Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Phyllosticta dioscoreae Cooke, Grevillea6: 136. 1878
Septoria Dioscoreae Cooke, Hedwigia 17: 38. 1878.
Spots circular or subcircular in form, at first brownish, finally becoming whitish in the center, surrounded by a. dark-brown, slightly elevated rim, similar on both sides of the leaf but less distinct on the under surface, reaching a diameter of 5 mm. or rarely 1 cm.; pycnidia sparingly scattered over the infected spot, visible on both sides of the leaf, reaching a diameter of 120 fi; spores rather large, subglobose to ellipsoid, about 6 X 8-10 p. (according to Cook 3 X 8-10 fx).
On Diosco^eaceae:
Dioscorea villosa L., South Carolina, West Virginia. Type locality: South Carolina, on Dioscorea villosa. Distribution: West Virginia and South Carolina.
- bibliographic citation
- Fred Jay Seaver. 1922. PHYLLOSTICTALES; PHYLLOSTICTACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 6(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY