
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Allodus rubicunda (Holway) Arthur & Orton
Puccinia rubicunda Holway, Ann. Myc. 2: 392. 1904.
0. Pycnia not seen.
1. Aecia chiefly epiphyllous, occurring singly or in loose groups of varying size, pulvinate, 0.2-0.6 mm. in diameter, opening by an apicular ostiole; peridium whitish, scarcely protruding above the overarching epidermis, erose; peridial cells rhomboidal, 16-20 by 32-40 ju, the outer wall 2-2.5 JU thick, smooth, the inner wall 2.5-4/1 thick, conspicuously verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ovoid, 19-23 by 23-29 fx; wall colorless, 2.5-3 /x thick, coarsely verrucose.
Telia epiphyllous, scattered, or in circinating groups around the aecia, or from the
old aecial cups, orbicular, about the same size as the aecia, rather early naked, epidermis opening
by an apical ostiole, pulvinate, slightly pulverulent, blackish-brown, overarching epidermis
conspicuous; teliospores broadly ellipsoid, 27-32 by 40-47 ju^ usually rounded at both ends,
rarely narrowed above, not constricted at septum; wall dark vinous-brown, 3-4 p thick, rather
coarsely tuberculate, usually uniform, rarely thickened to 6 ^ above and slightly paler, pores
2 in each cell near the septum; pedicel colorless, delicate, up to length of spore.
On Convolvtjlaceae:
Ipomoea fistulosa Mart., Veracruz. Type locality : Near Veracruz, Mexico, on Ipomoea sp., now determined as J. fistulosa. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
Joseph Charles Arthur, Herbert Spencer Jackson, Clayton Roberts Orton. 1921. (UREDINALES); AECIDIACEAE (continuatio); DICAEOMA ON CARDUACEAE; ALLODUS. North American flora. vol 7(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora