullig grundfarve med sorte striber på langs eller et skakternet mønster.


Julidochromis arter er hulelegende, dvs, at de trækker sig tilbage til huler eller sprækker hvis de føler sig truede. De lægger også æg der. Par er stort set monogame , kan dog den største mandlige opretholde haremmer (flerkoneri) , og de største hunner kan parre sig med flere hanner på flere ynglepladser . Dette er blevet registreret i både naturen og akvariet.

Hvis et par-obligation er brudt, vil de større fisk drive de mindre fisk ud af det område, undertiden dræbe dem i processen. I nogle arter i denne slægt, som Julidochromis marlieri, hvor hunnerne er væsentlig større end hannerne, og en kvindelig Julidochromis vil ofte dominere en mandlig større end sig selv.

Julidochromis arter har to gyde-rytmer. Undertiden deponere et stort antal æg (op til flere hundrede) hver 4 til 6 uger. Andre gange de gyder sekventielt, om et lille antal æg hver par dage. Sekventiel gyde resulterer i at der er yngel i forskellige aldre, der bor sammen i samme hule/sprække. Efter gydning, passer ofte begge forældre æggene.

Julidochromis i akvariet

Julidochromis er små-mellemstore Tanganyika cichlider og lette at gyde og pleje, hvis deres basale behov er opfyldt. Som alle Tanganyika cichlider, er de bedst bevarede i hårdt vand, med en pH på 8,5 til 9,0 og en hårdhed på 12-14 kH, og i akvarier ikke mindre end 60 – 80 liter. Kun én art af Julidochromis bør holdes i et enkelt akvarium, da arter i denne slægt har tendens til at krydse nemt.

Akvariet skal dekoreres med sten der danner huler og gange, Julidochromis har de tendens til at være territoriale og noget aggressive. Dog kan Julidochromis være sky i akvariet, men holdes de med aktive fisk kan dette reducere deres tendens til at forblive skjult.


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Julidochromis: Brief Summary ( Danish )

provided by wikipedia DA

Julidochromis er en slægt af ciclider i underfamilie Pseudocrenilabrinae. De er endemiske for Tanganyikasøen i det østlige Afrika.

Denne slægt omfatter mindst 5 arter, hver med en række underarter og lokale varianter af usikker taksonomiske status. Yderligere taksonomiske arbejde er nødvendigt for at afgøre, hvor mange arter, der findes; de nært beslægtede Chalinochromis med yderligere to arter er nogle gange inkluderet her, og dette kan være korrekt.

Hybridisering gør forsøg på at fastslå relationer med molekylær fylogenetiske metoder vanskeligt.

Disse fisk er ret små til mellemstore (ca. 7-15 cm.) og har en gullig grundfarve med sorte striber på langs eller et skakternet mønster.

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Julidochromis ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Julidochromis ist eine Gattung aus der Familie der Buntbarsche (Cichlidae), die im Tanganjikasee endemisch ist und dort in der Felszone lebt. Zur Gattung gehören sechs Arten. Der Gattungsname bezieht sich auf die Lippfischgattung Julis, der Julidochromis in Gestalt und Bezahnung ähnelt.


Julidochromis-Arten besitzen einen langgestreckten, zylindrischen Körper und einen relativ kleinen Kopf. Die Bauchlinie ist annähernd gerade, die Rückenlinie etwas gewölbt. Der weichstrahlige Teil der Rücken- und Afterflosse und die Bauchflossen sind zugespitzt, die Schwanzflosse abgerundet. Drei Arten werden 8 bis 10 cm lang, die drei anderen erreichen Längen von etwa 12 bis 15 cm (J. marlieri, J. marksmithi u. J. regani). Bei diesen entwickeln ältere Männchen einen Stirnbuckel. Bei einigen Arten werden die Weibchen größer als die Männchen. Charakteristisch für die Gattung ist die nicht verknöcherte Suborbitalia (Knochen unterhalb der Augenhöhle) und die lange, von zahlreichen Stacheln (XXI-XXIV) gestützte Rückenflosse. Alle Julidochromis-Arten sind von gelber Grundfarbe und mit dunklen Längsstreifen oder einem dunklen Gittermuster versehen.


