Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Ocellularia concolor
Ocellularia concolor Meyen and Flotow, 1843:230.
TYPE-COLLECTION.—Manila, Philippines, Meyen (G, lectotype) (Figure 9j).
Thallus light grayish tan, dull, mostly hypophloeodal, forming colonies 3–4 cm broad; apothecia numerous, 0.8–1.1 mm in diameter, more or less emergent, apically carbonized, columella present, 0.2–0.3 mm wide; pore open, round to somewhat irregular, 0.3–0.5 mm in diameter, the rim black and the flat black columnar disc easily seen; hymenium 140μ high; spores 8, 5–7 loculate, 5μ–8μ × 13μ–20μ, I+ blue (Figure 9k).
CHEMISTRY.—No substances present.
HABITAT.—Lianas, saplings, base and lower trunk of trees in dense rain forest (300–370 m).
This easily recognizable species was first described from the Philippines and appears to be pantropical. The tannish hypophloeodal thallus and habitat are characteristic. There are no comparable species in this kind of habitat.
SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—8 (38167), 16a (37665), 16b (37801, 37809, 38075).
- bibliographic citation
- Hale, Mason E., Jr. 1974. "Morden-Smithsonian Expedition to Dominica: The Lichens (Thelotremataceae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-46.