Type Information
provided by EOL authors
Holotype: ♂, labelled: ICN-MHNOR01133. Santander, Gambita, Margen del río Luisito, 2600 m. 02/05/1983, col. Ricardo Sánchez. Depository: Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia (ICN).
Brief Summary
provided by EOL authors
Tiny or fairly small flightless tettigoniids with widened pronotal metazona, that entirely conceals in males the stridulatory area of the greatly reduced tegmina.
provided by EOL authors
Measurements: Length of body 17.5 mm, pronotum 15 mm, hind femur 17 mm.
provided by EOL authors
Santander, Gambita, Margen del río Luisito, 2600 m.
provided by EOL authors
Male (holotype). General coloration reddish brown, with some parts lighter, almost dark yellow: dorsal part of the tegmina, dorsal part of the abdomen and proximal part of the hind femur. With the cuticle surface irregular, not smooth.
Head. Narrow in lateral view, about half as long as the body; fastigium prominent and heart-shaped, evident in frontal view; antennomeres reddish brown.
Thorax. Pronotum very elongated, covering the stridulatory area of the tegmina and extending beyond it (in dorsal view of the specimen only a minute portion of the tegmina is visible), in lateral view reaching almost the same distance as the seventh abdominal tergite; with a large hunch at the base of the metazona; without distinct lateral edges which enhaces the rounded appearcance of the pronotum, and its hind margin rounded. Tegmina partially covered by the posterior part of the pronotum, very inflated, with a semi-circular lateral appearance; veins very broad with indistinct, short, and incomplete ramification. All veins are reddish brown and on the lateral portions only little protruding (in contrast to E. insaenze), the lateral portions of the tegmina are reddish brown, the dorsal portion of the left tegmen is yellowish, with protruding reddish brown veins. Middle femur with four ventral spines on the external edge; middle tibiae with mobile spines of approximately the same size: on the dorsal side with 4 internal and 2 external spines, ventrally with 6 internal and 5 external ones. Hind femur with 9 internal and 10 external ventral spines, internal and external genicular lobes with one spine, hind tibia with 9 spines on each dorsal edge.
Abdomen. Cerci broad and very pubescent, surface with rounded tubercles of varying size; the pointed tips curved outward; with an internal basal process with a spinule, from which extends a longitudinal furrow along the internal side of the cercus. Subgenital plate with a deep v-shaped incision.