Julidochromis-Arten leben sehr eng an felsige Biotope gebunden und bilden dort Reviere, die sie energisch gegenüber Artgenossen oder anderen Buntbarschen verteidigen. Die Eier werden in eine Höhle oder enge Felsspalte abgelegt, 20 bis 50 bei den drei kleineren Arten, bis zu 100 bei den größeren. Die Jungfische schlüpfen nach zwei bis drei Tagen und schwimmen nach fünf Tagen frei. Sie werden von beiden Eltern beschützt (Elternfamilie).

Julidochromis regani



Die Gattung Julidochromis wurde im Jahr 1898 durch den belgisch-britischen Ichthyologen George Albert Boulenger zusammen mit der Typusart Julidochromis ornatus erstbeschrieben. Wahrscheinlich ist die Gattung nicht monophyletisch, bildet also keine Verwandtschaftsgruppe, die alle Nachfahren des jüngsten gemeinsamen Vorfahren enthält. DNA-Vergleiche sprechen vielmehr dafür, dass die kleinen Julidochromis-Arten (J. dickfeldi, J. ornatus u. J. transcriptus) näher mit der Gattung Chalinochromis verwandt sind als mit den großen Julidochromis-Arten. Letztere sind eventuell nah mit Neolamprologus walteri verwandt. Die Gattung Julidochromis ist dadurch paraphyletisch, die Gattung Chalinochromis ist deshalb polyphyletisch. Der charakteristische Phänotyp der Gattung Julidochromis ist wahrscheinlich zweimal im Zug einer konvergenten Evolution entstanden.[1][2]


Julidochromis-Arten sind verbreitete Aquarienfische, da sie wegen ihrer (für Tanganjikabarsch-Verhältnisse) geringen Größe auch in weniger großen Aquarien gehalten werden können.


  • Günther Sterba: Süsswasserfische der Welt. 2. Auflage. Urania, Leipzig/Jena/Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-332-00109-4.
  • Günther Sterba (Hrsg.), Gert Brückner: Enzyklopädie der Aquaristik und speziellen Ichthyologie. Neumann-Neudamm, Melsungen u. a. 1978, ISBN 3-7888-0252-9.
  • Georg Zurlo: Julidochromis. In: Claus Schaefer, Torsten Schröer (Hrsg.): Das große Lexikon der Aquaristik. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8001-7497-9, S. 528–530.


  1. Christian Sturmbauer, Walter Salzburger, Nina Duftner, Robert Schelly, Stephan Koblmüller: Evolutionary history of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribe Lamprologini (Teleostei: Perciformes) derived from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57 (2010) 266–284, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.06.018
  2. Fabrizia Ronco, Michael Matschiner, Astrid Böhne, Anna Boila, Heinz H. Büscher, Athimed El Taher, Adrian Indermaur, Milan Malinsky, Virginie Ricci, Ansgar Kahmen, Sissel Jentoft & Walter Salzburger: Drivers and dynamics of a massive adaptive radiation in cichlid fishes. Nature (2020), November 2020 Link
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Julidochromis: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Julidochromis ist eine Gattung aus der Familie der Buntbarsche (Cichlidae), die im Tanganjikasee endemisch ist und dort in der Felszone lebt. Zur Gattung gehören sechs Arten. Der Gattungsname bezieht sich auf die Lippfischgattung Julis, der Julidochromis in Gestalt und Bezahnung ähnelt.

