台灣蝴蝶保育學會   cc-by-nc

Neptis philyra is a species of butterflies in the family brush-footed butterflies.

EOL has data for 14 attributes, including:

Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of Neptis philyra Ménétriés 1859. View this species on GBIF
Neptis philyraJapanese maplekudzublack locustVine MapleSawa HornbeamJapanese elmGrey-budded snake-bark-mapleTautoneura moriArchips violaErannis goldaColorful ZaleOtter SpiramaterRose TortrixHemlock LooperTrachys auricollisRyukyu Flying FoxCuretis acuta

Trophic Web

data from GloBI