Image of Coelopleurus interruptus Döderlein 1910
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Coelopleurus interruptus Döderlein 1910

Diagnostic Description

provided by Echinoderms of Panama

The test is subcircular and has broad, straight edged, naked median interambulacral regions. These are brown, with each median region having a lilac zizag line that starts from the genital plate and continues to the ambitus. These naked median regions have white borders that continue to the ambitus. The adradial regions are red, the same colour as the median regions of the ambulacra. Primary spines are almost straight and robust in appearance, being distinctly triangular in cross-section. The primary spines are unbanded and uniformly dull purplish-red. The spine's collar is smooth either side of the central dorsal ridge, with a few longitudinal ridges on the ventral surface. Secondary spines are pointed, tapering distally (not club-shaped). Ophicephalous pedicellariae have constricted valves aborally, with distal and proximal regions of equal length. Oral ophicephalous pedicellariae have unconstricted valves.

This species has primarily been differentiated from other Recent Coelopleurus by the white borders of the naked median regions of the interambulacra. However, these appear to be very similar to those of C. (K.) vittatus. Both these species also have straight and robust primary spines (differentiating them from all other Recent Coelopleurus) indicating that they are likely to be closely related.

Coppard , Simon
Coppard , Simon
partner site
Echinoderms of Panama


provided by Echinoderms of Panama

South Africa

Coppard , Simon
Coppard , Simon
partner site
Echinoderms of Panama