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provided by wikipedia EN

Julidochromis is a genus of cichlids in the subfamily Pseudocrenilabrinae. They are commonly called julies and are endemic to Lake Tanganyika in eastern Africa.[1][2] This genus includes six formally described species, some with a number local variants of uncertain taxonomic status.[2] Further taxonomic work is required to determine how many species exist; the closely related Chalinochromis with two more species is sometimes included here and this may be correct. Hybridization makes attempts to determine relationships with molecular phylogenetic methods difficult.[3]

These ray-finned fish are smallish to mid-sized (about 7–15 centimetres or 2.8–5.9 inches) and have a yellowish background colour with black lengthwise stripes or a checkerboard pattern.


There are currently 6 formally described species in this genus:


Chalinochromis popelini might belong in Julidochromis too

The relationships and systematics of Julidochromis are hard to resolve with certainty. Chalinochromis is essentially similar to these fishes except for some adaptations for feeding on sponges. In their mtDNA NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 sequence, Chalinochromis are closer to J. dickfeldi, the Golden Julie (J. ornatus) and the Masked Julie (J. transcriptus) – in particular the latter two – than to any other living fish, while J. marlieri and the Convict Julie (J. regani) are closer to Telmatochromis. Julidochromis thus might need to be split in two, with Chalinochromis included in one lineage. Alternatively, there has twice been successful intergeneric hybridization between particular lineages of Julidochromis males and Chalinochromis females (males generally do not pass on mtDNA to their offspring), the julies being closer to Telmatochromis in this case. Yet another possibility is that Julidochromis is monophyletic and includes Chalinochromis; in this scenario males of the common ancestor of J. marlieri and J. regani would have hybridized with females of the common ancestor of Telmatochromis.[3]

Julidochromis species are poorly studied and a number of as yet unnamed species may exist.[3]

Ecology and reproduction

Julidochromis species are secretive biparental substrate spawners, retreating to caves or rock crevices. Pairs are largely monogamous,[5][6][7] however the largest male may maintain harems (polygyny)[7] and the largest females may mate with multiple males at multiple nesting sites (polyandry).[7][8] This has been recorded in both the wild and the aquarium.

If a pair-bond is broken, the larger fish will drive the smaller fish out of the territory, sometimes killing him in the process. In some species in this genus, such as Julidochromis marlieri, females are substantially larger than the males, and a female Julidochromis will often dominate a male larger than herself.[9]

Julidochromis species have two spawning rhythms. Sometimes they deposit a large number of eggs (up to several hundred) every four to six weeks. Other times they spawn sequentially, laying a small number of eggs every few days. Sequential spawning results in there being fry of different ages living together in the same nest.[1]

They prefer to lay their eggs in caves or other crevices. After spawning, both parents tend the eggs by mouthing them to rid of algae and fanning them to increase oxygen flow. The majority of parental care is done by the smaller fish in a pair, but this has been found to be influenced by the degree of size difference within a pair.[7]

A pair of breeding fish must guard their nest from other cichlids trying to eat their offspring. Common intruders in the lake include Tropheus, Simochromis, and Petrochromis.[1]

Julidochromis in the aquarium

A young male Julidochromis transcriptus from Gombe Island in the aquarium

Julidochromis are small-growing dwarf cichlids and easy to spawn and care for if their basic needs are fulfilled. Like all Lake Tanganyika cichlids, they are best maintained in hard alkaline water, with a pH of 8.5–9.0 and a hardness of 12–14 kH, and in aquaria no smaller than 60–80 litres (13–18 imp gal; 16–21 US gal). Only one species of Julidochromis should be kept in any single aquarium, as the species within this genus tend to hybridise easily. As noted above, hybridisation with Chalinochromis and/or Telmatochromis is suspected, and it is common enough in Lamprologini[3] to better avoid keeping more than one species of this tribe per aquarium.

The tank should be decorated with rocks to form caves and passageways as shelter; like many other Rift Valley cichlids they tend to be territorial and somewhat aggressive. However, Julidochromis can be shy in the aquarium and the use of dither fish may reduce their tendency to remain hidden. Despite this, like many Rift Lake cichlids they can be aggressive. It is therefore best to keep them not with general tropical fish, but with other cichlids.

