Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Tachyta coracina (Putzeys)
Tachys coracinus Putzeys, 1875:739 [types in GCM and IRSN, not seen by me; type-locality: Sarawak, Borneo.]—Andrewes, 1925:165.
Tachys remotiporis Bates, 1892:290 [types in BMNH; type-locality: Kawkareet and Meetan, Tenasserim, (Burma)].— Andrewes, 1925:165.
DIAGNOSIS.—The nonreflexed pronotal lateral margins, concolorous dorsal surface, and lack of microsculpture are distinctive in the genus.
DESCRIPTION.—Form (Figure 2): Short and robust, dorsum convex. Pronotum transversely cordiform; elytra parallel-sided to apical third, then acutely convergent.
Color: Shining piceous dorsally, shiny rufous or rufopiceous ventrally. Appendages testaceous, except infuscated femora.
Head (Figure 10): Broad and short; frontal furrows moderately impressed and extended onto clypeus, each delimited laterally by prominent carina and convoluted depression adjacent to eye; eyes large and very prominent; monthparts as in Figure 16.
Pronotum (Figure 11): Broadly transverse, sides slightly sinuate basally, hind angles slightly obtuse; basal transverse impression deeply engraved and broadly interrupted at middle; disc convex to marginal bead, sides not reflexed.
Elytra (Figures 12, 14): Disc smooth with no trace of interneurs except 1, which is striate behind middle, and 8, which is slightly sulcate and entire; sides broadly reflexed; humerus broadly rounded to level of seta Ed3b; recurrent groove sulcate, deeply engraved, and parallel to side margin to level of Ed6b; lateral edge nonsetulose.
Microsculpture (Figures 10, 12): Generally absent. Traces present on labium, occiput, and scutellum.
Genitalia (Figures 6, 13): Male endophallus with two apical acute structures and a large basal C-shaped sclerite. Female stylus with two ventral spines and one dorsal spine on an arcuate and acute blade; blade with subterminal seta.
Size: Length, 1.90 to 2.56 mm; width, 0.86 to 1.12 mm, 8 specimens measured.
NATURAL HISTORY.—Numerous records indicate that these beetles live under or on the bark of logs. Specimens from Palawan (FMNH) are labeled “second growth forest” and others “original dipterocarp forest.” I have seen specimens collected in January, March, May through September, November; no teneral specimens seen. Altitudinally, these beetles are found between sea level and 1000 m.
DISTRIBUTION (Figure 15).—The range of this species extends from Assam and Burma east to the Philippines and south to New Guinea. This statement is based in part on Andrewes (1925:166), who gives the following localities: “Pegu, Tenasserim, Burma, Assam, Siam, Indo-China, Singapore, Malay Peninsula, and most of the large Malay Islands.”
- bibliographic citation
- Erwin, Terry L. 1975. "Studies of the subtribe Tachyina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiini), Part III: Systematics, phylogeny, and zoogeography of the genus Tachyta Kirby." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-68.