P. castaneo-rubra, laevis et impunctata; abdomine elongato-ovato, nodo elevato antice rotundato, postice truncate.
Female. Length 3 1/2 lines. Bright chestnut-red; the head smooth and impunctate; the head dusky before the ocelli; the mandibles serrated on their inner margin; the antennae about the length of the thorax, slightly thickened towards their apex. Thorax: the disk slightly fuscous; narrowed towards the metathorax, which is obliquely truncate, the truncation smooth and shining; the anterior margin of the prothorax rounded. The peduncle of the abdomen, viewed sideways, is wedge-shaped, its front margin slightly rounded, behind truncate; the abdomen elongate-ovate, pointed, and slightly pubescent at the apex.
Hab. Singapore.
Female. Length 3 1/2 lines.-Bright chestnut-red, smooth and impunctate: the head dusky before the ocelli; the mandibles serrated on their inner margin; the antennae as long as the thorax, slightly thickened towards their apex. Thorax widest in front, the disk slightly fuscous; the metathorax obliquely truncate, the truncation smooth and shining; the anterior margin of the prothorax rounded. The node of the peduncle rounded in front and truncate behind. Abdomen elongate-ovate, pointed and pubescent at the apex.
Hab. Singapore. (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.)