As noted above, Julidochromis species are monogamous, but pair bonds can break and hostilities may result in the death of one of the pair, generally the smaller fish. If a pair does split in an aquarium it is often best to separate the pair. Fry can be maintained with the parents and should be fed protein-rich foods such as baby brine shrimp. Parents can sometimes be found leading their fry around the aquarium.


  1. ^ a b c Pierre Brichard (1989). Cichlids and All the Other Fishes of Lake Tanganyika. New Jersey: T.F.H. Publications. ISBN 978-0-86622-667-7.
  2. ^ a b Ad Konings (1998). Tanganyikan Cichlids in their Natural Habitat. Cichlid Press. ISBN 978-0-9668255-0-3.
  3. ^ a b c d Julia J. Day, Simona Santini & Jaime Garcia-Moreno (2007). "Phylogenetic relationships of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribe Lamprologini: The story from mitochondrial DNA". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 45 (2): 629–642. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.02.025. PMID 17416538.
  4. ^ Burgess, W.E. (2014): Julidochromis marksmithi, A New Species of Julidochromis from the Tanzanian Coast of Lake Tanganyika. Tanganika Magazyn, 15: 40-49.
  5. ^ Satoshi Yamagishi & Masanori Kohda (1996). "Is the cichlid fish Julidochromis marlieri polyandrous?". Ichthyological Research. 43 (4): 469–471. doi:10.1007/BF02347645. S2CID 45783664.
  6. ^ Tetsuo Kuwamura (1997). "The evolution of parental care and mating systems among Tanganyikan cichlids". In Hiroya Kawanabe, Michio Hori & Makoto Nagoshi (ed.). Fish Communities in Lake Tanganyika. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press. pp. 57–86. ISBN 978-4-87698-042-0.
  7. ^ a b c d Satoshi Awata & Masanori Kohda (2004). "Parental roles and the amount of care in a bi-parental substrate brooding cichlid: the effect of size differences within pairs" (PDF). Behaviour. 141 (9): 1135–1149. CiteSeerX doi:10.1163/1568539042664623.
  8. ^ Tomoki Sunobe (2000). "Social structure, nest guarding and interspecific relationships of the cichlid fish (Julidochromis marlieri) in Lake Tanganyika" (PDF). African Study Monographs. 21: 83–89. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-12-06. Retrieved 2008-08-30.
  9. ^ George W. Barlow & Jonathan S. Lee (2005). "Sex-reversed dominance and aggression in the cichlid fish Julidochromis marlieri" (PDF). Annales Zoologici Fennici. 42: 477–483.
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Julidochromis: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Julidochromis is a genus of cichlids in the subfamily Pseudocrenilabrinae. They are commonly called julies and are endemic to Lake Tanganyika in eastern Africa. This genus includes six formally described species, some with a number local variants of uncertain taxonomic status. Further taxonomic work is required to determine how many species exist; the closely related Chalinochromis with two more species is sometimes included here and this may be correct. Hybridization makes attempts to determine relationships with molecular phylogenetic methods difficult.

These ray-finned fish are smallish to mid-sized (about 7–15 centimetres or 2.8–5.9 inches) and have a yellowish background colour with black lengthwise stripes or a checkerboard pattern.

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Julidochromis ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Julidochromis es un género de cíclidos en la subfamilia Pseudocrenilabrinae que se denominan comúnmente julies y son endémicas en el lago Tanganyika en África Oriental. Este género incluye al menos 5 especies, cada una con un número de subespecies y variantes locales con polémicas en su taxonomía. Chalinochromis es un género con unas 10 especies muy similares a estas, que parecen estar relacionadas. En ocasiones se ha tenido éxito en la hibridación entre Julidochromis machos y Chalinochromis hembras. Las relaciones y la sistemática entre Julidochromis y Charalinosochromis son difíciles de resolver con certeza.


