Image of Phyllosticta concava Seaver 1922
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Phyllosticta concava Seaver 1922

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Phyllosticta concava Seaver, sp. no v
Spots very variable in size, often reaching a diameter of several cm., cinereous or blackish the infected area much depressed and concave, with a strongly elevated rim, similar in appearance on both sides of the leaf-like stem, the infected tissue becoming very thin and often breaking out; pycnidia numerous, thickly scattered over the infected spot, reaching a diameter of 150-200 m; spores minute ellipsoid or rod-like, about 1-1.5 X 4 /x.
Causing large dead spots similar to those of Sphaerella Opuntiae Ellis & Ev.
On Cactaceae:
Opuntia sp., Bermuda. _
Type collected in Bermuda by Stewardson Brown, N. E. Britton, and Fred J. Seaver, November 29-December 14, 1912 (reported erroneously, Mem. N. Y, Bot. Gard. 6: 509, as P. Opuntiae Sacc. & Speg.)
bibliographic citation
Fred Jay Seaver. 1922. PHYLLOSTICTALES; PHYLLOSTICTACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 6(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora