Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Pycnoporellus fibrillosus (Karst.) Murrill, Bull. Torrey
Club 32 : 489. 1905.
Polyporus fibrillosus Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 26 : 69. 1874. (Type from New York on
fallen wood.) '
Inonotus fibrillosus Karst. Bidr. Finl. Nat. Folk 37: 72. 1882. Polyporus Shiraianus P. Henn. Bot. Jahrb. 28 : 269. 1900. (Type from Japan ; on Abies.)
Pileus soft, spongy, fragile when dry, thin, sessile, dimidiate, imbricate, 3-5X6-8 X 0.5-1 cm.; surface anoderm, orange-colored, fribrillosetomentose, zonate, at times uneven and sodden in appeaf ance ; margin thin, subentire, tomentose, paler: context obscurely zoned, orange-colored, friable when dry, spongy and absorbing water when fresh, 3-5 mm. thick; tubes annual, 3-5 mm. long, pallid to orange-colored, mouths angular. irregular, 1-2 to a mm., edges very thin, pallid and entire when young, at length orangecolored and very lacerate : spores smooth, oblong, hyaline or pale-yellowish, 6-7 X 3-4 /t^.
Type locality ; Finland.
Habitat : Dead coniferous wood.
DiSTRiEUTiON : Northern North America, as far south as New York ; also in Europe and Asia.
- bibliographic citation
- William Alphonso MurrilI, Gertrude Simmons BurIingham, Leigh H Pennington, John Hendly Barnhart. 1907-1916. (AGARICALES); POLYPORACEAE-AGARICACEAE. North American flora. vol 9. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Pycnoporellus fulgens: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
Pycnoporellus fulgens is a species of fungus belonging to the family Fomitopsidaceae.
It is native to Eurasia and Northern America.
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