Ecología y reproducción

Los Julidochromis forman parejas monógamas, sin embargo se han registrado tanto en la naturaleza y el acuario, que el macho podrá mantener harenes y la más grande de las hembras pueden estar con varios machos en múltiples sitios de anidación, estando las hembras con más de una pareja. En algunas especies de este género, como Julidochromis marlieri, las hembras son considerablemente más grandes que los machos y una hembra Julidochromis a menudo domina a un macho mayor que ella misma.

Este es un Chalinochromis popelini el cual puede ser incluido en el género Julidochromis (Véase la similitud)

Las especies de Julidochromis tienen dos ritmos de desove. A veces el depósito a un gran número de huevos (hasta varios centenares) cada 4 a 6 semanas. Otras veces se generan secuencialmente, por un pequeño número de huevos cada pocos días. Este último método da resultado a que en un mismo nido haya alevines de diversos tamaños.

Prefieren poner sus huevos en grietas, cuevas u otros. Tras el desove, los padres tienden los huevos por la boca para eliminar las algas y abanicado para aumentar el flujo de oxígeno. Los padres cuidan de un número limitado de crías, siendo los alevines de mayor tamaño los que reciben más cuidado. Si el lugar donde está la puesta no es seguro o está en peligro, los padres recogen los huevos en la boca y así los mueven a un lugar seguro.

Julidochromis en el acuario

Los Julidochromis son pequeños y resultan fácil para el desove y la atención de sus necesidades. Al igual que todos cíclidos del Lago Tanganyika, se deben mantener en acuarios específicos con no más de una especie de este género, de no menos de 80 litros con un pH de 8,0 a 9,0 y una dureza de 12-14 kH. El tanque debe ser decorado con rocas y cuevas que formen pasillos imitando su hábitat natural. Tienden a ser algo territorial y agresivo. Sin embargo, puede ser tímido en el acuario.

Véase también


  • Especies de "Julidochromis". En FishBase. (Rainer Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultada en September de 2008. N.p.: FishBase, 2008.
  •  src= Wikimedia Commons alberga una categoría multimedia sobre Julidochromis.
  • Awata, S. & Kohda, M. (2004): Parental roles and the amount of care in a bi-parental substrate brooding cichlid: the effect of size differences within pairs. Behaviour 141(9): 1135–1149. doi 10.1163/1568539042664623 PDF fulltext
  • Barlow, G.W. & Lee, J.S. (2005): Sex-reversed dominance and aggression in the cichlid fish Julidochromis marlieri. Annales Zoologici Fennici 42: 477-483. PDF fulltext
  • Brichard, P. (1989): Cichlid's and All the Other Fishes of Lake Tanganyika. T.F.H. Publications, New Jersey.
  • Day, Julia J.; Santini, Simona & García-Moreno, Jaime (2007): Phylogenetic relationships of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribe Lamprologini: The story from mitochondrial DNA. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 45(2): 629–642. doi 10.1016/j.ympev.2007.02.025 (HTML abstract)
  • Kuwamura, T. (1997): The evolution of parental care and mating systems among Tanganyikan cichlids. In: Kawanabe, H.; Hori, M. & Nagoshi, M. (eds): Fish communities in Lake Tanganyika: 57–86. Kyoto University Press, Kyoto. doi 10.1007/BF02348115 (HTML abstract)
  • Sunobe, T. (2000): Social structure, nest guarding and interspecific relationships of the cichlid fish (Julidochromis marlieri) in Lake Tanganyika. African Study Monographs 21: 83–89. PDF fulltext Archivado el 6 de diciembre de 2010 en Wayback Machine.
  • Yamagishi, S. & Kohda, M. (1996): Is the cichlid fish Julidochromis marlieri polyandrous? Ichthyological Research 43(4): 469–471. doi 10.1007/BF02347645 (PNG first page text)

