Description: English: Larsenianthus arunachalensis M. Sabu, Sanoj & T.Rajesh Kumar. A inflorescence B apical part of leaf sheath with ligule and petiole C inflorescence bract D bracteole E calyx F flower, lateral view G floral tube H labellum I lateral staminodes J anther, front, back and lateral views K unicellular branched hairs inside corolla tube L stigma and upper portion of style M base of flower, cut-way view to show style and epigynous nectaries N ovary, transverse section. Line drawing by E. Sanoj from plants in cultivation; voucher Sanoj & Rajesh Kumar 105640. Date: 1 November 2010. Source: 'Larsenianthus, a new Asian genus of Gingers (Zingiberaceae) with four species
10.3897/phytokeys.1.658. Author: W. John Kress, John Mood, Mamiyil Sabu, Linda Prince, Santanu Dey, E. Sanoj.