
Nesomyrmex saasveldensis Mbanyana & Robertson

Taxonomic History

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Nesomyrmex saasveldensis Mbanyana & Robertson, 2008 PDF: 52, figs. 2a-c (w.) SOUTH AFRICA. Afrotropic. AntCat AntWiki HOL
California Academy of Sciences
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AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Fig. 2a -c

Description of worker

Holotype. HL 0.967, HW 0.810, HW1 0.895, CI 84, SL 0.674, SI 83, PW 0.639, ML 1.156, EL 0.216, EI 27.

Mandibles with longitudinal striations. Clypeus with strongly developed longitudinal striation laterally and smooth centrally except for median striation, which fades out at about half the length of the clypeus. Anterior clypeal margin convex in dorsal view. Scapes of moderate length (SI 83). Eyes large, with 16 ommatidia in the longest row. Head broad in full face view and the hind margin straight to shallowly convex. Promesonotum in profile convex and metanotal groove conspicuously impressed. Propodeal dorsum convex; declivity 20 degrees from vertical. Propodeum armed with a pair of triangular teeth. Metapleural lobes low and rounded. Anterior peduncle with an elongate triangular subpetiolar process. Petiolar node large and convexinprofile. Postpetiole roundedin profile and approximately same length as petiolar node. Dorsum of head with longitudinally rugulae, with cross-meshes in places. Surface between rugulae uneven and shiny with occasional fine irregular rugulae. Promesonotal dorsum rugo-reticulate. Propodeal dorsum with irregular rugulae and declivity with transverse rugulae. Petiolar node and postpetiole rugo-reticulate. Base of first gastral tergite with costulae and the remainder finely reticulate. All dorsal surfaces with scattered erect hairs, some of which are expanded and jaggered apically. The venter ofhead with nine straight hairs and two curved hairs. The gastral sternite with regularly spaced suberect fine hairs. Colour uniformly medium brown.

Paratypes. HL 0.919-1.006, HW 0.775-0.836, HW1 0.836-0.911, CI 82-89, SL 0.701-0.767, SI 85-94, PW 0.639-0.688, ML 1.163-1.266, EL 0.231-0.278, EI28-35 (6 of 14 measured).

Same as holotype except the following differences: Mesosoma and nodes either with short blunt hairs or with long fine acute hairs; pubescence present. The venter of head with 6-10 straight hairs and 2-5 curved hairs. Colour medium to dark brown.


Nesomyrmex saasveldensislooks similar to N. braunsi and N. simoni ; in all of them the dorsum of petiolar node is rugo-reticulate. Rugo-reticulate sculpture is usually also evident partially or completely on head and mesosoma. It is recognized from N. braunsi by the uniformly medium to dark brown colour (in N. braunsi mesosoma and nodes are rufous coloured, with a contrasting black head and gaster), smaller size (HW 0.775-0.836 versus 1.033-1.109), and armed propodeum (versus unarmed). N. saasveldensis is distinguished from N. simoni by having hairs on the propodeum.


No information available but probably collected infynbos.


So named because the holotype and the paratypes were collected from Saasveld near George.

Material examined

Holotype: South Africa: Western Cape: Saasveld, [33°57'S 22°32'E], March 1994, E. Breytenbach, Field # = WB238F, SAM-HYM-C007260.

Paratypes: South Africa: Western Cape: Saasveld, [33°57'S 22°32'E], March 1994, E. Breytenbach, Field # WB238F, SAM-HYM-C007259; Saasveld, [33°57'S 22°32'E], March 1994, E. Breytenbach, Field # WB42M, SAM-HYM-C 007261; Saasveld, [33°57'S 22°32'E], March 1994, E. Breytenbach, Field # WB147M, SAM-HYM-C007262; Saasveld, [33°57'S 22°32E], March 1994, E. Breytenbach, Field # WB227F, SAM-HYM-C007263; Saasveld, [33°57'S 22°32'E], March 1994, E. Breytenbach, Field # WB238F, SAM-HYM-C007264.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Mbanyana, N., 2008, Review of the ant genus Nesomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in southern Africa., African Natural History, pp. 35-55, vol. 4
Mbanyana, N.
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Plazi (legacy text)