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Julidochromis: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Julidochromis es un género de cíclidos en la subfamilia Pseudocrenilabrinae que se denominan comúnmente julies y son endémicas en el lago Tanganyika en África Oriental. Este género incluye al menos 5 especies, cada una con un número de subespecies y variantes locales con polémicas en su taxonomía. Chalinochromis es un género con unas 10 especies muy similares a estas, que parecen estar relacionadas. En ocasiones se ha tenido éxito en la hibridación entre Julidochromis machos y Chalinochromis hembras. Las relaciones y la sistemática entre Julidochromis y Charalinosochromis son difíciles de resolver con certeza.

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Julidochromis ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Les poissons du genre Julidochromis comportent cinq espèces de Cichlidae endémiques du lac Tanganyika. Chacune de ces espèces possède plusieurs variétés géographiques que l'on rencontre sur tout le pourtour du lac.

Liste des espèces

Selon FishBase (25 janv. 2017)[1] :

Une nouvelle espèce aurait été découverte : Julidochromis marksmithi Burgess, 2014


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Julidochromis: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Les poissons du genre Julidochromis comportent cinq espèces de Cichlidae endémiques du lac Tanganyika. Chacune de ces espèces possède plusieurs variétés géographiques que l'on rencontre sur tout le pourtour du lac.

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Julidochromis ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Julidochromis Boulenger, 1898 è un genere di pesci d'acqua dolce appartenente alla famiglia Cichlidae, endemici del lago Tanganica.

Distribuzione e habitat

Tutti i Julidochromis sono endemici delle sponde rocciose del lago Tanganica, nell'Africa orientale[1].


Possiedono un corpo slanciato, tipico dei pesci cacciatori. La pinna dorsale è bassa ma lunga tutto il dorso; le ventrali sono appuntite, le pettorali arrotondate. La pinna anale è lunga e appuntita. La pinna caudale può essere arrotondata o a delta, secondo la specie. La livrea, seppur differente da specie a specie, è tendenzialmente avorio rosata striata di bruno. Le dimensioni variano da 7 cm di J. transcriptus[2] ai 15 di J. regani[3] e J. marlieri[4].


Si riproducono tutto l'anno: la coppia depone in anfratti rocciosi[5] circa 100 uova per volta che vengono curate dai genitori. I piccoli, appena nati, vengono tenuti ancora per qualche giorno dentro la tana in modo che consumino il sacco vitellino. Una volta usciti dalla tana i genitori, anziché raggrupparli in modo compatto (come la maggior parte dei ciclidi) montano la guardia ad un'area circoscritta, dove i piccoli possano nuotare liberamente[6]. Al calar del sole i piccoli vengono fatti rientrare nella tana. Passate alcune settimane e lasciati i piccoli ormai indipendenti, che comunque resteranno con i genitori ad aiutarli nella cura dei più giovani, i genitori depongono nuovamente.

Un esemplare di Julidochromis regani con la prole


Si nutrono prevalentemente di invertebrati acquatici[7], in particolare crostacei[8] e tunicati[9].


Tutte le specie di Julidochromis sono commercializzate per l'allevamento in acquario, anche se qualche specie è più diffusa di altre.


In questo genere sono riconosciute 5 specie[10]:

Julidochromis dickfeldi


La lista rossa IUCN classifica queste specie come "a rischio minimo" (LC) perché a parte la pesca per l'acquariofilia e l'inquinamento delle acque in alcune zone del lago Tanganica non sono minacciate da particolari pericoli[11]. Però si rischia che la pesca di J. marlieri diventi eccessiva in quanto è un pesce popolare negli acquari[12].


