Mera, Galicia, Spain
The Speckled Wood is a butterfly found in and on the borders of woodland areas throughout much of the palearctic ecozone.
Revine Lago, Veneto, Italy
Pararge aegeria
a Speckled Wood butterfly on a holly leaf in Summerfields Wood, this species tends to be highly territorial and will defend a patch of sunlight in a woodland
Furze Hill, England, United Kingdom
Elia, Crete, Greece
Pararge aegeria LINNAEUS, 1758 (Speckled Wood, Waldbrettspiel)Genus: ParargeSubfamily: Satyrinae (Augenfalter)Family: Nymphalidae (Edelfalter)Order: LepidopteraClass: InsectaPhylum: ArthropodaGermany, N-Hessen, vic. Waldeck (Edersee, Kellerwald NP), ca. 400-600m asl., 19.07.2011IMG_3414
Great Malvern, England, United Kingdom
Virazeil, Aquitaine, France
Castello D'Empuries, Catalonia, Spain
Ammelshain, Saxony, Germany
a Speckled Wood butterfly in beautifully bright and clean condition on an apple leaf at South Saxons
Briantspuddle, England, United Kingdom
Corcubin, Galicia, Espaa
Camin, Veneto, Italy
Vercana, Lombardia, Italia
The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Zaragoza: Aragn (Espaa)Orden: LepidopteraFamilia: Nymphalidae