  1. ^ Scheda genere Julidochromis, FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 01-10-13.
  2. ^ (EN) J. marlieri, su FishBase. URL consultato il 01.11.13.
  3. ^ (EN) J. regani, su FishBase. URL consultato il 01.11.13.
  4. ^ (EN) J. marlieri, su FishBase. URL consultato il 01.11.13.
  5. ^ Julidochromis transcriptus, su cichlid-forum.com. URL consultato il 01-11-13.
  6. ^ Julidochromis su cichlidae.com, su cichlidae.com.
  7. ^ Alimentazione di J. transcriptus, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 01-11-13.
  8. ^ alimentazione J. dickfeldi, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 01-11-13.
  9. ^ alimentazione J. marlieri, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 01-11-13.
  10. ^ Elenco specie Julidochromis, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 01-11-13.
  11. ^ (EN) Bigirimana, C, J.transcriptus, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  12. ^ (EN) Bigirimana, C, J.marleri, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.


  • P. Brichard: Book of Chiclid and All the Other Fishes of Lake Tanganyka” (1989) – T.F.H., Neptune City, NY
  • A. Konings: “Tanganyka Chiclids in their Natural Habitat” (1998) – Cichlid Press, Marsiglia
  • A. Konings: “Back to Nature. Guida ai Ciclidi del Tanganica” (1996) – Aquarium Oggi Edizioni, Bologna
  • A. Konings, H. W. Dieckoff: “Tanganyka Segrets” (1992) – Cichlid Press, Marsiglia
  • W. Staeck, H. Linke: “Ciclidi dell'Africa orientale“ (1994) – Tetra-Verlag, Merle, Germania

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Julidochromis: Brief Summary ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Julidochromis Boulenger, 1898 è un genere di pesci d'acqua dolce appartenente alla famiglia Cichlidae, endemici del lago Tanganica.

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Juliai ( Lithuanian )

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Juliai (lot. Julidochromis, angl. Mouth-breeders) – daugiaspalvių ešeržuvių (Cichlidae) šeimos endeminių žuvų gentis.

Paplitę Tanganikos ežerė (Rytų Afrika).

Gentyje yra 5 rūšys.



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Juliai: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

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Juliai (lot. Julidochromis, angl. Mouth-breeders) – daugiaspalvių ešeržuvių (Cichlidae) šeimos endeminių žuvų gentis.

Paplitę Tanganikos ežerė (Rytų Afrika).

Gentyje yra 5 rūšys.

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Julidochromis ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Julidochromis is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van de cichliden (Cichlidae).


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Julidochromis: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Julidochromis is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van de cichliden (Cichlidae).

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Julidochromis ( Polish )

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Julidochromisrodzaj słodkowodnych ryb okoniokształtnych z rodziny pielęgnicowatych (Cichlidae).


Gatunki endemiczne Jeziora Tanganika w Afryce. Zasiedlają strefę litoralu skalnego. W akwarystyce zaliczane są do grupy naskalników z powodu charakterystycznego poruszania się brzuchem skierowanym do powierzchni skalnej bez względu na kierunek ruchu.


Gatunki zaliczane do tego rodzaju[1][2]:


  1. a b Julidochromis, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Eschmeyer, W. N. & Fricke, R.: Catalog of Fishes electronic version (7 June 2012) (ang.). California Academy of Sciences. [dostęp 2 lipca 2012].
  3. Krzysztof Gosławski, Naskalnik kędzierzawy, AKWARIUM, Nr 1/88
  4. Aleksy Moj, Naskalnik Regana, AKWARIUM, Nr 1-2/84

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Julidochromis: Brief Summary ( Polish )

provided by wikipedia POL

Julidochromis – rodzaj słodkowodnych ryb okoniokształtnych z rodziny pielęgnicowatych (Cichlidae).

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Julidochromis ( Slovak )

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Julidochromis je rod rýb, bežne chovaný akvaristami. Patrí do čeľade cichlidovité. Mnohí zástupcovia tohto rodu majú pruhované telo a dorastajú do 8 a viac cm. Akvárium pre tento rod by malo byť dlhé 60-80 cm. Môžeme ich kombinovať s príbuznými rodmi.

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Julidochromis ( Ukrainian )

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  1. California Academy of Sciences. Архів оригіналу за 2013-06-27. Процитовано 2009-11-03.

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Julidochromis: Brief Summary ( Ukrainian )

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California Academy of Sciences. Архів оригіналу за 2013-06-27. Процитовано 2009-11-03.

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Julidochromis ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Julidochromis là một chi cá hoàng đế trong phân họ Pseudocrenilabrinae của họ cá hoàng đế. Tên tiếng Anh thường gọi của chúng là julies, chúng là các loài bản địa của Hồ TanganyikaĐông Phi[1][2] Nhiều loài cá trong chi này được ưa chuộng để nuôi là cá cảnh.

Đặc điểm

Chi này hiện hành có 06 loài được mô tả[2] và chúng có mối quan hệ gần gũi với Chalinochromis với hai loài thỉnh thoảng được coi là loài lai do quá trình phối giống tạp giao[3] Chúng là những con cá cở nhỏ và trung bình với kích thước chừng 7–15 xentimét hoặc 2,8–5,9 inch). Mối quan hệ di truyền của Julidochromis được xác định không dễ dàng nhất là với Chalinochromis, những xét nghiệm ADN cho thấy Chalinochromis có quan hệ gần gũi với J. dickfeldiJ. ornatusJ. transcriptus, trong khi J. marlieriJ. regani thì quan hệ tương cận với Telmatochromis.

Các loài

Hiện hành có 06 loài được ghi nhận trong chi này:

Chú thích

  1. ^ Pierre Brichard (1989). Cichlids and All the Other Fishes of Lake Tanganyika. New Jersey: T.F.H. Publications. ISBN 978-0-86622-667-7.
  2. ^ a ă Ad Konings (1998). Tanganyikan Cichlids in their Natural Habitat. Cichlid Press. ISBN 978-0-9668255-0-3.
  3. ^ Julia J. Day, Simona Santini & Jaime Garcia-Moreno (2007). “Phylogenetic relationships of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribe Lamprologini: The story from mitochondrial DNA”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45 (2): 629–642. PMID 17416538. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.02.025.
  4. ^ Burgess, W.E. (2014): Julidochromis marksmithi, A New Species of Julidochromis from the Tanzanian Coast of Lake Tanganyika. Tanganika Magazyn, 15: 40-49.

Tham khảo

  • Barlow, G. W. (2002): The Cichlid Fishes - Nature's grand experiment in evolution. Basic Books.
  • Chủ biên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. (2008). Các loài trong Julidochromis trên FishBase. Phiên bản tháng September năm 2008.
  • Smith, M. P. (1998): Lake Tanganyikan Cichlids - a complete pet owners manual. Barron's Educational.
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Julidochromis: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Julidochromis là một chi cá hoàng đế trong phân họ Pseudocrenilabrinae của họ cá hoàng đế. Tên tiếng Anh thường gọi của chúng là julies, chúng là các loài bản địa của Hồ TanganyikaĐông Phi Nhiều loài cá trong chi này được ưa chuộng để nuôi là cá cảnh.

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Юлидохромисы ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Группа: Рыбы
Группа: Костные рыбы
Подкласс: Новопёрые рыбы
Инфракласс: Костистые рыбы
Надотряд: Колючепёрые
Серия: Перкоморфы
Подотряд: Губановидные
Семейство: Цихловые
Подсемейство: Pseudocrenilabrinae
Род: Юлидохромисы
Международное научное название

Julidochromis (Boulenger, 1898 год)

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 169949NCBI 8124EOL 15609

Юлидохромисы (лат. Julidochromis) — род рыб из семейства цихлидов и подсемейства Cichlasomatinae.



  1. Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 303. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
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Юлидохромисы: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Юлидохромисы (лат. Julidochromis) — род рыб из семейства цихлидов и подсемейства Cichlasomatinae.

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